Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1678: Who is holding back?

"My God, when did the power of blood become so strong?"

Seeing this scene before them, everyone was stunned, looking at the three people in the competition stupidly, their hearts were shocked, like seeing an impossible thing.

For a while, the viewing stage was boiling.

"It's not that the bloodline is strong, but his bloodline is strong! It is impossible for a normal person to do it. This is a martial arts ladder. It is already close to the nine-layer ladder. It is almost impossible."

"It's too strong. Look at his soles. His whole body is as light as a swallow. Although those martial arts have a certain impact on him, you will understand why he is so tyrannical when you think about it carefully. His speed only slowed down after Seventh."


Looking at Chu Qianye towards the position of the Martial Dao ladder, continue to flash and rush away, everyone could not help showing horror. Everyone did not expect that Chu Qianye's strength would be so strong.

"Knock inside! I'm getting cold again. I lost so many merit points!"

"Brother, calm down, don't you know that there are so many bets, if you bet all of them, you will definitely earn it back."

"This kid is really abnormal. He rushed to the eightfold martial arts ladder with the power of his bloodline. If it were me, he would definitely not be able to do it."

"You said it was replaced by you."


On the viewing stage, watching Chu Qianye's such tyrannical strength, there was a lot of discussion for a while, and everyone's gazes at Chu Qianye finally changed slightly.

The masters also looked different at this time.

Martial arts talent does not represent strength, but this bloodline power is definitely part of strength. Although it is still in the category of talent, how many people can rely on bloodline power to forcefully break into the eightfold martial arts ladder?


And Chu Qianye did it, and also competed with Beast King Wankun and Long Feili. In the last ten seconds or so, who won the first place?

The people raised their heads and looked in the direction where they were, their breathing became hurried, and they looked at the three figures intently.

Long Feili finally couldn't move forward. He stood at the position of the eighty seventy-nine ladders. He raised his head and turned towards the remaining twenty-one ladders, with an unwilling expression on his face.

He couldn't continue to rush forward now, he had plenty of heart but lacked energy.

Wankun, the king of beasts, stared straight ahead. At this moment, he finally called out his martial soul, urging the power of blood in his body.

As for Chu Qianye, he still ignored it. In his eyes, he only had the last twenty ladders, so the power of the bloodline ran wildly in his body, that kind of amazing bloodline. Power, sweeping out of the sky, all around his body is covered with layers of golden blood power, and the boiling power of blood has reached a very powerful level.

Everyone looked at Chu Qianye, secretly surprised.

Chu Qianye didn't stop!

He continued to swipe forward!

This action immediately made all the melon-eating audiences who held their breaths boiled all of a sudden, they had already substituted themselves unknowingly, and felt that they were Chu Qianye.

Everyone's eyes flickered. He stared at the figure in front of him. After taking a deep breath, his fists in his sleeves were also slightly clenched.

At this moment, the Beast King Wankun was standing on the eighty-fifth ladder. He turned his head and looked at Chu Qianye who was resounding through the three ladders with him, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

For the three ladders, Chu Qianye would definitely not be able to catch up at a time. Even if he could catch up, he still had to have enough time, but the current time was definitely not allowed.

Therefore, this number one position, if nothing else, should be his.

It is said that there is no accident.

But at this moment, Chu Qianye, who had not taken any action, suddenly stared at the back of Beast King Wankun, showing a faint smile.

He began to rush towards the location of Beast King Wankun, and then appeared three steps away, behind him...

"Thunder has a big suction palm!"

Suddenly, Chu Qianye's palm suddenly produced a huge suction force, and the power of thunder roared out of his body in an instant, and the power swept through the mighty madly.

After a huge suction force formed on Chu Qianye's palm, the sole of his foot suddenly slammed, and the power of the bloodline worked in vain, and his figure slammed toward the top...

As for the Beast King Wankun, he hadn't expected that Chu Qianye would lay his hands behind him behind three steps.

This thunderous suction palm, he certainly didn't care about it when he changed it to normal, but now there are wolves before and tigers behind, he is already struggling to support the boundless and mighty force of martial arts oppression, and now it is because of Chu Qianye. , He was caught off guard.

As a result, his figure fell downward, and he got off two ladders at once.


The sole of his foot fell on the eighty-eighty-three ladder.

Then he was sent out of the ladder.

On the position of the stone pillar, his name flickered.

Seeing this scene before them, everyone showed a surprised expression. They originally thought that Chu Qianye and Beast King Wankun formed a kind of mastery, that is, they do not interfere with each other, and only rely on their own strength to attack this ladder. .

It's a pity that they were wrong. Chu Qianye had no such thoughts at all, or they were just unilateral wishes.

Chu Qianye finally made a move, and rushed up again with strength.

Eighty eighty-two stairs!

Eighty eighty-three stairs!

Eighty-four stairs!

When everyone saw this scene, there was a dead silence, and there was no sound.

Those so-called "trash trio" no longer sounded.

Master of Ten Thousand Demons, the face at this time is as ugly as it is. He said that it was impossible a moment ago. As a result, Chu Qianye took advantage of his strength to rush to the ladder the next moment, and also pulled down his candidate. Such a result is too hurt for them.

It should be understood that Chu Qianye did not use martial arts at all, only used the power of blood!

Everyone looked at Chu Qianye with complex expressions on their faces.

At this moment, Ziyuan and Lin Yun looked at this scene, also a little dumbfounded.

"Master Chu..." Ziyuan said stupidly, but didn't say anything in the end.

"With the power of blood, rushed to the top!" Lin Yun added.

Ziyuan swallowed viciously.

Hold back?

Now the two of them recalled the words they had said earlier, and could not help but feel their faces hot.

Now they are dragging their feet.

Sure enough, it's true. Some words really can't be said too full, otherwise the cruel facts and results will be fought back fiercely, which may make it difficult to look up, quite embarrassing and embarrassing!

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