Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1957: Enter the sword tower

Seeing Chu Qianye carrying his hands on his back and walking toward the front of the waves, everyone's expressions were ugly, because they didn't expect Chu Qianye to have such an ability.

Walking on the waves, they have naturally heard of this ability, almost controlled by their souls, blocking most of the destructive power from the surrounding sword waves.

"Made, this **** **** me!" Looking at the scene before him, the face of the man in white suddenly became ugly.

He looked at Chu Qianye's back with a fierce light in his eyes.

He really didn't expect that Chu Qianye would have this kind of ability, walking on the waves, this kind of ability, I am afraid that many people did not expect it.


Everyone looked at this scene and couldn't help but marvel at it.

But at this moment, Chu Qianye looked straight ahead, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face, because at this time Mo Xuan and Zhou Ruolan were also very easy to cross the sacred river, and there was no stopping at all.

Twenty meters, thirty meters, forty meters,...

With the passage of time, the three of them finally reached the shore successfully.

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone was stunned. They didn't expect that Chu Qianye's method would be so powerful, which completely exceeded their imagination.

However, it is not okay if you refuse to accept it now, Chu Qianye and the three have all passed through the Shenhe River and have now reached the opposite bank.

The winners disliked that they hadn't bet too much, while the losers were upset.

The white-clothed man looked at the three figures of Chu Qianye, the light in his eyes changed for a while, he looked at Chu Qianye, his eyes flickered coldly.

"Dare to blame me, my **** stone is so easy to get." There was a flash of hostility in his eyes.

However, after the three of Chu Qianye went ashore, they obviously ignored the rear. The purpose of the three people’s trip was very simple. They wanted to break into the nine-epee pagoda. Now that they have reached the nine-epee pagoda, they naturally want to break into the nine-epee pagoda. , As for other things, you can postpone it later and let it go later.

"Okay, let's go to these nine-epee sword towers next, one after another." Chu Qianye spit out while looking at a sword tower made up of densely packed war swords.

Zhou Ruolan and Mo Xuan nodded slightly, both of them knew that their main goal would be to break into the nine-epee sword tower next.

Now that the Shenhe has crossed and came to the nine-epee pagoda, it is natural to break through the nine-epee pagoda, and for them, this is the best way to improve their strength.

"You hold these sacred stones. If the consumption is huge, you can stop for a while. After absorbing these sacred stones, you can recover a little bit faster." Chu Qianye said, and immediately took out two hundred high-grade spiritual stones from the Universe Ring. , And then handed it to both of them.

Mo Xuan and Zhou Ruolan were not polite, and quickly took the divine stone that Chu Qianye handed over.

The gods Chu Qianye had just won were also obvious to all. The number of gods stones was 40,000 yuan. Taking a hundred of them was just a drop in the bucket, and it did not affect them much.

After the two received the sacred stone that Chu Qianye handed over, they immediately raised their heads and looked at the area directly in front of them. Then, with a touch of the sole of their feet, their stature rushed and disappeared in front of them in an instant.

When the three of them entered the first epee tower, one hundred stairs extending from bottom to top, climbing up the stairs, frantically surging with huge oppression, which was a kind of oppression from a huge weight. As a result, their knees and shoulders sank suddenly, and they were under tremendous pressure.

At this moment, some people have begun to break into this first epee tower, and some people are hesitating and hesitating.

The people who broke through the barrier, two of them have already stepped on the twenty steps. The astonishing breath of power and oppression is very terrifying, just like a roaring mountain and river, sweeping madly and pressing on their shoulders. A horrible force oppresses.

After arriving here, Mo Xuan and Zhou Ruolan also knew that this important event was about to come. After all, this kind of breakthrough was too dangerous, and maybe they would all have no return. This is not just as simple as oppression. Ye also gave them an overview.

However, no matter how much I said, I didn't have to come to the scene to feel more.

Right now, they came to the scene and finally knew what Chu Qianye had said earlier.

This nine-epee tower is not simple. This sword tower and its walls are all made up of endless swords. With this scale of war swords, both of them are stunned, even the steps are made of giant swords.

And more importantly, the people who were rushing through the barrier at this moment finally saw that the endless power of slaying madly came from the boundless vastness of the void, roaring in the world.

And what awes them most is that those oppressions are actually mixed with terrible sword auras. Those sword auras didn't seem to matter at first glance, but with the passage of time, they seemed to see the tediousness in it.

Chu Qianye smiled faintly, and naturally understood what the two were thinking.

"These sword auras are actually not terrible, and oppression is not terrible. The most fearful thing is that every time you step on a ladder, you will enter a strange space and defeat a sword soul before you can continue to move upward." Chu Qianye Indifferently said: "This is a very difficult part. Not only does one have to resist the boundless oppression externally, but also the internal willpower is also fighting. Both external and internal must be overcome. If you fail, you will be swept away. , The light one was injured, the severe one fell on the spot."

Both Zhou Ruolan and Mo Xuan showed solemn expressions.

Although Chu Qianye had already told them about the situation in advance, it seemed that they finally understood the horror. If they were not good at the dual-purpose martial arts talent, they would really lack the ability to cope with sword energy. And oppression, and the soul of the sword.

In fact, everyone has their own set, so Chu Qianye asked Zhou Ruolan and Mo Xuan to observe and learn from it, and learn something useful to him.

After Shenhe came over, both of them knew that this was the best way, so there was no need for Chu Qianye to give too much guidance. The two of them carefully stared at those who were breaking through.

They don't know how to deal with the sword soul, but they understand that everyone has their own way to break into this nine-epee sword tower.

For example, defense, some use magical weapons to defend, blessing various inscriptions to increase, to minimize and reduce those oppression and sword energy attacks on themselves.

There is also a sword gas shield to resist, and a clone,...

All methods are fine.

However, they didn't know how these people broke through and the sword soul.

"The sword soul actually comes from every divine sword. All the divine swords in this sword tower have a sword soul. These sword souls usually stay in it, and the space everyone enters through the barrier belongs to this. The space within each divine sword." Chu Qianye said: "It's no different, it's the same as fighting against a human. Of course, if the sword spirit voluntarily surrenders, then you can save worry and effort."

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