Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 930: Jun Qing appeared (five shifts)

Hehe, this is also called the battle formation?

It's full of loopholes!

However, the defensive power is indeed very strong, mainly because of the rapid changes. As long as one person moves a little, the entire battle formation can undergo earth-shaking changes. This is really surprising.


Lu Yan said in a deep voice.

The elders all around took action one after another, and the sky attacked Chu Qianye violently from all directions.

Chu Qianye's expression also showed a sense of awe.

Those previously killed were all Xiao Xiami's characters. To create a deterrent, he still lacks a heavyweight mission. Only by killing him can he deter the Chiyun Dynasty. Knowing the price of offending him Chu Qianye and Longmen what!

This heavyweight is Deputy Zong Luyan?

Not at all, but killing this deputy sect has to a large extent also served as a deterrent.

The person he most wanted to kill was Jun Qing, and the person who tolerated and condoned the Scarlet Cloud Sect must die.

He hasn't appeared yet, it is very possible to observe him in the dark.

"Ruan Kui, you take all the people back fifty feet away. Remember, it's a straight retreat. Don't turn or turn your head. Take them back fifty feet and stop. There is a war sword. The center forms a circle, and the strength is increased from the outside to the inside." Chu Qianye said quickly.

When the words were over, Chu Qianye raised his head, and said indifferently, "Go away!"

The Jiuyou Zhilang Ruler suddenly showed up, forming an airtight cover of the wave.

Ruan Kui led the Longmen group and quickly retreated fifty feet back.

Very good, already in place, the next step is to draw the snake out of the hole.

Chu Qianye sneered at the corner of his mouth, looking at the void: "Jun Qing, where are you?"

As he spoke, his soul power was immediately released, quickly sweeping around, and his soul perception quickly rose, leaving the battlefield, like a bird, overlooking the world and the void.

At this moment, his perspective widens infinitely, and every corner of Scarlet Cloud Sect appears in his perception.

This process was silent, and no one felt anything wrong.

There are still a few powerful auras dormant in Scarlet Cloud Sect, it should be all the background of Scarlet Cloud Sect.

This power is very well hidden, but because it contains a huge power, like the dazzling sun, it is impossible to escape Chu Qianye's perception.

"One, two, three,... eight."

Chu Qianye's heart moved, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

These eight people are basically the third-order Celestial Realm and above, if he guessed correctly, he should be Jun Qing's greatest support.

A dynasty can have such a lineup is quite good.

These guys should be waiting. If people like Lu Yan can't figure it out, then they will take action, and at that time Jun Qing will also appear, so there is no need to go to Jun Qing at all.

Kill these people in front of you, and he will show up automatically.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye's eyes suddenly swept towards a warrior.

Suddenly, the man felt Ru Mang on his back, and his heart was suddenly surprised.

But before he looked back, he slammed his head with a punch.


His soul shattered in an instant, his eyes widened, his face was incredibly full, and he didn't understand who made the move.

When one person died, the whole war had a bigger loophole.


Chu Qianye said lightly.

Xubai's soul body suddenly stepped on the soles of his feet again, and his figure also flashed in front of another warrior, and then slammed out with a punch, without the slightest fancy.


There was a muffled noise, and a smear of blood suddenly poured out from the corner of that person's mouth.

"The forty-second person."

Chu Qianye said coldly.

At this moment, Lu Yan and others also discovered the existence of Chu Qianye.

"Soul body!"

Seeing the shape exactly like Chu Qianye, everyone looked ugly.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

Three more people died.

The entire battle formation collapsed instantly.

"What a strong soul body!"

"Seven Stars Great Extreme Position!"

"It seems that the rumors are true, Chu Qianye has really reached the level of King Pill."

King Dan!

This word means the supreme glory and status, just this one identity has left them a few blocks away, not to mention Chu Qianye's martial arts cultivation is so terrifying.

The sole of his foot was a little bit, and his figure suddenly rushed out, and the battle sword in his palm smashed the battle formation suddenly.


The sword smashed the battle formation instantly.

And those people were all backlashed by the fierce attack, their faces turned pale, vomiting blood and retreating.

"how can that be?!"

Lu Yan looked at the broken battle formation in shock.

"You can actually be extraordinary swordsman!"

For a while, he said with some trepidation in his heart.

At the same time, Lu Yan sighed secretly in his heart. This time he was not unjustly defeated. His soul was at the extreme position of the Seven Stars. With extraordinary swordsmanship, he was no match for the black-clothed youth in front of him.

Chu Qianye's martial arts swordsmanship swept out like a gust of wind.

"Boom bang bang!"

Most of the people were knocked out, and some people hadn't awakened, the sword energy had already submerged into their bodies, passed through their chests, and eventually died.

Before he died, his eyes widened, showing an incredible look.

At this moment, the Scarlet Cloud Sect was bloody.

Chu Qianye carried the palm of his hand and turned his head to look at the three lingering elders.

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"call out!"

Chu Qianye flew out and slammed out with a punch.


Another person was blown out of his head, and he couldn't die again!

The rest of the elders looked at Chu Qianye with the eyes of you being a devil.

At this time, Ye Tianjun, the whole person and crazy, Chu Qianye's strength is too strong, this kind of power is unimaginable in his life, below the third stage of the celestial realm, it is not his opponent at all, maybe the third stage There is still a battle.

And he was at the third stage of the extreme realm. In front of Chu Qianye, that was the existence that was pinched to death. At this moment, he finally felt that he was in front of Chu Qianye, just like an ant, it was insignificant at all!

What did you think and why did you come back?

At this time, Ye Tianjun had gone crazy.

Chu Qianye glanced at the other other elders.

"It's you guys."

After the words were over, the soles of his feet stepped out again. Just as he was about to kill the two men, a terrifying force suddenly distorted, blocking the void of his advancement.

"Killing so many people, you are not afraid of karma?"

A faint voice spread without a trace of emotion.

Seeing this scene, everyone was astonished and looked at the sound source, only to see a middle-aged man in a green robe standing lightly with his hands behind him, followed by eight powerful men with terrifying auras behind him.


Chu Qianye's eyes narrowed.

"Fifth Celestial Realm."

Sure enough, as he had guessed, the Jun Qing in front of him was very strong.

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