Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1934: Divine Tribulation Coming

Immediately, the people swept towards the gods and ruins, disappearing in the blink of an eye, and in the next moment, the figure had swept beyond the emptiness.

Countless figures landed one after another.

After everyone landed, Chu Qianye looked around everyone for a week.

Because it is to overcome the divine calamity, although Chu Qianye has been refining the pill during this period of time, allowing them to cross the pill thunder to buffer and adapt, there is still a difference. After all, the pill thunder is only a pill thunder, not a divine calamity. , Its power is quite different.

Therefore, before going through this divine calamity, we still have to clarify the situation first.

"Previously, I would like to explain to you the power of the divine calamity and the divine realm that I will enter after crossing the divine calamity. All these hope to help everyone, and I hope you can all enter the divine realm more smoothly." Chu Qianye said. Said.

Hearing the sound, everyone couldn't help but listen.

As the reincarnation of the **** emperor, Chu Qianye's words are naturally very prestigious, so everyone paid 12 points of attention.

Everyone stared at Chu Qianye, and there was a light of excitement on their faces, because this was the most important thing, after all, it involved the divine calamity they might have to overcome.

"Divine calamity is mainly related to your divine personality. If your merged divine personality belongs to the lower divine personality, then you don’t need to worry about this problem. Your divine calamity will not be too powerful. Don’t be discouraged. The divine personality can follow you. The strength of the gods improves and advances. The godhead of the lower gods can advance to the middle gods and upper gods." Chu Qianye said:

"However, Divine Tribulation is a test of the heavens, and it is also a rare opportunity for improvement. I hope you can make full use of it. If you cherish this opportunity well, your strength can be greatly improved, even for you. Lay a solid foundation. Therefore, in the first few divine thunders of Divine Tribulation, it is best for you to contend with your physical bodies. According to your own capacity, if you feel that it is already the limit, you can use external forces to overcome the divine thunder."

"Divine calamity is divided into nine and nine layers. That is, one to nine layers. Each layer has nine divine thunders, which are called nine-nine layers. Each layer is different in power. The first layer is the weakest, and the ninth layer is the strongest. The colors of the divine thunder corresponding to the divine calamity are red orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black and gold."

Everyone looked different. They didn't expect this divine calamity's divine thunder to be divided in such detail, but the power of divine calamity, they actually didn't know in their hearts, after all, they had never seen it.

Chu Qianye seemed to know everyone's thoughts, and he could see the desire in everyone's eyes.

"Everyone should not be clear about the power of the divine calamity. So these days I let you cross the pill thunder. The first divine calamity, the power of the divine thunder is equivalent to the seven-rank seven pattern pill, the second divine calamity , The power is equivalent to the eight-rank eight-pattern pill, and the third-level divine calamity is comparable to the nine-rank nine-pattern pill. As for the fourth stage, its power is twice that of the third stage, and the fifth stage is equivalent to the first stage. Triple quadruple. You should not meet the others." Chu Qianye explained.

Everyone's expressions were slightly startled, and their hearts were probably already clear about the power of this divine calamity. Although they still don't know the specific situation, after Chu Qianye said this, everyone has a rough outline in their hearts.

"In addition, after crossing the divine calamity, you don’t necessarily have to ascend to the gods realm immediately. The extradition of the ascending to the gods power will increase day by day, reaching the strongest on the seventh day. If you continue to resist at that time, there may be a punishment. , And Heaven’s punishment is irresistible.” Chu Qianye said:

"There are nine divine ponds in the God Realm, and each divine pond corresponds to the region governed by each divine emperor. The Devil Realm also has a magic pond, and Heaven will automatically sense the power of the exercise and the body and extradite to different divine ponds."

Everyone was secretly surprised, they didn't expect that there were so many gods.

"As for the ascension to the gods, will they still belong to the same gods? This is not necessarily true." Chu Qianye said, "but in most cases they will be together. If unfortunately, after entering the gods, don't panic and try to find To practice in this place, first stabilize the martial arts cultivation, and then understand the gods."

Everyone nodded.

"In addition, after entering the God Realm, the divine stone is equivalent to the merit points of the Profound Qi Continent, and can be exchanged for other heavenly materials and earth treasures." Chu Qianye said: "You can also hunt down the beasts and dig out their divine cores to exchange for other heavens. Treasures of materials, first choose the weak beasts, and would rather earn less than challenge the powerful beasts, because there is the possibility of death at any time."

In fact, by the time Chu Qianye explained the general situation, at least the divine calamity and the ascension to the realm of the gods have all been explained. Their uneasy cuteness, after hearing what Chu Qianye said. , They actually already have some spectrum in their hearts, and they are not so flustered.

"Okay, I have said so much. In fact, everyone should already be very clear about the situation in the God Realm. Now if you have any questions, you can ask them." Chu Qianye said, "You can also ask Long Aotian. Or Ling Xuanqing them."

After Chu Qianye said these words, he immediately raised his head and fixed his gaze on the position of the sky. The next divine calamity actually didn’t feel new to him. He even now probably knew what kind of divine he was going to cross. Thunder.

The most important thing now is to let everyone know the general idea, so that everyone can get through the divine calamity faster.

After a while, Chu Qianye saw that everyone had no opinion, so he raised his head and looked at the location of the void.

"Since everyone has no doubts, then, let's begin to overcome the divine calamity now, I will come first." Chu Qianye said lightly.

He is the sect master of the Longmen. This striker and the lead are naturally done by him. On the one hand, he improves everyone's self-confidence. On the other hand, he also wants to know whether his divine calamity will change after his reincarnation.

When the words were over, Chu Qianye's figure moved and appeared in the high altitude position of Shenyue Ruins, and the martial arts aura in his body was suddenly released.


At the moment when Chu Qianye’s martial arts aura was released, above the void, a dark cloud made up for a moment, and a black cloud covered it towards the gods fall ruins. The powerful aura of power madly enveloped the entire Profound Qi Continent. among them.

All the masters raised their heads in surprise, looked towards the void where the Shenyue Ruins were located, and couldn't help taking a breath.

This magical force is like the end of the world.

"What happened there?"

Everyone said secretly in surprise.

And at this moment, above Chu Qianye's head, the dense dark clouds, vaguely still have countless silver shimmering thunder powers, huge like buckets, scoffers intertwined, forming a terrible atmosphere of oppression.

Feeling the precursor of this divine calamity, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

This power of destruction, thinking about it, feels terrible.

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