Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 908: Refining the Star Stone (six more)

With a heart move, he took out the light flying boat.

Yu Beast skimmed out, pulling the flying boat, skimming to the position Chu Qianye thought of, and disappeared in front of him in a few blinks, the speed was still quite fast.

The Nujiang Grand Canyon in the Beizhou Region is a veritable and dangerous place, and many strong people come here to experience it.

Chu Qianye left the flying boat, displayed his figure, and hurried forward, swooping into the depths.

Many experienced people have a touch of horror in their eyes. This is a dangerous place, and very few people dare to run like this. Chu Qianye is really a special case.

But what surprised them most was that the fierce beasts in the Grand Canyon didn't attack Chu Qianye, but instead let out a low roar, as if they had seen something terrible.

"Who is that person, dare to rush into the Grand Canyon like this."

"What a terrible strength, those fierce beasts are afraid of him."

"It's a great man again."


Chu Qianye ignored him, his figure continued to flicker, found an extremely hidden cave, and then entered inside, leaving the half puppet to guard outside.

Just in case, Chu Qianye also specially arranged a Tiantu Zhuxian formation.

After getting these things done, Chu Qianye began to take out the materials for the formation.

There is no shortage of materials for the refined formation.

With a wave of his robe, all the materials were exhausted.

Exudes colorful colors.

"Start to lay out."

Concise and smooth.

Chu Qianye knows all the process, including what kind of formations are arranged. Chu Qianye also knows. Qiu Yu has already told him those refining methods before, and he happens to master a refined formation, so this I can't trouble him at all.

"With my current strength, I can set up three refinements at the same time, so that the speed will be faster, and I can rush back to the Western Continent as soon as possible." Chu Qianye's heart moved, the two-purpose layout and refinement of the formation.

When the two formations took shape, Chu Qianye didn't stop, and continued to arrange a third refinement formation.

When the three refined formations were formed, Chu Qianye finally let out a sigh of relief.

The formation has been set up, and then you can start refining.

Flick your fingers.

"Boom bang bang!"

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Three qi glows swept straight to the refinement formation, and in a few blinks of an eye, the refinement formation was activated instantly.

Seeing the Shenghui formation in his hair, Chu Qianye's eyes flashed with blazing heat.

According to Qiu Yu's previous budget, it should be possible to extract a few hundred drops of meritorious water. For fifty drops, one can buy a giant flying boat. If a few hundred drops can be extracted, then three or four giant flying boats are definitely appropriate.

For Longmen to develop, three or four ships are almost just right.

As for the remaining meritorious service, that is the start-up wealth. Now he has turned his face with Wu Shi, and everything depends on himself, so Wu Shi basically doesn't count on it.

If you want to be independent, you must have a lot of merit points and merit water. The merit water you have now can only be said to be a starting point, and it cannot fully cope with what may happen next.

Therefore, Chu Qianye didn't think there was too much meritorious service.

With a move in his heart, he quickly took out the star stone.

Looking at the glittering star stone, Chu Qianye's eyes flashed with expectation.

This star stone is still very big, belonging to the second largest, I don't know if hundreds of drops of meritorious water can be extracted.

Put the star stone into the refining formation, and with a flash of light, there is a light around the star stone that envelops it, and the formation is also buzzing with a violent tremor, the light is like a rainbow, shooting into the sky.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and the power within the formation ran wildly, taking out the merits of the star stone, and then flowing into the bottle under the action of the formation.


Chu Qianye's heart moved, looking at the first jade bottle, there was already meritorious water dripping into it, and it appeared mottled and shattered under the light.


The second drop, the third drop, the fourth drop,...

Along with the rapid passage of time, around the star stone, the energy of the stars was being drawn out at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then condensed again under the action of the formation, turned into water droplets, and fell into the jade bottle.

Chu Qianye didn't pay attention to it, and he was practicing on the sidelines.

Perceive the situation in the body first.

Chu Qianye's heart moved, the spirit of martial arts in that space was still as usual, emitting a faint golden light, except that the soul domain was somewhat different, and four small spaces had appeared.

Soul body, Seven Stars Consummation.

Now he already has the strength of King Pill, and it is no exaggeration to say that when encountering King Pill of Wu Danfeng's level, he is more than soul power or the strength of fighting pill!

Now he is only one step away from the real Pill King. After the Consummation Stage, he is Dzogchen. At that time, he only needs an opportunity to become the Pill King!

The improvement of the soul realm gave him the clearest feeling that his arrangement of formations has become very fast, and the soul power can control two formations, which was impossible before.

After the recast of the flesh and blood body, it has improved so much.

But it's normal to think about it. His martial heart has gone through more than a thousand years, and it has surpassed an ordinary alchemist. It would be strange if his soul power had not improved.

But and it seems that he is very close to the Great Perfection realm. As long as he continues to refine alchemy, engrave **** patterns or arrange formations in the later stage, his soul power will be able to break through and improve.

On the Profound Qi Continent, because martial artists all pursue martial arts, especially in the strengthening of the physical body, they basically use martial arts to enhance the physical body, use the blood to strengthen the physical body, use the pill to temper the physical body, and use the profound energy to promote the physical body,...

Everything is based on the flesh.

However, no one noticed the role of soul power at all. At least few people would pay attention to the power of soul power. After all, they lack soul skills and have no cultivation methods, so not many people are willing to try to cultivate souls.

Chu Qianye has a soul attack method. The Supreme God Killing is a soul attack martial skill. He still lacks the method to cultivate soul power. This problem must be looked for when he has the opportunity in the future.

Now he, his body no longer needs to pursue so deliberately, and in the next time he can try to cultivate his soul power, the people in the Hunting Hall, it really takes a little effort to deal with them.

He doesn't have soul cultivation methods, but he knows the methods, alchemy, patterns, formations and tools.

Of course, he doesn't know much about refining tools, but he knows the first three very well.

Anyway, when Longmen enters the Profound Qi Continent, he will definitely need a pill, and then he can madly refine his alchemy or patterns to enhance his overall strength.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye stopped thinking about it, and continued to perceive other places in his body.

This recast of flesh and blood has improved his strength, but his body has also undergone tremendous changes. He needs to understand and familiarize himself with the recast flesh as soon as possible.

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