Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1970: Terrible blow


In an instant, Qin Zhanxuan's battle sword slashed down. This shocking sword produced a throbbing breath, and everyone's breathing was stagnant.

Chu Qianye was severely cut and flew out, left the position of the sword stand, and after blasting out of the position of the sword stand, he went straight to the open ground and smashed it, and a deep pit appeared in front of him.

The deep pit was a hundred meters deep. Looking at it from a distance, Chu Qianye's figure was not visible. The smoke and dust continued to spread out, which made people not really see.

However, everyone was still shocked by the terrifying blow in front of them. Everyone raised their heads and looked at Qin Zhanxuan's location, with a look of surprise on their faces.

Such a sword, the power of destruction is terrible, let alone the god-human realm, even the god-king realm may not be able to present such a terrifying sword.

Therefore, many people believe that Chu Qianye will not survive this sword.

Zhou Ruolan and Mo Xuan looked towards the location of the deep hole, with horrified eyes on their faces.

Chu Qianye was cut and flew out by Qin Zhanxuan.

They didn't believe it very much, they looked eagerly toward the pit.

Qin Zhanxuan showed a sneer.

"Don't look at it, I am very confident of my ultimate move. Those who can survive my sword will basically fall away unless they have the ability to reach the sky." Qin Zhanxuan said disdainfully, "You two are very good. Loyalty is a good dog. You will have a great future with me in the future!"

Mo Xuan and Zhou Ruolan didn't reply. They still looked at the deep pit, because they didn't believe it, how could Chu Qianye be so vulnerable?

With their understanding of Chu Qianye's strength, it is impossible for Chu Qianye to fall down.

Moreover, when Chu Qianye did things, he always only did things that were sure, and he never did things that were unsure.

Therefore, they do not believe it.

"Hey, you are really not good dogs. I call you, dare you not listen to me? Then follow your master and be buried here." Qin Zhanxuan's eyes flickered and said coldly.

However, he soon noticed something was wrong.

"Brother Xuan, he..."

The people around seemed to look towards the location of the deep pit. For a moment, Qin Zhanxuan also had a very ominous premonition. He quickly turned his head, but saw that Chu Qianye slowly walked out of the deep pit. Flying in the wind, long hair dancing wildly.

However, there was no trace of wounds or blood on his body, but he looked slightly embarrassed. Despite this, he didn't have much problem.

Chu Qianye slowly walked out of the deep pit. He raised his head and looked at Qin Zhanxuan, still with a silent look on his face.

"how can that be?!"

He murmured in shock, and said in surprise: "You have been cut flying by me, how can you be injured at all?"

There was an incredible expression on his face, but Chu Qianye did not respond.

The others were actually very surprised. They didn't understand what happened. According to reason, Qin Zhanxuan's terrifying blow, let alone the god-human realm, may not be able to come out safely even if it is a strong man in the god-sovereign realm. , But Chu Qianye walked out safely, completely incomprehensible.

What happened to this?

What details did they miss?

Everyone looked at Chu Qianye, and their faces showed a touch of surprise. They didn’t wake up for a long time, because they didn’t understand what happened. Everyone looked at Chu Qianye, their faces full of Puzzled and surprised.

Zhou Ruolan and Mo Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Chu Qianye is fine.

In fact, they knew Chu Qianye very well, but they were actually very puzzled just after that blow.

How did Chu Qianye do it?

Almost everyone thought that Chu Qianye could not stop the sword of Qin Zhanxuan just now, but Chu Qianye finally stopped it. This kind of thing is really puzzling.

Chu Qianye raised his head and stared at the other person, his face showed a touch of indifference.

"Your ultimate move is over, and mine has just begun."

Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

At the end of the speech, an ice-blue war sword swept out of his body and hovered in front of him. This war sword was not big, and was similar to a short-edged mini sword.

However, when everyone saw this small sword, there was a deep sense of fear on their faces.

This is not an ordinary war sword, but is full of endless divine power.

In other words, this is a sword condensed from divine essence.

Qin Zhanxuan looked terrified, he suddenly remembered something.

"It turns out that you just dodged, you are actually brewing this sword!"

Chu Qianye smiled non-committal. Did I just dodge just to brew this sword?

Wrong, if there is no supreme killer sword skill, then no matter what kind of sword it is, it is useless, but if you have these two things, then his ultimate move can completely burst out.

Without saying a word, Chu Qianye stepped on the sole of his foot, and the supreme killer sword skill in his mind flashed past his mind.

The final killer move: Tushen!

With this move, the power is fully condensed to the extreme, and the ice-blue war sword has the power to kill a late **** emperor!

Chu Qianye stepped out with the soles of her feet.

"go with."

Chu Qianye quickly knotted the seal, a huge palm appeared out of thin air, and he held the war sword tightly in his hand. With a crash, the war sword suddenly enlarged, forming a huge, overwhelming breath of power, frantically Sweeping and driving...

Feeling this breath of power, everyone couldn't help taking a deep breath.

This is an amazing sword, with supreme destruction power.

Everyone looked at the war sword one after another, and then took a breath of cold air, because the lethality of this war sword was too strong, and the pressure emitted was enough to suffocate.

Looking at the war sword coming towards him, Qin Zhanxuan's pupils suddenly shrank.

He retreated quickly, and the sword in his palm burst out with an important purpose.

However, the huge palm disappeared, and the war sword quickly shrank, forming a small sword, and went straight to the center of his brow.

Qin Zhanxuan was taken aback and tried to dodge.


There was a cold light in Chu Qianye's eyes.


Chu Qianye gave a soft drink, and for an instant, the war sword suddenly agitated, and countless huge energy quickly contracted and expanded, and then exploded with a fierce thunder, forming a terrifying force.

That sword stand was blasted fiercely in an instant, forming a huge hole. Under this terrible energy explosion, Qin Zhanxuan was swallowed away severely, disappearing without a trace, and some nearby poor people , Fell on the spot.

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