Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1870: Fighting for the Holy Bone (2)

Suddenly, he looked around and looked at this pit, as if he had come to his senses.

How did this deep pit appear? !

When did the Lord of the Mountain and Sea Realm not see the figure?

He was not a fool for such obvious things, so he knew the situation soon.

The master of the mountain and sea world, his feelings have exploded.

In the end what happened? Obviously he rushed over, preparing to fight for the sacred bone, but suddenly felt a huge oppressive force surging forward, and the power of destruction, thinking about it now, makes people feel terrified.

He raised his head and looked at the area.

At this time, Emperor Sheng Yan, he was still preparing to break through that defense.


His figure swept out of the sky and soon appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone looked at his embarrassed appearance, and their faces couldn't help showing a touch of consternation.

At this time, the Star Meteorite Realm Lord had already been severely injured by the previous self-detonation of the Mountain Sea Realm. It seemed that the injuries he suffered now would be difficult to recover for a while.

At this moment, Emperor Sheng Yan also seemed to feel the defense of the divine formation. It was not a normal metamorphosis. It was obvious that the defense had been impacted, and there was a vague feeling of cracking, but no matter how hard he used it, there was still a certain amount of breaking away. difference.

At this time, he also woke up, why Chu Qianye and others didn't make a move, but instead stood aside, waiting for him to make a move. The feelings these guys had already expected it.

His face was slightly cold, he raised his head, looked at the people in the void, and said for a long while: "Are you going to stand by and watch?"

Chu Qianye couldn't help but smile. He knew that Emperor Zun Sheng Yan's full blow would surely be able to break through the last defense, but the reason why he didn't make a move must be his thinking. He should know the current situation, even He, I am afraid he can't say that this holy bone is his. After all, so many masters are watching, once the defense breaks open, other people will naturally take action.

Therefore, he can only retreat and choose to cooperate with Chu Qianye and others.

Because it breaks through the defense together, it is not afraid of being slapped by other people, and it is relatively fair. After all, with the means of these people, after the defense is broken, they will definitely have the opportunity to attack, and can maximize To narrow the distance with the opponent.

At close range, offense and defense are actually easier, so this state is indeed quite good for them.

Chu Qianye smiled non-committal.

"The defense should be broken. With your strength, it should be very easy." Chu Qianye said lightly.

Hearing the sound, Di Zun Sheng Yan's face suddenly sank.

He naturally knew what Chu Qianye meant, that is, he had strength, but he just wanted to retain his strength.

Emperor Sheng Yan did not hide his intentions either.

"Of course you can break through this defense, but you won't fight with me?" He sneered: "So, it is fairer to break through this defense together, and you will fight by your own ability."

Chu Qianye smiled softly.

"I thought so at the beginning, but you seem to be very anxious, so I want you to try it. It seems that with your strength, it seems that you can't break this defense." Chu Qianye said, like There is a mockery.

Emperor Sheng Yan's face suddenly sank when he heard these words. He didn't expect Chu Qianye to speak so sharply, but he just snorted and didn't argue with Chu Qianye.

They said so, but they did not neglect.

The power of terrifying stars swept out of their bodies madly.

At this time, the realm master of the star world, he raised his head.

"Count me," he said.

At this time, all fools know that this is a rare opportunity. This is the holy bone. If the holy bone is obtained, there is hope to condense the gods and obtain the gods. That is the biggest opportunity for a strong rise.

The people didn't say anything, but they already had calculations in their hearts.

Chu Qianye seemed to know the calculations in these people's hearts, and he suddenly showed a faint smile.

He naturally knows these guys' thoughts now. It seems that everyone has acquiesced to join forces. In fact, this is also for profit. If the defense breaks open, they will definitely make an effort at the last moment.

At that time, it was an endless rhythm.

Although Chu Qianye didn't say anything, he already had some cares in his heart. He knew what was going on next and what the general direction was.

"Well, we all work together to try to break this defense all at once!" said the Great Ruler of Pill Star.

Immediately, several figures swept toward the location of the altar.

The shrine on the altar now has no inscriptions, so if this happens, they don't have the power of control, so they can take action with peace of mind.

The previous situation was obviously caused by these inscriptions, but now that the inscriptions have dimmed, the next thing is much easier.

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes suddenly flickered.

Immediately, several people looked at the defensive inscription.

At this time, this divine formation seemed to have lost its defensive power. As long as they took action, this defensive divine formation would soon fall apart, and the sacred bones in the shrine would naturally be able to compete!

"Okay, I hope everyone won't keep it. The scholars who try to break this defensive formation at one time have no opinion?" Emperor Sheng Yan looked around and said lightly.

Although everyone didn't speak, they knew each other well that once they broke through the formation, it would be hard to tell what happened afterwards. Everyone knew that it was impossible to make a full shot.

These words are nothing more than comfort. You still have to keep a hand to prevent sneak attacks.

However, everyone did not say anything, just nodded slightly.

"Okay, do it!" Di Zun Sheng Yan said suddenly.

After the words were over, everyone immediately took action.

The power of horror immediately swept out of their bodies fiercely.

The powerful force of destruction roared away fiercely.

"Boom! Boom!!!"

In an instant, Chu Qianye, Fairy Xinyue, Master of Star Reaching, Master of Starfall, and Emperor Sage Yan, all the masters shot at the same time.

The terrifying power suddenly roared towards that formation.

In an instant, that formation burst out with dazzling light.


The terrifying force shattered the void fiercely!


At this moment, the formation was severely hit, and then collapsed.

The altar at this time, finally all cracked!

The formation disappeared into nothingness.

And that shrine was exposed in front of everyone.

The sacred bone above emits a dazzling light! !

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