Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1681: Determine opponent

Chu Qianye knew very well in her heart that the real overlord's battle was about to begin, and who could control the overlord would be revealed.

According to the rules, as long as one person can persist to the end, he will win, the group will qualify and enter the winner group, and the blessing time of the hegemony will be a huge distance from the loser group.

After ten years of sharpening a sword, Frost Blade has never tried.

Today, Shijun, who has any injustice.

Hardened for so long, from the small Chishui County to the current battle for supremacy in the Great Wilderness, this will be the biggest battlefield and the biggest stage.

For today, to be a blockbuster!

For today, to be able to rectify your name!

The palm of Chu Qianye's sleeves became more and more trembling for clear reasons, and he tried very hard to restrain the emotions in his heart.

Either the Hunting Soul Palace or the Wushi.

During this period, he was suppressed for too long, too long!

As for those'them', Chu Qianye also doesn't know the identity of these people now.

He owed girl Li Ling an account, a very solemn, shocking, powerful, and domineering account.

In the past few years, the Li family really didn't expect to be so stubborn, and did not respect the choice of Li Ling at all, and even imprisoned her.

As for the marriage between the Li family and the eldest son of the master of the world of mountains and seas, it is their business. It has nothing to do with Li Ling's girl, and has nothing to do with Li Yuexing and Li's father. Not only that, even people like Heibo speak for themselves, and they have to ask for it. Competitiveness is.

Therefore, this battle is very important, Chu Qianye even regarded it as more important than his own life.

After taking a deep breath, Chu Qianye tried her best to calm herself down.

Faced with the previous difficulties and humiliation of the Ten Thousand Demon Lord, this feeling was quite uncomfortable. He was suppressed to the extreme. If it weren’t because he hadn’t broken through yet to gain the Domination status, he would definitely fight the Ten Thousand Demon Lord this time. one time.

Master Yingyue helped herself so much, and he couldn't live up to her expectations of him.

The blood moon rules. The same is true.

Too many people care about him and have helped him so much. Today, no matter what, he has to exert his due strength and level, and there is no need to continue to suppress his strength.

There are so many people on the side waiting to laugh at themselves, the representative of the eldest son of the mountain and sea world is bound to come to see him jokes, and on the one hand, he is bound to investigate his strength.

This time, no matter what, I have to be shocked and shocked, take out my true strength and level, fight back fiercely, knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger, let them understand that they are not counseling, nor are they silent, but choose the right time to burst out Own strength.

Now, he thinks this is the most suitable time!

To the Sixteen Great Wilderness, to the Profound Qi Continent, declare his own existence and declare his determination.

I don’t want this day to be able to cover my eyes, I don’t want this place to blind my heart, I want all living beings to understand my intentions, I want all the Buddhas to disappear!

After today, his name will be resounding in this world!

After today, his name will shake the powerhouses of heaven and earth!

He closed his eyes and felt the burning intent in his body. Although he was trying to control it, he had a ray of intent to fight and swept out frantically.

Ziyuan and Lin Yun were surprised secretly in their hearts, and they naturally felt Chu Qianye's strong fighting will. Although he was extremely restrained, they still deeply shocked them.

What was completely different from the previous ones was that they now felt Chu Qianye's strength. From martial arts talents to cross martial arts ladders, and making suggestions, they were all the best choices, and no one else could predict it.

Chu Qianye's strength, as well as his resourcefulness, are quite terrifying, can such a person be poor in strength?

They don't believe it.

Before they knew it, they had sincerely admired Chu Qianye.

Therefore, after they inadvertently felt Chu Qianye's intent to fight, they also faintly looked forward to it.

Chu Qianye's bloodline power is already so powerful, although the bloodline power can only be said to be part of his strength, these powers are still quite terrifying.

It is estimated that they will not be able to do it. They can cross the ladder of martial arts with the power of their blood. They are either crazy or fools.

Obviously, Chu Qianye belongs to the former. He is a terrible lunatic, and I don’t know how mad he can be while fighting.

Because the candidates draw lots and let the eight teams behind, it has nothing to do with them. They are the part of the people drawn.

At this moment, Lin Wanxue and Yue Chen swept their gazes lightly, they looked at Chu Qianye, and there was a faint feeling of thinking about Chu Qianye at any time.

For these people's gaze, Chu Qianye naturally felt it, but he didn't care. He didn't want to pay more attention to these people's gazes.

At this time, other candidates were actually observing secretly, weighing in their hearts, and thinking about the opponents they might encounter, their strengths, and what strategies they might use later.

When these people were thinking about this, the eight teams at the bottom finally sent their representatives to draw lots.

The last eight teams are from the ruler of the sun, the thunder, the nine profound, the Taibai, the Tianhuang, the Zhenwu, the Gochen, and the Lu Shang.

Eight people, looking at the area directly in front of the purple-covered mist, once they draw lots, they will determine their opponents and the probability of victory. If you meet the strongest team, it is basically impossible Win.

Therefore, many people are secretly praying in their hearts not to draw lots to meet the strongest team.

"Don't hesitate, draw lots one by one, don't come at the same time." The Taoist Qingpao vomited lightly.

After the words were over, the eight representatives finally walked out of one person, indeed from the candidate dominated by the Thunder.

The green robe Taoist flicked his fingers, and three jade slips flew out of the purple mist.

The jade slip fluctuated, and the three auras and their names appeared. They were the three candidates dominated by Thunder.

"It's time to draw lots." Taoist Qingpao said lightly.

The palm of the man grabbed the purple-covered mist.

Seeing this person's movements, everyone's breath condenses slightly.

This jade slip will determine which opponent they encounter first.

Now the gambling round has not yet opened, and even the odds have not been worked out. These can only be determined after the group draws lots.

Therefore, the betting people stared at the jade slips.

The man also took a deep breath, and a jade slip was immediately taken out by him.

He shook his palm and opened the jade slip.

I only felt that the jade slip was shocked, and the breath also appeared.

When he saw that name, his expression changed.

The green robe Taoist flicked his finger, and the two jade slips in the purple mist flew out.

The breath also appeared.

And two names also appeared in everyone's sight: Bu Qianchen and Long Feili!

Everyone's expressions were startled, and they looked at the jade slip in that person's hand.

It is the jade slip of Wankun, the king of beast!

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