Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1677: Hang everyone

Candidates can't bear this kind of waiting time, but the people on the viewing stage felt that it was very fast. A few minutes of things passed quickly.

Quietly, time came to the last minute without knowing it.

When a minute's time came, the top of the martial arts ladder finally became restless, and the figures rushed toward the top of the ladder in unison.

On the viewing stage, everyone looked at the scene in front of them, and they all stood up excitedly. The final impact positioning, which is strong and weak, can basically be judged.

Ziyuan and Lin Yun rushed out at the same time, following Chu Qianye.

The higher you go, the greater the pressure.

And Chu Qianye, after he crossed the sixth heavenly ladder, that huge oppression became more and more terrifying, but Chu Qianye did not immediately use martial arts cultivation to resist this martial arts oppression, because he felt that this was not him. After breaking through the limit, that was the effect he wanted most.

For others, this may be just a ranking competition, but for him it is more than that, because he wants to use this rare opportunity to test his martial arts limits and whether he can withstand much martial arts oppression.

Refining blood, bones, and tendons are now finally going to come in handy, just to see if they can really break through the limit. He doesn't believe that the limit is only the six-fold martial arts ladder, he wants to break through the seventh, or even eight!

Chu Qianye's figure rushed toward the front.

As I jumped up, the sense of oppression became stronger.

Everyone looked at Chu Qianye still not using the martial arts cultivation base to resist, and there was a surprised expression in their hearts.

Everyone watched him moving straight ahead, continuing to flicker, and couldn't help showing a surprised expression. The power of Chu Qianye's bloodline really shocked them.

At this moment, there is no martial arts cultivation base, just using martial arts, borrowing the power of blood to attack the martial arts ladder, this method and method is really shocking.

However, Yue Chen and Lin Wanxue showed expressions of disdain.

"Hehe, Sevenfold Martial Dao ladder, still want to use the power of blood to make the list? It's so arrogant!" Lin Wanxue sneered.

"It's just grandstanding. I want to use this method to attract everyone's attention." Yue Chen said lightly: "And it's just a ten-minute difference in the blessing of the hegemony. There is no need to fight for it. It is better to retain the strength."

In the words, there is a feeling of not being able to eat grapes and saying grapes are sour.

The masters looked at Chu Qianye and shook their heads slightly.

This is a martial ladder, not a messy ladder, or a martial ladder laid by the incarnation of heaven. Although the incarnation of heaven will lay this martial ladder according to the rules of heaven, the oppressive force of heaven is always there.

No matter how powerful the martial art is, it will always be unable to contend with the Dao of Heaven. And this kid actually wants to contend with his martial arts and heaven, which is tantamount to idiotic dream talk.

"This kid is so stubborn that he doesn't even use martial arts to cultivate his skills." Long Feili couldn't help but be surprised when he watched Chu Qianye's actions.

"Stubbornness is useless. In front of the martial ladder, without using martial arts, the seven-tier ladder is already quite terrifying, and the eight-tier ladder is simply impossible." Beast King Wankun said lightly.

Bu Qianchen didn't speak, his eyes flickered, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

In fact, he was still in awe.

He had seen Chu Qianye's methods.

Chu Qianye did what he thought was impossible, and his strength subverted his cognition. Therefore, he felt that Wan Kun and Long Fei's conclusions were too early.


Chu Qianye didn't stop.

He stared straight ahead.

This time, it didn't matter to him.

He is naturally happy when the ladder is high, but it doesn't matter if he can't rush up. This kind of overlord time blessing is always not much, and the difference is only a few minutes.

Team competition is the most important.

Because of this mentality, Chu Qianye continued to use the power of his blood to contend against the oppression of the martial arts. The powerful force swept across the sky, and the roaring martial arts power fiercely impacted him.

The bloodline power in Chu Qianye's body ran wildly, and the golden blood finally burned. The burning feeling made Chu Qianye feel that there was a powerful force in her body that was constantly violent. Increase.

Over time, this burning sensation became more and more intense.

The force of horror, swept over madly, seems to destroy his martial arts and destroy his willpower.

Chu Qianye didn't have any other thoughts. In his heart, he just wanted to completely rush to the ladder and try with the power of his own blood. It didn't matter if he failed.

The seventh and the twentieth ladder;

The seventh and twenty-first stairs;

The seventh floor and the twenty-second ladder.


Chu Qianye didn't stay, and there was no other person in his eyes, all he had was the ladder with the rungs in front of him.

Everyone was shocked watching Chu Qianye's carefree attitude.

Chu Qianye buried his head and continued to attack those steps.

Around his body, the power of the bloodline ran wildly, and the power of the bloodline overflowed, and it was covered with golden light for a short time, and the breath of amazing power was constantly roaring out.

Chu Qianye still didn't stay in the slightest.

And the other candidates had stopped at this time, their foreheads were sweating, and they were resisting the pressure of martial arts, violent power swept around frantically, the sound of bones.

Everyone looked in the direction of the black-clothed youth.

I felt a tingling scalp for a while.

They have stopped, but Chu Qianye hasn't stopped.

Ziyuan and Lin Yun also looked at this scene in surprise.

From the beginning to the present, it has been attacking the ladder with the power of blood!

And they, using martial arts to cultivate their bases, now they have begun to stop cooking, just waiting for the time to come.

Therefore, the difference in strength can basically be judged.

At this time, Wan Kun and Long Feili could no longer calm down, both of them raised their brows subconsciously.

And the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons frowned.

He, Chu Qianye, could rush up to seven levels and fifty ladders at most, but now he clearly exceeded his expectations.

Yingyue's dominating eyes flickered, revealing a shallow smile.

Chu Qianye's performance has made her very satisfied.

Seventh and eighty-one stairs;

Seventh and eighty-two stairs;

Seventh and eighty-three ladders.


The eighth step and the fiftieth ladder!

At this time, Chu Qianye had far surpassed most people.

In front of him, there were only three people, Wan Kun, Long Feili and Bu Qianchen, and only the last half minute was left!

During the whole process, Chu Qianye was calculating the time.

Since there is still half a minute left, let's continue the impact!

Chu Qianye spurred the blood, and continued to sweep forward.

Bu Qianchen watched Chu Qianye surpass himself.

No temper at all!

At this moment, Wan Kun and Long Feili frowned deeper.

None of them expected that Chu Qianye would rush to the eight-fold ladder with the power of blood!

Between them and Chu Qianye, there were only four steps left, that is, a distance of four hundred meters.

Three ladder gaps.

The gap between the two ladders.

A ladder gap.

Seeing that the gap became smaller and smaller, everyone's breathing became short.

And Wan Kun and Long Feili's confident and determined expressions finally became a little flustered.

Their figures continued to rush upwards almost simultaneously.

Chu Qianye unhurriedly followed behind him.

And when they reached the eighth level and fifty positions, the pressure had prevented them from moving forward, and even their knees had become bent due to the pressure of martial arts.

Where's Chu Qianye.

He still continued to move towards a higher ladder.

"I don't believe it!" Wan Kun took a deep breath, hurriedly tapped the sole of his foot, and rushed out again.

As soon as the soles of his feet fell off the stairs, Chu Qianye followed.

Everyone looked at this scene in shock.

The power of blood, the martial power of all candidates!

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