Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1909: Zhang Tianqi breakthrough

Chu Qianye hit the sole of his foot, and his figure rushed in that direction, disappearing in front of his eyes in the blink of an eye, and his figure had appeared in another sky in the next moment.

In front of his eyes, it was the long and narrow crack, and the bottomless hole in it was constantly surging with a breath of terrifying power, which was an extremely strong breath of movement.

Chu Qianye's figure flickered and entered the bottomless narrow crack, feeling the aura of terrifying power surging in it, Chu Qianye couldn't help but concentrate, even though he has now stepped into the early stage of the god-man state, this kind of place It's too dangerous, so you have to be careful.

When Chu Qianye entered the invincible narrow and long crack, the supernatural aura from below swept over. Chu Qianye moved in his heart and took out the Promise Divine Sword. As for the sacred artifact, Chu Qianye did not dare to use it at this time. He knew the truth of guilty of guilt very well, so he carefully hid his sword without revealing it.


In the area directly in front, a bolt of lightning slammed through the sky, and then fell fiercely. The appearance of lightning illuminates the world under the entire slit.

There was darkness all around in front of him, and even the stones and rivers were pitch-black. Under the light of the lightning, they looked very strange.

And Chu Qianye clearly felt that those pitch-black stones actually had supernatural fluctuations, and it seemed that there were some divine essence in them.

Chu Qianye was extremely surprised. This place was really weird. Below this crack, it turned into a small world of its own, and it still had a world with fluctuating spirits.

This situation, Chu Qianye knew very well, either it was the Little Thousand World created by a certain strong man, or it was because the strong man fought against each other, causing one side to break, the whole piece collapsed, and it fell to another realm!

This situation is likely to be one of them.

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised. He raised his head and looked at the void directly in front. It seemed that the area inside should be the void crack caused by the fight between the strong.

Chu Qianye looked towards the void in front of him, and couldn't help but be surprised secretly. This place, if there is no sunlight for a long time, is actually a very good place for retreat and practice.

Chu Qianye unfolded his perception and moved towards the overwhelming surrounding area, covering the whole area. This area is not large, and Chu Qianye's perception can clearly feel the entire outline.

It seemed that there was no huge threat, and Chu Qianye immediately let out a sigh of relief.

This place is actually quite okay, at least for him, so he can practice with great concentration and consolidate his martial arts cultivation.

Chu Qianye arranged the spirit gathering formation and began to close his eyes to practice.

Between the heaven and the earth, countless expressions roared in his direction, the shocking expression fluctuations swept across the sky, and then flowed into Chu Qianye's body under the operation of Chu Qianye's techniques.

That godhead radiated a weird light and continued to absorb the gods surging from the sky.

Chu Qianye's exercises work extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, Zhou Tian's energy is absorbed into his body. The violent power roars and surges wildly, entering Chu Qianye's body. , Constantly tempering his body.

He already has a divine body, now he has a divine personality and a divine blood. These three have begun to show a trend of complete integration. It will not take long before it will be able to absorb and merge.

Chu Qianye crossed his legs, closed his eyes and practiced with a deep mind. The air between heaven and earth kept surging in the direction where he was. The speed of Chu Qianye's cultivation was not very fast, but the spiritual essence was entering his body. Later, it turned into a shocking power, and madly injected into him.

Chu Qianye's body seemed to be hungry and thirsty, greedily absorbing the surging air, and with the passage of time, those cells seemed to burn.

Feeling that the body is absorbing the air frantically, and with the passage of time, the degree of this absorption becomes stronger and stronger.


Every inch of cells in his body was rapidly swallowing and absorbing the divine essence that flooded into his body.

The burning of this kind of spirit had reached a terrifying situation, and Chu Qianye felt the energetic aura surging around and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

The shocking air continued to surging crazily, and that astonishing fluctuation of power aura had reached a crazy state.

Chu Qianye felt the blood in his body, and it had spurted to a terrifying situation.

The blood in the body continued to burn, and the breath of amazing power made people feel extremely suffocated.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath. The blood boil in this body gave him a very familiar feeling. It came from the feeling of power boiling, and it came from the feeling of controlling his own destiny.

"This familiar feeling is finally back." Chu Qianye raised her head, her eyes flashing with determination.

As he whispered softly, then he didn't close his eyes again, and the exercises in his body ran wildly again, the power of that kind of shaking the sky, constantly boiling, like a storm slamming on the shore.


The shocking power, endless boiling, that kind of power swept out fiercely.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

One day, two days, three days,...

And the divine essence in his body has become more and more, and the martial arts cultivation has gradually stabilized.

I don't know how long it has passed, maybe ten days, maybe twenty days, Chu Qianye felt that the passage of time didn't seem to be slow.

At this moment, a shock of power caused Chu Qianye's body to tremble. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked straight ahead intently.

On Shenwu Continent, the space barrier has collapsed and shattered!

Chu Qianye's face changed slightly, he had no time to think carefully, and then disappeared into this area. When he waited for the next moment, Chu Qianye had already appeared on Shenwu Continent.


He landed on this area, glanced at it, and couldn't help laughing or crying. It turned out that Zhang Tianqi broke through, and she was swinging a pink fist, obviously trying to break through.

"I can't stop her." Seeing Chu Qianye hurried back, the clone couldn't help smiling bitterly.

Chu Qianye nodded lightly, a look of helplessness.

This Nizi is too violent. When he breaks through his martial arts cultivation base, he will break through. What do you do to hit the space barrier he created?

Seeing Chu Qianye's figure appeared, Zhang Tianqi obviously also noticed that her actions were a little uncomfortable, and she couldn't help but spit out fragrant tongues at Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye didn't care about her, and felt that Zhang Tianqi's current martial arts cultivation level had entered the Dao Sage Realm, but he hadn't finished cutting the corpse.

Zhang Tianqi Chu Qianye is not worried. He is a little worried about Wang Yuyan. This Nizi's Taoism is actually not stable. After all, she is from the royal family and has a strong sense of superiority. Now she knows the gap with others and wants to improve. There is still a certain gap.

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