Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1958: Hard work

Let the sword spirit surrender?

is it possible?

Maybe, but for them, there should be no such thing, after all, only the strong can do this.

"Basically, there is no big problem for the first ten steps, but after the eleventh step, it is a little more difficult. As for the twentieth step, it is even more difficult. Almost few people can reach the 20th step. In the future, the sword spirit can take the initiative to surrender," Chu Qianye said.

Zhou Ruolan and Mo Xuan were surprised. They didn’t expect it to be so difficult. This sword soul really has some skills, and as Chu Qianye said, with their current strength, the sword soul can be in the top ten. It's not easy to admit defeat.

At this moment, there was another flash of light, and several figures entered the sword tower.

When Chu Qianye saw these figures, his expression was obviously startled, and he showed an arc that was not easily noticeable.

Among the people who came, there was one person who looked at him with a surprised look. It was the man in white who had previously lost two thousand high-grade sacred stones in succession. Such a result, for anyone, is nothing. The blows are quite big.

This is two thousand high-grade divine stones, not middle-grade or low-grade!

There were four other people who came in with the white-clothed man, three men and two women. The headed man looked suave, and the woman looked very beautiful.

After a few people came in, their eyes seemed to be projected towards the direction where Chu Qianye was.

"Brother Xuan, this is the guy." The white-clothed man said.

Naturally, Chu Qianye could hear it, but he didn't care.

The man in the lead nodded casually, and he walked straight towards Chu Qianye.

Mo Xuan and Zhou Ruolan frowned.

"The visitor is not good." Chu Qianye secretly thought while looking at each other.

The oppression of these people's martial arts is actually quite strong. Across a long distance, Chu Qianye can also feel the other's martial arts aura, which is actually far above him.

In addition to the white-clothed man, there are four other people, three Divine King Realm cycles, and one Divine King Early Stage.

That handsome man's martial arts cultivation was in the early stage of the Divine Emperor Realm, and the oppression and aura he exuded from coming over made Chu Qianye sensitively guess that the opponent's martial arts cultivation was actually quite good.

However, he was not afraid.

The man looked at Chu Qianye curiously.

"Are you the martial artist who treads the waves?"

For a moment, the man vomited lightly.

Chu Qianye didn't respond, it was silent.

The handsome man was not angry, he looked up and down, carefully examining Chu Qianye.

"Your sword intent is very high." The man said lightly: "If I'm not mistaken, your sword intent should have gone back to basics, and it should be only one step away from that charm."

As soon as he said this, everyone around him cast curious eyes at Chu Qianye.

Swordsmanship, being able to cultivate to the realm of returning to innocence, is already very strong. After all, it is extremely difficult to improve Swordsmanship, and it may not be able to break through for hundreds of years, thousands of years, or even thousands of years.

For example, the Sword Emperor, it took him two thousand years to rise from Shen Yun to the Emperor, and he was a blockbuster. Finally, relying on his own strength, step by step, he finally stepped into the Divine Emperor Realm and created his own myth.

He is called the Sword Emperor!

This is a very long process, so returning to the basics is already considered a very high attainment and kendo realm, so when they heard this, other talents turned their heads and looked at Chu Qianye with curious eyes.

Chu Qianye frowned, this is not a good thing.

Why can the opponent see his kendo attainments at a glance?

This is not worthy of joy at all. It shows that he still has flaws and can be seen through at a glance. This kind of accomplishment is not a good thing for him.

"Aren't you curious why I can see through your kendo realm?" The handsome man vomited lightly, "Because I have stepped into Shen Yun!"

When everyone heard the sound, they couldn't help being surprised secretly. The man in front of him had already stepped into the charm?

This is too terrifying. This level of accomplishment is too high. With their methods, it may not be possible to reach this level and cultivation level. I didn't expect Chu Qianye to have stepped into this level at this time.

"So, hand over the sacred stones you won earlier, remember, it's all!" the handsome man vomited lightly.

People of Zhou were stunned. This was suppressing. It was simply that there was no room for negotiation with the other party, and they just asked for the account.

When Zhou Ruolan and Mo Xuan heard these words, they also looked startled.

However, they are actually very nervous. After all, their martial arts training is still too weak compared to the other party, and the opponent is aggressive, this matter is probably not easy to handle.

Chu Qianye carried her hands on her back, her eyes as pale as frost.

"So, what if I don't pay?" Chu Qianye's voice did not fluctuate.

In fact, he was already very angry. The white-clothed man obviously wanted to get back the sacred stones he had lost, but revealed the information to these people. These people were using all his sacred stones.

These sacred stones were won by him, is there any reason to hand them over?

What's more, this is the foundation of Longmen, can you give it?

Obviously it is impossible, no matter from what point of view, he is reasonable here, but the other side is quite unreasonable.

Since that was the case, there was no need to discuss it. The other party all rushed in front of him, preparing to take away his own things. Naturally, Chu Qianye didn't show the other party a good look.

Immediately refuted.

Those handsome men looked startled, he didn't expect Chu Qianye to be so calm.

"I heard that you have a black token led by Yuchi." The handsome man vomited lightly: "Actually, I also have a black token led by him, so if you have thoughts and plans in this regard, I advise you to do it as soon as possible. After dispelling this idea, the first commander is very busy, and it is absolutely impossible for you to bother with this sacred stone. Second, you have to give or not!"

Chu Qianye's eyes narrowed, revealing a dangerous smell.

Tyrannical with him?

He really hasn't counseled anyone!

"Then, you can listen to me." Chu Qianye spit out lightly: "First, there is really no reason to return the things in my hands, especially the things that were lost to me. Second, I don't care what power is behind you, even if it's a **** emperor, I don't care!"

The words of the two of them are completely inconsistent with each other!

For a while, everyone cast curious glances in this direction.

What are these two people?

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