Everyone's expressions were startled, they didn't expect that this person would have drawn Wan Kun's jade slip.

Almost everyone, seeing this scene, showed a look of surprise on their faces, obviously they did not expect this person's luck to be so unlucky.

The man looked at the jade slip he had drawn, and his face suddenly changed drastically.

At this time, the other two candidates looked at the jade slips drawn from this space with a look of bewilderment, and they were obviously surprised and surprised at this result.

Everyone's expressions could not help but change drastically.

The candidate dominated by the Ten Thousand Demons is recognized as the strongest trump card team. They didn't expect that they would win the jade slip as soon as they were drawn. This chance is really rare.

However, it is no longer possible to go back in time and let him choose again.

This may be the destined thing in heaven.

The person murmured secretly in his heart, and the face of the Thunder Lord also changed slightly. This meant that his candidate basically could not enter the top eight. For such a result, it was obviously difficult for him to accept.

But fortunately, he is also a person who has experienced strong winds and waves. Although he was drawn in such a result, he was not panicked or panicked, but frowned.

In this way, he will miss the first eight.

The Thunder Lord sighed secretly in his heart.

"Next." Taoist Qingpao vomited lightly.

Then there is the candidate for the ruler of Jiu Xuan.

The draw was a woman in a white robe, who didn't talk much, and didn't have a little girl's mood. As soon as she appeared, she grabbed it toward the purple mist, and then a space jade slip appeared in her hand.

The two jade slips automatically rushed out of the mist covered by the purple awn.

As the light dissipated, the name on the jade slip appeared.

The winner is the candidate for Cangming's rule.

This result obviously gave the two masters a sigh of relief.

The two candidates were equal in strength and did not meet the strongest team, otherwise they would really be as cool as the Thunder dominates. This result is very satisfactory to each other.

"Mr. Chu, the girl just now is called Bai He, and she is also very strong." Ziyuan said, "I once witnessed her sword skills with my own eyes. To be honest, it is also very powerful, and the sword intent is very floating..."

Chu Qianye nodded lightly, there was also this white crane in the intelligence, but he didn't care too much about the swordsmanship.

Not to mention the Profound Qi Continent, but the Sixteenth Wilderness he really deserved to pass.

Because of his swordsmanship, he is now striving towards returning to innocence, and it won't take long to step into this realm, but it will be sooner or later.

Subsequently, other candidates also began to draw lots.

Xing Axe dominates the candidate VS Taibai dominates the candidate.

Gou Chen dominates the candidate VS Tianhuang dominates the candidate.

Zhenwu dominates the candidate VS Lu Shang dominates the candidate.

Blood Moon dominates the candidate VS Zhenwu dominates the candidate.

In the last group, almost no drawing is needed to know who it is.

Everyone looked at the direction where Chu Qianye and others were at almost the same time.

"The sun is dominating." Ziyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

The candidates dominated by the sun are not so powerful, so they relax. If they deal with other super-strength candidates, they will really cry.

In an instant, the hanging hearts of Ziyuan and Lin Yun fell.

For them, this result is still acceptable.

Seeing the two secretly relieved, Chu Qianye wanted to laugh all of a sudden.

These two people, it seems that they should also be very afraid of encountering strong opponents.

However, for him, there is no strong opponent at all, and many people are tasteless opponents to him.

So Chu Qianye didn't care at all.

However, this sun dominator is really Yuanjia Luzhao, and Yingyue dominates the previous mutual conflict. These candidates are obviously also aware of them. To a certain extent, the two sides have confirmed that their eyes are the opponent, the opponent that their own dominator wants to eradicate.

Therefore, when the two sides heard this result, they were already gearing up, ready to fight on the battlefield to eliminate the other party.

However, Chu Qianye obviously didn't take it seriously, especially when Ziyuan and Lin Yun were secretly relieved, he wanted to laugh.

He has already seen the strength of the candidates dominated by the sun. To say whether they are strong or not, it can be said that they are better than the ordinary Dao Sage, but when I met him, there was really nothing that caught his attention.

The opponents he was looking forward to were actually Long Feili and Beastmaster Wankun, so he didn't take those people seriously.

At this time, the draw finally came to an end.

Now that the opponent has been determined, the next match will be the most important link. Everyone understands that this will be an important link in the entire Wilderness Competition.

However, the Taoist Qingpao didn't seem to want the game to begin immediately.

He vomited lightly: "Now that the lottery has been completed, everyone, candidates, take a rest and resume, and continue with the competition later when the day is dawn and calm."

When this remark came out, everyone was secretly surprised.

But others seem to know that this is the norm.

One night is said to give the candidates full time to recover, but it is just a buffer, so that all parties can calm down, think and digest.

In fact, this kind of result is good for many people, but for Chu Qianye, this kind of rest is optional, and he even feels that it is fine without rest.

However, since this was what the incarnation of Heaven said, he could not refute it.

With a wave of the palm of the Qingpao Taoist, nine tall peaks appeared, and countless temples and Taoist temples appeared in the distance. On the viewing platform, as well as the positions of the candidates, there were arrays. The law appeared.

"These formations lead to the Nine Wrath Mountain." The Taoist Qingpao spit out lightly: "At dawn, please be sure to get here, otherwise you will be punished!"

Facing the dignity of the Taoist Qingpao, everyone was shocked.

This person speaks with supreme oppression, even though they know that the person in front of them does not really exist, but he does seem to exist.

This is the way of heaven, and he punishes it, it is the punishment of heaven, and the power of punishment is quite terrifying.

Of course, other means may be used to punish, but no matter what means, it may be really scary.

and so. No matter what it is, it is a terrible existence, and it is best not to be late.

"Master Chu, let's go. It is said that this Nine Fury Mountain is very mysterious. Although there is only one night, if you make good use of it, you may have a great opportunity to break through." Ziyuan said, obviously for This Nine Wrath Mountain is very understanding.

Seeing the formation, Chu Qianye nodded lightly, and immediately followed the candidates.

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