Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1869: Fight for the Sacred Bones

Regardless of whether it was the Great Master of Star Reaching, or the Great Lord of Pill Star, as well as Fairy Xinyue and Emperor Sheng Yan, everyone's eyes looked towards the colorful altar at almost the same time.

At the location of the colorful altar, light bursts with light, and a breath of magical movement swept out wildly. Everyone looked at that location and suddenly took a deep breath.

At the position of the colorful altar, the inscriptions on the shrine had become dim at this time, and the holy bones were completely revealed.

Seeing this scene before him, everyone's breathing became extremely heavy at this moment.

It was an extremely terrifying mood wave. At this moment, everyone's pupils suddenly contracted. This kind of supernatural power made people extremely excited.

This is the fluctuation of Shenyuan!

No one is unaware of this fluctuation.

In an instant, everyone was excited.

The first shot was Emperor Sage Yan.

His soles slammed a little, and his figure swept towards the colorful altar. With a slap of his palm, a palm print of flames whizzed towards the colorful altar.


A dull sound swept out fiercely, and on the colorful altar, the light shone for a while, but it no longer had the super defensive power as before. After all, it was bearing the impact of the self-detonation of the mountain and sea realm master. Most of the defense power has been broken.

But this time, with a palm print of Emperor Sheng Yan's hand, the colorful altar was smashed in a moment, and the horrible power swept across the mighty and fiercely impacted the colorful altar.

The astonishing power of destruction violently hit the colorful altar.


At this moment, there were cracks in the colorful altar, and the pupils of the people suddenly shrank at this moment.

This means that the defensive power of this colorful altar is estimated to be unable to withstand the terrifying destruction.

And the Holy Bone will also live! !

Everyone raised their heads, looked at the area, and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

The horrible aura of the Holy Bone swept out wildly, and the surging divine power made people look crazy.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were all filled with blood red by the color of greed!

There was a crazy color in everyone's eyes!

Everyone, in this moment, became mad. They rushed out with a touch of their soles, and in the blink of an eye they rushed to the colorful altar.

The strong man who dominates the realm is also feeling this fascinating aura at this time, and can no longer hold it back.

The master of the star picker and the master of the pill star, the two of them also teleported out, swept in the direction of the sacred bone, only Fairy Xinyue, her expression hesitated a little, then raised her head, Looking at the area where Chu Qianye was located.

For a moment, she was stunned, because Chu Qianye was not in a hurry to make a move. She didn't think that Chu Qianye was not interested in this sacred bone. The methods that Chu Qianye revealed before made her a little surprised. She felt this matter. , It may not be that simple...

And her pause just happened to save her life.

Because at the moment when many masters shot, everyone rushed to the front of the colorful altar. When they were about to shot, the Emperor Sage Yan suddenly raised his head, and a monstrous flame immediately swept across the sky. Out.

That piece of void was instantly covered by a terrifying mysterious fire.

Those masters who hadn't had time to respond were instantly burned into nothingness by this flame.

At this time, the two masters of the star catcher and the master of the pill star responded promptly and teleported out of the area.

The two of them looked at the area with very ugly faces.

Emperor Sheng Yan is very strong. When they were fighting with him, they had never seen him perform nirvana, but they felt that they could not withstand his fierce offensive.

This time the emperor Sacred Yan used this trick, the strength is very terrifying, such a terrible destruction power, fiercely swept out of the mighty, wherever it reaches, the void collapses at this moment...

Those powerhouses who dominated the realm were annihilated in an instant, disappearing in this space, and their screams echoed in the sky.

In the distance, those strong masters who were about to take a shot saw this scene, their pupils suddenly contracted, and took a deep breath.

This level of martial arts cultivation is really too powerful, if they just shot too fast, they will also be buried!

That Xuan Huo came quickly and went faster.

In the blink of an eye, the ground had been burned to black, and the location of the altar was also distorted and cracked by the power of this mysterious fire.

The star-picking master and the pill-star master had different expressions in their eyes, and their eyes flickered, showing that they were still thinking about this holy bone, and they were extremely concerned about it.

Upon seeing this, Chu Qianye couldn't help but smile secretly.

These guys are obviously very concerned, but their faces are pretending to be deep, and they don't plan to shoot.

It's nothing more than being afraid of losing money.

Chu Qianye didn't care. He looked at the location of the altar. He knew very well in his heart that this inscription could not be so simple. After all, this is a sacred formation, even after experiencing the impact of the great master's self-detonation. Waiting for defense is still not to be underestimated.

Therefore, Chu Qianye didn't think that this sacred formation would collapse so soon.

He embraced his arms and watched with interest the Emperor Sheng Yan breaking through his defenses.

There is not so much idle time for the master of star picking and master of pill star.

At this time, the Starfall Realm Master seemed to have recovered his sanity, but when he crawled out of the pit, his face paled and his chest cracked.

Before the world master of the mountain and sea world blew himself up, he didn't know it at all, so he had no time to defend. Fortunately, he still had those inscriptions, so he also saved a life, although he was seriously injured.

However, as the altar was breached for defense, the light of those inscriptions dimmed, and the landlord of the Starfall Realm also regained his freedom.

He raised his head and looked around blankly.


After he came out of the pit, he coughed violently.

He looked around slightly blankly, his face full of surprise.

Here, what happened before?

There was a pain in his brain, and he suddenly raised his head, only to see that the surrounding area had been razed to the ground by the energy storm and completely turned into a deep pit. He raised his head and finally stared at the altar, only to see the emperor's holy flame. Shot, ready to attack that defensive array.

What about the rest?

This person...

Uh, this is Emperor Zun Sheng Yan? !

His eyes widened and his face was unbelievable.

Maybe it's because he has gained a lot of wisdom. This time he didn't make a move rashly. Instead, he looked around and finally saw Qianye and others clearly. At this time, he didn't make a move.

And there are fewer people!

He did not notice the presence of the realm master of the mountain and sea.

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