Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1935: Indifferent

With the passage of time, the countless thunderclouds on the void did not change the color in the end, all were black and pressed.

According to what Chu Qianye said earlier, the division of his ninety-nine divine calamities, and its divine thunder colors were divided into red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and black gold. Isn't Chu Qianye the eighth divine realm?


It felt terrible to think about it, and couldn't help taking a breath.

The power of this kind of divine calamity is quite terrifying, but it is not so easy to contend and deal with.

Longmen counted the crowds, looking at the scene in front of them, and couldn't help but grasp it tightly. Chu Qianye was the first person to overcome the divine calamity. If he loses, it will not be a good thing for them.

They are waiting, waiting for the coming of the **** thunder.

The power of each of the nine divine thunders will be quite terrifying.

If it is reduced to catastrophe repair, then it is dangerous. Even through the ninth world calamity, I am afraid that the achievement has not passed through the gods, not to mention that the world calamity is not necessarily overcome. After all, the power of the world calamity is more powerful, but not so. It's easy. It progresses in each life. By the time of the ninth life, it has doubled several times. It's not that easy to do.

Because they knew this very well in their hearts, everyone became even more nervous, hoping that Chu Qianye would be able to pass through this eighth God Realm at once, and this would also encourage them.

Everyone looked at this eighth divine calamity, and their hearts were very nervous.

In fact, the people like Long Aotian were even more shocking. They all knew very well in their hearts that one cohesive godhead would cross the eighth divine calamity, which was almost possible only if the main godhead was the godhead.

The Godhead of God is only the sixth and seventh level.

"Brother Qianye should be sure, right?" Chu Nuan asked worriedly.

"Naturally." Zhang Tianqi said, "Your brother is fine, don't worry."

In fact, Zhang Tianqi didn't have a spectrum in her heart, but in order to appease Chu Nuan, she could only say that. It was impossible to say that she didn't know it, it was not conducive to the situation.

Now all the dragon gates are waiting for Chu Qianye to cross this divine calamity. If you pass this divine calamity, it will be the most inspiring for everyone, and she knows very clearly in her heart that such words can calm people. .

At this moment, Chu Qianye held his hands on his back, raised his head, and looked at the divine thunder condensed above his head, without any influence.


In the boundless world, black clouds rolled, and the entire Shenyue Ruins were covered by the thunder of this kind of divine thunder.

The thunder cloud that does not listen to the roaring and tumbling, there are countless silver shimmering thunders running around.

Chu Qianye still didn't fluctuate in the slightest.

He simply volleyed and sat cross-legged, ignoring the thunder.

All the void within the Fangyuan's ten thousand li was twisted and covered the top of Chu Qianye's head.

And everyone looked at the surging void of countless thunders, and couldn't help taking a breath.

This **** realm, its thunder power is really terrifying, several times more powerful than Na Dan thunder, the impact and mighty power of this kind of power makes people feel lingering.

"It's about to begin." Long Aotian said lightly, looking at the empty thundercloud.

When everyone heard this sentence, they couldn't help but stare.

I saw the thunderclouds hovering above Chu Qianye's head, tumbling violently, forming turbulent waves, and the thunderclouds dispersed, forming a fisheye!


A bolt of thunder slammed out of the fisheye, landed fiercely, and went straight to Chu Qianye.

Shen Lei is a hundred feet huge, completely covering Chu Qianye in it!

Everyone looked at this divine thunder and couldn't help but breathe in air-conditioning.

Such a huge divine thunder, normal people can't contend at all, can Chu Qianye be able to handle it?

Everyone looked at Chu Qianye, who was cross-legged in the sky, and they were also looking forward to it.

At this moment, the thunder roared away and went straight to Chu Qianye. The temperature generated by this thunder was very blazing. Wherever the thunder reached, the temperature of the void suddenly rose. The degree of that temperature, Formed a huge wave of rolling huge oppression.

But Chu Qianye's eye pupils, after being tightly closed for a long time, suddenly opened, and a sharp glow rushed out.

He turned towards the falling thunder with a faint smile.

He stood up, his body stood upright like a benchmark, his robe was windless and hunting.

At this moment, because of the arrival of Hundred Zhang of Thunder, countless tiny silver shimmering thunder and lightning like thunder and lightning slammed towards Chu Qianye fiercely.

But at this moment, Chu Qianye was still standing with his hand in the face of this spectacular thunder, looking up into the void, without paying any attention.

This kind of aura and this kind of courage are extremely difficult for anyone to do.

They had to admire Chu Qianye from the bottom of their hearts, but they couldn't do it.

Looking at this scene, everyone's mouths opened slightly.

In their eyes, Chu Qianye was the existence of the gods in their hearts.

"One day, I can be like my brother!" Chu Nun's eyes flickered, and she thought to herself.

At this moment, people like Long Aotian and Xu Qing also had their eyes flickering, and their expressions became a little unnatural.

This kind of situation, it is them, it is impossible to do it. If they encounter such a powerful thunder, they would not dare to be so calm, and only Chu Qianye can do it.

This sky full of thunder, looked terrifying, let alone the person who crossed this divine calamity?

They were all shocked, and Chu Qianye could be so calm and calm.

"Like the thunder of thousands of horses, it is unprecedented. This divine calamity is very powerful." said a colleague behind Xu Qing.

Everyone secretly agreed.

Such a divine calamity, Chu Qianye could do it.

In fact, everyone is still very worried.

Zhang Tianqi and the other women raised their heads, staring at the thunder of Yin Shuo, and couldn't help worrying in their hearts.

This time of thunder, it was really terrifying, this kind of power, if you were a strong person, they might not be able to take it, they were afraid that Chu Qianye could not hold it.

The eighth divine calamity, the terrifying power of this kind of power, makes people extremely frightened.

The endless thunder tumbling, hit Chu Qianye fiercely.

Everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly.


That thunderbolt hit Chu Qianye fiercely, and Chu Qianye felt a violent impact, but their pupils suddenly shrank.

Because Chu Qianye was so majestic as a mountain, standing still on the spot, his face was still calm!

Such a terrifying thunder was completely blocked by Chu Qianye.

Everyone's eyes widened, and their faces were full of incredible expressions! !

"So strong!" Xu Qing and the others whispered, and it took a long time for them to feel relieved.

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