Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 201: Small goal, one hundred million

The crowd was slightly startled, looking at the back of Chu Qianye leaving, it took a long time for them to return to their senses.

"Longxiangquan? Baiding Juli?!"

Everyone's eyes shrank slightly, Chu Qianye's punch just now was really terrifying, and Chen Yang couldn't stop it at all. After being blown out so hard, his face was pale.

He was very horrified in his heart, only he knew the power of Chu Qianye's punch best, it was terrifying to the extreme, his pores burst suddenly and the roots of cold hair stood up at the moment of contact.

"The small bookstore opposite Jianhou Mansion!"

Chen Yang thanked Chu Qianye's direction.

"Thank you for not killing."

Everyone was secretly surprised, the imperial city five show, thank Chu Qianye?

The faces of the other nine Xiu Xiu couldn't help but sink slightly. Obviously, they didn't expect Chen Yang to be like this, and couldn't help showing disdain in their eyes.

However, these are no longer important to Chen Yang. He only has the little bookstore, the little bookstore,...

After half an hour, Xiaobao's voice was extremely exciting.

"Boss, we posted, we posted, half an hour, sold six hundred copies!"

Chu Qianye: "..."

Six hundred copies were sold in half an hour, so scary?

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised. He didn't expect the advertising effect to be so good, which completely exceeded his expectations.

The place where Wan Lai was originally quiet, less than half an hour after Chu Qianye reported this place, the small bookstore opposite Jianhou Mansion, together with the entire street, became an empty alley.

"what happened?"

The two guards in front of the gate of Jianhou Mansion watched the scene in front of them with stunned expressions. They have not yet realized what happened.

But they couldn't help but twitch their mouths in the direction of the little bookstore.

This little bookstore is most familiar to them. It is usually owned by Mencora, but now it has returned to its glory. No, when it was brilliant, it seemed that it was not as popular as it is now.

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This boss, his business is going to close down, why is he coming back to life now?

"Look, it seems that the boss has changed." One of the guards said.

Another guard took a closer look, and it really turned out to be a substitution.

"That's amazing. This new boss has a very wide network of contacts. Maybe it's a relative of the emperor. Otherwise, how could there be such a terrible appeal?"

"You are wrong, mainly because Chu Qianye said this place name in the Four University Mansion Tournament, that's why there is such an endless stream." A disciple of Jianhou Mansion shook his head, with a hot light in his eyes. Said, "Bai Ding Ju Li, I didn't expect to find such a terrible martial arts in such a small place before."

Four college palace competition? Chu Qianye?

The two guards glanced at each other, their faces changed slightly.

When Chu Qianye lost power, they seemed to have fallen into trouble. In the end, Chu Qianye awakened the martial soul again, and severely taught them once with the pressure of aura. Today, the Four University Palace Tournament, the stage of peerless genius, Chu Qian Ye actually defeated? And if you tell this bookstore, there is an empty alley?

Your uncle, what happened?

The two guards looked at each other, and they could see the panic in each other's eyes.

The stronger Chu Qianye became, the stronger their restlessness and anxiety would become. If Chu Qianye won the first prize, then they would be desperate. After all, the two of them didn't show Chu Qianye a good face before, and now Chu Qianye is famous in Dongjun. China, they dare not stay here anymore.

The two hurried to find someone to understand, and after listening to the man's narration, their eyes also showed brilliant.

You are so close to being a strong one. This is simply a godsend. If you can buy this "Dragon Elephant Fist" martial arts, why bother to have no strength?

The most important thing is that the opportunity allows, and it is a matter of minutes.

"Let’s stop watching the door, go buy it, fifty thousand gold coins, what if the strength is diligent? Then we can become generals or generals, and the salted fish will stand up..."

The other person was obviously moved.

"Let's go, I'm fed up with the anger at the door, I will counterattack today!"

Such things were happening in many places in Chishui County at almost the same time.

For the third time, Chu Qianye displayed the power of "Dragon Elephant Fist" again, and he was also able to fly his opponent with a punch, and the opponent's profound soldier could not be pulled out.

The four universities' competition for hegemony shocked the audience.


"The explosive power of this dragon elephant boxing is really terrible. The martial arts I used to spend a lot of money on, compared with Chu Qianye's martial arts, are rubbish!"

"Yes, you must buy this martial art."

"You are late. Just not long ago, the small bookstore was sold out. The batch of manuscripts that are being printed are priced at one hundred thousand copies."

"Buy, you must buy, if you don't buy it, it will rise to 200,000 copies!"


Xiao Bao was so busy that he walked out of the bookstore and the line was on the main city.

"My God, at least 10,000 copies must be printed!" Xiaobao immediately made a wise decision and continued to print 10,000 copies, and it was publicized. They were all sold out and wanted to obtain Dragon Elephant Fist. , Have to pay an advance sale of 50,000 gold coins.

In this case, it would be 150,000 copies.

I thought that this could stop people from buying, but this has increasingly made many people know that the importance and rarity of this "Dragon Elephant Fist" is that rare is precious, and everyone feels that this martial art is very purchaseable.

"Boss, what should I do? I have sold 8,000 copies, 150,000 copies!"

Chu Qianye: "..."

Your uncle, the alchemist and the refiner, may not make money in your industry. After deducting various costs, there are now nearly 100 million gold coins.

A billion...

Chu Qianye couldn't help taking a breath, it was too cruel, no, I have to calm down.

Um, six million to buy a soul herb, so when you count it, it's actually not much, isn't it just a few hundred soul herbs.


Thinking of this, Chu Qianye still felt unable to calm down.

It is so cruel, and if this continues, it is estimated that Xuefufang's income will not be as much as its own.

But with so much money, storage may be a problem.

"Sister Qiu Yu." Chu Qianye can only ask for help. After all, Qiu Yu may be easier to operate than the Eighth Prince in this regard.

"One hundred million, this may be a bit troublesome, you need to charge 20% of the commission." Qiu Yujiao smiled, "You kid really can do business, it is estimated that the silver bills in the pockets of high-ranking officials will fall into your pocket. ."

Chu Qianye could only smile bitterly. Although the 20% commission seemed to be a lot, he actually made it.

"Don't think that this money is a lot. When you go to a wider world, you will understand that ordinary cultivation medicinal materials are calculated in ten thousand. Your little money can only be said to be a small rich." Qiu Wei Smiled lightly.

One billion, small rich? !

How about the rich and the rich? Isn't it tens of billions?

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