Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1969: You are very welcome!

Chu Qianye continued to frantically suppress the divine essence in his body. The endless divine essence was compressed and continuously compressed, and this compression reached a terrifying situation. The divine essence in the divine pond suddenly formed. The lens.

"Die to me!"

Qin Zhanxuan tapped the soles of his feet, opened his arms, and held a war sword tightly in his hands. He looked towards Chu Qianye, with a cold look on his face.

The attacks on his body became more terrifying and dense, but Chu Qianye always kept a distance from the opponent. This made Qin Zhanxuan annoyed.

"Trash, you can only run away?" Qin Zhanxuan sneered.

Chu Qianye did not respond, his expression was indifferent, and he was still dodging, while the endless spiritual essence in the sacred pool was still condensing non-stop, and as time passed, it condensed into an ice-blue war sword.

With a movement in his heart, the sky fire surged out of his body, covering the war sword.


Everyone looked at the fluctuations in front of them, and couldn't help their expressions startled, and their faces also showed a touch of surprise. After all, for them, Skyfire is still a very rare existence, this kind of fetish that has always been owned by alchemists. , I didn't expect Chu Qianye to have these things.

The sky fire swept towards the war sword, and then covered it, shining with a strange light, the breath of amazing power, which made people feel jealous.

Qin Zhanxuan showed a disdainful expression.

"Isn't this your hole card? Don't tell me this is your hole card. After all, although Skyfire is powerful, it is not enough to threaten me to me." Qin Zhanxuan said coldly, and then touched the sole of his foot. It was rushing out again, and then a sword slashed out again.

Chu Qianye still did not speak, his figure retreated sharply towards the back, and the divine essence was still crazily compressed in the divine pond, countless divine essences whizzed away, and then continued to condense along his specific context. Condensed towards that ice-blue war sword, with the passage of time, that ice-blue war sword gradually improved.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Zhanxuan and Chu Qianye have been fighting for more than 20 minutes, fighting no less than a hundred moves, but they have not made a substantial breakthrough. Qin Zhanxuan is also a little bit angry into anger. He did not expect such a weak Chu Qianye to be in his He jumped in front of him, and he couldn't kill it yet. If this incident were passed back to the clan, he would definitely become a laughingstock. Then there would be endless ridicule. He really couldn't tolerate this happening. .

"I'm too lazy to deal with you." Qin Zhanxuan said coldly, and then stood still, the endless divine essence in his body surged away frantically, and then gathered towards his war sword.


Numerous divine origin fluctuations suddenly formed and continued to spread, and everyone seemed to feel the existence of this oppression. Everyone was also surprised and drove towards the war sword in his hand.

At this moment, the war sword in Qin Zhanxuan's palm and those long inscriptions have been activated at this moment. The blood-red light continues to diffuse from it, and there is a strong breath of power that follows the leaking light. This amazing power breath is very terrifying, reaching a terrifying situation.

Everyone looked at this scene in astonishment, after all, this kind of tremendous power aura was too shocking.

"High-level force inscription!"

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help taking a deep breath, and everyone looked at Qin Zhanxuan, with a look of horror on their faces.

Everyone knew that the war sword in Qin Zhanxuan's hand was really different. The fluctuating aura of these high-level inscriptions was too terrifying, and it was so terrifying that it made people feel jealous.

This class of war soldiers must be of good rank, and these high-rank inscriptions are enough to make this war sword extraordinary.

In the surrounding void, because the power system inscription of this war sword was activated at this time, a huge power fluctuation suddenly occurred, which made people throb.

"Haha, this war sword has fought with me for many years, and countless people have died under this sword, and soon you will become one of them." Qin Zhanxuan stared at Chu Qianye, lightly vomiting.

When he spoke, he had strong self-confidence, staring at Chu Qianye without squinting, with a sneer on his face.

Chu Qianye didn't respond, but he frowned. His ultimate move has not yet been completed. If Qin Zhanxuan makes a move at this time, then he will either stop or continue, but it is undeniable that he has to free his hands and divide. Part of the power was used to resist Qin Zhanxuan's ultimate move.

In fact, Chu Qianye had an answer in his mind as to which is more important. After all, for him, the ultimate move is too important to him. This is not just a killer move, but a signal.

He wanted to tell his deceased in this way that he Chu Qianye was back.

In an instant, other profound fires also surged out at this time, and then covered the war sword on it.

Seeing so many profound fires, everyone couldn't help showing a look of surprise. Obviously they didn't expect that Chu Qianye would have so many profound fires.

An answer is ready.

Chu Qianye is an alchemy master, and can integrate so many profound fires, this is a very powerful alchemist!

When everyone looked at Chu Qianye, they already had an answer.

At this moment, Qin Zhanxuan also showed a look of surprise on his face. Obviously he did not expect that Chu Qianye turned out to be an alchemist, and it seemed that his talent was not ordinary.

Such an alchemist usually has a very high status and status. If he offends Chu Qianye, the consequences will be very serious. He looked towards Chu Qianye, and a hesitation flashed across his face. .

Offending a powerful alchemist is actually very irrational, but it is obviously impossible to let him stop like this.

"Give you a chance, if you kneel down and beg for mercy, then I can consider letting you go." Qin Zhanxuan said lightly.

Chu Qianye didn't care. He was still urging the profound fires and began to separate and merge. When he saw Chu Qianye's behavior, Qin Zhanxuan's mouth twitched slightly.

There was nothing to talk about, if he let Chu Qianye merge these profound fires, thinking about the destructive power generated by the temperature, he would not dare to sit still.

"In that case, don't blame me for being impolite!"

In fact, he is really not welcome at all!

When he finished speaking, he saw a point on the sole of his foot, and his figure rushed towards Chu Qianye. The sword in his palm burst out in vain with dazzling light, and there was an amazing killing intent following the mighty force.

"Can he stop this killer move?"

Everyone was surprised and suspicious, and their eyes turned towards Chu Qianye.

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