Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 200: The second round will

Chu Qianye helplessly shook his head for this cute treasure, and sighed in his heart.

The battle on the battlefield continues.

The warriors who have the most hope to enter the top seven are the Seventh Prince, the Eighth Prince, Liu Yunqing, Ou Chen, Xue Jiansheng, Luo Xu, and Ruo Qian. The odds are very high, which makes people feel incredible.

As for the 13 warriors in the back, according to the order of odds, more people from the royal family are considered promising.

Royal Academy: Brothers of Night and Day, Xue Jianxia, ​​Jiang Xiu, Liu Lihe, Yu Mingzong, Bai Yuxiao, Shengjie.

Xuanzhu Academy: the imperial city's ten show dazzling names, the imperial city nine show of Chu Chen, Zhuge Yunting, Su Xin.

Jianhou Academy: Liu Yunqing, Xu Feng, Ruan Kui, Chu Qianye

There are also some who are listed in terms of family, such as Li's Li Ling, Wu Ping brothers and sisters in Wu's residence, and the imperial clan family members.

Liu Yunqing, Xu Feng, Xue Jiansheng, Ou Chen, Ruoqian, Brothers Day and Night, Liulihe, Xuanming and others have all demonstrated their strengths on the battlefield, but they have never met a comparable opponent, and they are all powerful. With reservations, they are hiding their strengths so as not to be targeted.

Dark horses like Chu Qianye are very few after all.

After the round of the competition, everyone also had a preliminary understanding of the nine platforms. The ninth platform, which seemed to be the weakest, turned out to be fierce.

Many outstanding people have emerged on each battle platform.

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So the question is, each battle platform, there are only two people who can go to the end, who is the lucky one who is favored by God?

No one knows, and no one knows until the last moment. Everyone has hidden strength, and it seems that there are possibilities, and there is a lot of fog.

Yuan Jianjing, worthy of a swordsman, slashed an opponent's arm with only one move, and he also counted the color.

Ruan Kui also survived the first round.

Next, they are all powerful characters. These people seem to be quite good in strength. Those disciples who are not optimistic about the generals have won, and they immediately attract attention.

After the first round of generals, the number of people left on each battle platform is not too large, with an average of more than 30.

In this way, the second round of points will be estimated to have only more than a dozen players, and then the third round will be followed by points, and the fourth round will... eventually eliminate the weak, and the remaining two promotion places will collide sooner or later. .

But there are only two places for the final promotion on the ninth platform, which means that sooner or later these people will collide and eliminate the weak ones.

Chen Yang, the fifth show in the imperial city, stood in the crowd at this time, and beside him was a beautiful young girl.

The girl said, "Chen Yang, with your strength, you should have a chance to enter the final round."

"As long as I don't meet Chu Qianye, or Liu Yunqing and Xue Jiansheng, I have a chance." Chen Yang nodded slightly and said, turning his head to look at Chu Qianye with some fear.

"Hehe, then wait for Brother Chen Yang's happy report." The girl smiled.

"It's about to start again."

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but sweep to the ninth battle platform.

At this time Zhangjiao Tang returned to the battlefield.

"On the ninth stage, Chu Qianye will fight Chen Yang."

Chu Qianye's eyes narrowed involuntarily.

Teacher Tang, it seems that he is really going to have trouble with himself. The first round will be him, and the second round will be him. This old dog is not letting himself rest.

Both Chen Yang and the girl in their arms condensed their eyes, with a look of despair in their eyes.

What are you afraid of?

"Uh, Chen Yang seems to be the fifth show in the Imperial City."

"Chu Qianye defeated Huangcheng Sixth Show with one move. This fifth show, it seems a bit difficult to get ahead."

It's not just a bit difficult, it's so difficult. Okay.

However, he has already ordered a general. If he does not fight, he can only abandon the fight, but is he willing?

Chen Yang's eyes flickered, and then he slowly walked out of the crowd.

"Boss, don't forget it. Fight the enemy with one move, and then report the martial art name. I remember that in the martial art you practiced, there seems to be "Dragon Elephant Fist". That's it. A thousand copies have been copied. , Fifty thousand, I think it's a bit low, but when I just started, I had to put a long line to catch a big fish." Xiaobao's voice suddenly resounded.

Chu Qianye almost staggered.

Your uncle, copied a thousand copies? Fifty thousand one, that is fifty million.

If you sell one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand one, wouldn't it be against the sky?

Don’t say it, after all, it’s a high-grade martial art, and it can really be sold at this price, but at that time, I’m afraid that other bookstores in Chishui Junguo will be closed, at least for a long time in the future. Will be greatly injured.

But do you really want to do this?

If you really make this money, then you don't need to worry about starting capital for your future martial arts practice.

Chu Qianye smiled faintly, then stepped out with the soles of his feet, leaped towards the battle platform, and jumped up easily.

"You are not my opponent." Chu Qianye said lightly.

The corner of Chen Yang's mouth couldn't help but twitched slightly.

Chu Qianye's strong self-confidence made him feel that he had no chance of winning.

The scene where Xue Jianxia was stabbed to death by Chu Qianye with a halberd, he still has not forgotten.

"Dare to fight each other without using mysterious soldiers?" Chen Yang said.

Chu Qianye looked startled, and then smiled slightly.

He knew why Chen Yang would make such a request, because his halberd, the explosive power that broke out was too terrifying, and now this guy should be quite jealous of his halberd.

Seeing Chen Yang's request, Chu Qianye thought for a while, nodded lightly, and put Fang Tian's painted halberd into the Qiankun ring.

Everyone looked startled.

Chen Yang didn't expect that Chu Qianye really didn't need Xuan Bing.

Without Xuanbing, perhaps he still has the power to fight!

Chen Yang couldn't help but shoot a sharp light in his pupils.

For him, the competition of the four universities is not a stage for him to show? He also wants to rectify his name, and also wants to enter a wider world. If he is favored by the sect guide of the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty, then he will also have the opportunity to enter the dynasty to practice.

Although this purpose is very simple, the disciples of the four universities present almost have such thoughts, but the strength is different.

This year is already his third year in the royal school. This is his last four-university competition, so he cherishes it very much.

It's a pity that he met Xiao Bao, who wanted to make a fortune, and Chu Qianye, who wanted to rectify his name, which was doomed to Chen Yang's tragedy.

There was hardly any suspense on the battle platform. He was beaten by Chu Qianye with a dragon elephant fist and flew out. He fell out of the battle platform and lost completely!

"What, the fifth show of the Imperial City, was blasted out of the stage by Chu Qianye with his bare hands?"

"What a terrifying physical power this is!"

"Chen Yang miscalculated, thinking that Chu Qianye could only fight with a halberd, and his physical body is also terrifying."

Everyone looked at the young man's back and murmured in shock.

"This fist is called the Dragon Elephant Fist. Its strength is strong to fierce, and it can explode to the great power of Baiding. It was given by a bookshop teacher when my martial soul was broken and frustrated. The Rulin Bookstore opposite the Houfu."

Chu Qianye said lightly, and then stepped off the platform.

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