Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 907: Looking for dangerous places (five shifts)

"Too, too terrifying." Seeing this scene, the elder of the supreme suddenly stopped speaking and said in surprise, dumbfounded, and secretly squeezed sweat.

"Such a young man is definitely an evildoer!"

Fortunately, he didn't say everything to death, and there is still a chance to remedy it.

However, the surrounding disciples didn't care about what he said, because Chu Qianye's casual understatement shattered the nine-foot-thunder of thunder, and this kind of power made them all shocked and speechless.

"What a strong force."

Feeling the power of Chu Qianye's blast, everyone secretly took a breath.

But at this moment, Chu Qianye didn't care about the gazes of these people at all, and his perception quickly found the fluctuation of the spirit guide array.

"Got you!"

Chu Qianye moved into the depths of the thunder pond violently, and disappeared in front of many people, and the people who were still cultivating around were shocked.

Such madmen are rare. They did not expect that someone would dare to break into the depths of the thunder pond. Such power is indeed quite terrifying. I would really think someone bragged.

"What a powerful force!"

"Who was that person just now?"

"Unexpectedly smashed Jiuzhang Thunder with bare hands!"


Everyone was surprised and talked a lot.

Chu Qianye didn't care.

Shuttle through the mine pond.

In the blink of an eye, he reached the depths of the thunder pond, and the power of thunder around him could not hurt his body at all, like a gentle stream of water, constantly washing his body, emitting a faint light.

As he got deeper, the thunder pressure below became more and more terrifying, but Chu Qianye didn't realize it, and he continued to swept down.

This is his body, this little thunder force can't hurt him at all, at least it needs a thunder with six colors or more to be possible.


Chu Qianye's speed was very fast, Ling Tianshen stepped at full speed, and a breath was a hundred feet away.

Soon Chu Qianye appeared in front of the cave. The sister-in-law brought him here before, and now she is back here, she can't help but sigh.

On the Profound Qi Continent, Chu Qianye has actually experienced ten and a half days, but he has spent nearly two thousand years in rebuilding his martial arts. His appearance is not old, but his Dao heart has also healed. The hair became firm.

The memory of the previous life has not been unblocked, but now he has more than a thousand years of experience in the heart, which made his mind become more and more calm, so he appeared in front of this cave without much thought. It's just a little sigh.

After sighing lightly, Chu Qianye's figure moved, and he entered the cave in an instant, and the breath of Xiaobao and others appeared in Chu Qianye's perception almost simultaneously.

"call out!"

Chu Qianye's figure slid in front of the Lingling Formation in the blink of an eye, while Xiaobao's faces were startled.


"little bastard!"



When everyone saw Chu Qianye, their eyes couldn't help crying red.

Chu Qianye smiled faintly.

"It's okay, it's okay," Chu Qianye comforted softly.

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With good words to persuade the girls, it took a while for the girls to be relieved.

"You have entered the secret space, we must leave here as soon as possible now." Chu Qianye said.

The women also knew the situation at this time, and Chu Qianye had escaped from death, but it was absolutely impossible for those sects to let them go, so they had to leave here as soon as possible.

Zhang Tianqi comforted Chu Nun, and then Jie Yin entered the secret space.

Xiaobao finally entered the Naling Ring.

Chu Qianye glanced at the half puppet faintly. At this moment, the puppet actually thought that the reason for thunder, the martial arts aura became more and more vigorous.

"Master," said the half puppet.

This half puppet has his own intelligence, and after being subdued by him, he has now obeyed his instructions.

"Yeah." Chu Qianye nodded indifferently, and said, "Come with me."

After the words were over, the figure rushed forward quickly, the violent thunder power slammed on the half puppet fiercely, but it became pure because of the silver thunder power, sneer Sneer poured into the puppet's body, revealing a crystal clear light.

Chu Qianye was also quite surprised when he felt that half of the puppet was absorbing the power of thunder.

This is like a fish in water for it, the stronger the power of thunder, the more helpful it is, as long as it is not strong enough to destroy it.

Chu Qianye could also see half the puppet's greed for these thunderous ones.

But now is not the time to practice. He has to leave here as soon as possible. The sooner the better. As soon as those guys know that they are alive, they will definitely take action. I am afraid that they have already taken action now.

"Let's go, these thunder powers will have opportunities in the future, and they will come at that time." Chu Qianye said lightly.

The half puppet nodded, seemingly enlightened, and also followed Chu Qianye.

Two figures hurriedly left Lei Chi.

A few breaths have swept the surface of the mine pool.

When those people saw the two rays of light, they were secretly surprised and turned their heads.

When everyone looked at the half puppet, their pupils suddenly shrank.

This is a half puppet. The oppressive feeling of power makes them feel a sense of depression, and the thunder that rushed over seemed to know that there was no way to stop the puppet, and did not smash it at it.


Chu Qianye said faintly, and the soles of his feet slammed, and the whole person turned into a divine rainbow, rushing straight ahead, disappearing in front of his eyes in a few blinks, and the speed was so fast that he couldn't help being secretly astounding.

The violent power of this kind is beyond the ordinary.

"Half a puppet!"

"What the **** is that young man? There is such a fetish."

"When did such a man appear in our North Continent? I feel like I have been eliminated."

"I remember, this man seems to be King Alchemy. He entered the depths of Huangquan's blood domain not long ago, won the blood of Huangquan's demon saints and his utmost knowledge, and escaped under the eyes of the four statues."

"My God, there are still such things? Run away from under the eyes of the four venerables?"

Everyone thought it was incredible, after all, there were ants under the venerable, and Chu Qianye was able to escape from under the four eyelids? What a monster this is!

Chu Qianye didn't stop, and the soles of his feet quickly swept forward, taking out the map from Qiankun Ring.

Now he has to find a place to refine the merit water and buy a giant flying boat.

He had to rush back to the Great Wilderness of Xizhou as soon as possible. If Yingyue ruler has not the whereabouts of the Holy Flame of All Souls, then he plans to return to the Chiyun Dynasty first to bring the Dragon Gate into the Sixteen Great Wilderness, and also solve the problem left by the blood race.

Chu Qianye looked at the map markers and quickly found an extremely dangerous area.

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