Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1959: Start to break through

Hearing the sound, the handsome man suddenly looked startled. He didn't expect Chu Qianye to confront him so hard. It was obvious that his martial arts cultivation was slightly better. Why is this guy so confident?

For a while, the handsome man also hesitated a little.

For him, he naturally couldn't persuade him, but Chu Qianye talked too little. The so-called people are not ruthless. If Chu Qianye was also a ruthless character, he wouldn't get the slightest benefit.

"Brother Xuan, let's break into this nine-epee sword tower first," the woman said.

However, the handsome man didn't reply, he obviously let him leave, he was very unwilling, so he stared at Chu Qianye gloomily.

"Boy, you are courageous!" After a long while, the handsome man said coldly, "This matter is not that simple. I'll wait outside. After you pass through the barriers, I will ask you to settle the account. Please ask for your blessings. "

After speaking, the man led everyone into the stairs to the Nine Epee Pagoda under the surprised eyes of everyone.

The handsome man walked up all the way without stopping at all, one step, two steps, three steps,...

Just walked forward, never stopped.

In the blink of an eye, he had reached the fortieth ladder. At this time, his forward speed slowed down, but it was still very fast, staying for almost two or three seconds before stepping onto a ladder.

Those people were behind, staring at the handsome man, with a shocking expression on their faces.


At this moment, a man who was rushing through the barrier was suddenly swept down by a huge force and fell under the Nine-epee Sword Tower, his chest was stained red with blood.

When everyone saw this, they were all shocked and gasped.

It's still terrifying here, it's not so easy to cross over, and the degree of danger is still very daunting.

Everyone stared at the sword tower stairs in front of them, and couldn't help showing a look of jealousy.

It seems that this nine-epee pagoda is not so easy to break through. As long as you distract a little, you may be swept down. This person was attacked because he noticed that the handsome man passed and the other party was so relaxed. The barrier was shocked, so I didn't notice that he was also crossing the barrier, because he deserved it.

Each of these steps is actually very wide, and at least twenty people can go on at the same time.

"Look, that person seems to be very close to the ninetieth step." At this moment, someone suddenly said.

Hearing the sound, the people couldn't help being surprised secretly, raised their heads quickly, looked up, and suddenly saw a figure, which had reached the position of the ninetieth step in the blink of an eye.

This speed makes many people feel shocked and amazed at the same time. Some people even suspect that they pass through the barriers are fundamentally different. The barriers they pass through are like pediatrics, with no danger at all, just like a fish in water.

"Don't you know who he is?"

The martial artist who was swept down asked with amazement.

"Who?" Everyone raised their heads and looked at the figure in front of them.

"He said Qin Zhanxuan, the sword repairer whom the sword emperor once admired." A crazy look flashed across his face, and his eyes were extremely hot: "He may be just a legend and legend for many people, but to me In terms of him, he really believes in me, and I can come to this day because of his existence."

When everyone heard these words, there was a look of surprise on their faces. Obviously, they did not expect this person to be a sword repairer appreciated by the sword emperor. No wonder he is so powerful. He hasn't stopped for consecutive levels, and he has connected so many. Layers of stairs, this level of strength is indeed very powerful, this is going to the fourth and fifth epee tower.

Chu Qianye didn't care, Qin Zhanxuan and Qin Zhantian were the same to him.

Soon this person will become just a character, or just a dead body.

"My lord, this person seems to be a little influential," Zhou Ruolan said.

Chu Qianye shook his head lightly, not paying attention.

"It's okay, put your mind on the sword tower, you don’t have to worry about other things, and when you rush into the sword tower, ordinary people will not take it easily, even if it is an enemy, you need to forbear, otherwise once you attack The opponent will enter the sword emperor space. In that space, the martial artist can only leave after defeating the sword soul of the sword emperor. However, since the birth of the sword tower, no one can walk out safely after entering, and they are all buried in that space. In the space. Therefore, when breaking through the barriers, there is no need to worry that other people will attack you." Chu Qianye said.

Zhou Ruolan and Mo Xuan both nodded lightly and wrote down these words.

After getting Chu Qianye's words, they were relieved.

"If you are ready, you can start to break through." Chu Qianye said, "Don't have too much burden, just do your best. You can go wherever you are."

"Yes." The two of them responded one after another, and then stepped out of the soles of their feet, swept toward the area directly in front of them, and then stepped onto the first step with their soles.

The vast oppression immediately began to roar towards them, like a torrential rain, slamming on their bodies fiercely, producing a huge impact.

Both of them gritted their teeth and did what Chu Qianye said, because they had entered a strange space, facing their sword souls.

Sure enough, after releasing his sword willpower, he easily climbed ten steps.

The eleventh step, a little slower, the twelfth step, the thirteenth step, the fourteenth step,...

Constantly rushing forward.

Chu Qianye was not in a hurry, because he unfolded his perception and completely enveloped the sword tower. He had his own method, and there was no need to be so troublesome. Therefore, he wanted to be faster for the first heavy sword tower. To break through.

However, before this one had to understand this sword tower.

He must know all the sword souls here. In fact, there are sword souls in every war sword. All he has to do is to greet these sword souls, let them know their existence, and wait for them to pass through the barriers. Either block it or let it go directly.

Just two results.

However, what he wanted was not just a simple release, but the main soul from this sword tower agreed!

Each sword tower has a main sword soul, as long as it agrees, then there is no need to spend too much time and effort here.

After all, this is only the first epee tower, and it is actually not a big improvement to his kendo realm and mood. Perhaps the second level is still possible.

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