Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1908: Stable repair

With a move from the palm of his hand, Chu Qianye held the red war knife tightly in his hand, and an invisible sense of oppression swept out of the war knife. The feeling was very terrifying, and there was a feeling of lingering fear.

Feeling this shocking weather fluctuation, Chu Qianye couldn't help taking a deep breath.

This sword is extremely sharp and far more terrifying than his Promise Divine Sword. Chu Qianye can clearly feel the difference between the two. It is like a sky and an underground. This huge difference completely changed his perception. Come to town.

"Terror, is this the innate sacred weapon?" Chu Qianye thought to himself.

He has naturally seen the sacred artifacts, but those are acquired sacred artifacts, which can't be compared with the innate sacred artifacts. Now that he holds this sword tightly, the gap can be felt, and there is no need to use it.

Moreover, the weight of this sword is very terrifying, at least ten thousand catties, tightly held in the hand, the sense of heaviness is extremely strong, Chu Qianye can clearly feel the sense of oppression.

If this sword is well controlled, it might kill the gods like a dog.

After taking a deep breath, Chu Qianye closed his eyes and carefully felt the power fluctuations in his body. Chu Qianye couldn't help but shook his head slightly. This kind of innate sacred artifact is best not easy to show, otherwise it will be attracted. Come to kill the disaster, when the time comes, the blood and blood are indispensable.

A move in Chu Qianye's heart, separated the mighty energy from the surrounding area from the sword in front of him, and Chu Qianye put it into the Qiankun Ring.

Feeling the fluctuation of this power, Chu Qianye couldn't help taking a deep breath.

This innate sacred artifact is really terrifying, this kind of shocking combat power can be felt through the void, the kind of crazy fluctuations, the endless boiling and pervasiveness, the fluctuations of the breath, I think it is very Throbbing.

After Chu Qianye put the sword into the Qiankun Ring, he immediately raised his head and looked towards the void. A sense of oppression of nothingness immediately surged violently. The oppression of that breath made him I feel a tingling scalp.

Divine Tribulation!

Chu Qianye's face changed slightly. This sense of oppression meant that his divine calamity was likely to come in the near future. At that time, when the extradition came, he had to cross the calamity, and the triumph was successful. After that, he ascended to the God Realm.

"It seems that the matter must be resolved as soon as possible. I hope that the matter on the Profound Qi Continent behind the Dragon Gate can be settled properly." Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

Now that the people of Shenwu Sect are in the Profound Qi Continent, it is definitely not safe for him to leave. With the despicable means of these people, the Longmen will not be peaceful after he leaves, unless he can clear the people of Shenwu Sect as soon as possible, or disturb the gods The Shenwu Sect was uneasy, so they wouldn't have so much energy to spare.

However, for safety's sake, I still had to deal with the matters on the Profound Qi Continent before I could leave, and at this time, the people of Emperor Zhenyao must have also taken action, just don't know where the people of Emperor Zhenyao are.

Chu Qianye felt a bit oppressive in his temples, and it was also very strong. This oppressive feeling made him feel very helpless.

It seems that I am not quite comfortable with my current state, and I have to solve these problems as soon as possible.

Chu Qianye looked at the two women, Zhang Tianqi and Wang Yuyan still did not move, Chu Qianye felt helpless, he entered the secret space again, and everyone else was about the same, all immersed in improving his martial arts cultivation.

Chu Qianye glanced at the two girls again, and shook his head helplessly.

It seems that he is here, it is really boring, it doesn’t make much sense to continue to consolidate the martial arts, unless he goes to other markets, but he is afraid that after he leaves, if there is an accident between the two girls, he can’t be in time. Arriving here, then I really regret it.

Chu Qianye groaned for a moment, arranging formations and space barriers, and let the clone stay to protect him. After doing this, Chu Qianye breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, it was almost the same. Unless it was a god-man who came here, no one could destroy his formations and enchantments, and he would be able to rush here at that time. After all, there were still formations.

There is no way. In order to improve his strength, he still has to go to the nearby ruins realm. It is no longer suitable for him to practice. This kind of small ruins realm is completely meaningless. Even if he has been practicing here for thousands of years, it is estimated that his strength It may not be able to improve much.

Therefore, considering this relationship, Chu Qianye finally rushed towards the area directly in front, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

The market realm he went to was a realm nearby, and it was also a place where he felt that the dynamic aura fluctuated greatly, and Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

It seems that such a ruins realm should have a richer spiritual essence, and he can absorb more spiritual essence here and stabilize his martial arts cultivation.

Chu Qianye thought to himself.


Chu Qianye's figure appeared on a ruins realm, and the surroundings of this rumor realm had a terrifying aura. Chu Qianye could feel the fluctuating aura of this supernatural movement, faintly already roaring and roaring away continuously.

Looking at the market world in front of him, Chu Qianye couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

The fluctuations of this kind of spirit are very terrifying, and are obviously much stronger than those on the Profound Qi Continent. Chu Qianye can feel the waves of this wave of waves sweeping across a long distance.

"Tsk tsk, the fluctuation of this spirit is much stronger than that on the Profound Qi Continent. Find a place where the Profound Qi is concentrated to practice. It won't be long before my martial arts cultivation level should be able to completely stabilize." Chu Qianye looked at the area directly in front and said.

Now that he is in the early stage of the god-man realm, if no surprises, he should be able to reach the bottleneck within a year and break through to the middle stage of the god-man realm.

The higher the martial arts cultivation level, the harder it is to improve. He is almost here, because he has the emperor rank technique, and he has a lot of martial arts supernatural powers. Mid-term.

This is normal. If Chu Qianye goes to the extreme, he can also be promoted to the middle stage of the god-man realm within six months.

Chu Qianye raised his head, his perception spread, covering the ruins of the ruins, and he clearly felt that the location of the huge fluctuating spirit was actually in an extremely narrow and long abyss.

Chu Qianye was shocked secretly in her heart. This long and narrow gap in the abyss is probably not simple. In addition to those divine aura fluctuations, there are other auras trapped in it. When his perception enveloped the past, these auras obviously didn't feel very good. thorough.

It may be that these breaths know their existence, so they are hidden, or it may be other reasons.

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