Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 931: Start liquidation

The fifth stage of the celestial realm is comparable to the strength of the tyrant, and there is no problem at all to dominate in a small place like the dynasty.

"As expected, I still underestimated you. I knew I should have wiped you out in the cradle." Jun Qing looked at Chu Qianye and said with a sneer:

"Before you used a lot of extraordinary swordsmanship, the profound energy in your body should be exhausted."

Sure enough, this Jun Qing has been observing him. It is not that he can't save him, but that he knows how to avoid his edge. If he had appeared before, then Chu Qianye, who used extraordinary swordsmanship, would have terrifying combat power. .

Chu Qianye stared at the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi.

This Jun Qing is really cold. The sect that he created by himself watched the elders die one by one, but he didn't show up easily, waiting for him to exhaust his profound energy before coming out. Such a character and courage are indeed extraordinary people can do. Comparable.

"Hehe, I found some interesting information. You played against Bai Yaojiang, and you played 20 extraordinary sword auras in a row before breaking one arm. At that time, your martial arts cultivation base was the third or fourth rank of the polar realm, Bai Yaojiang. It is the fourth stage of the Celestial Realm, if I remember correctly."

Everyone heard Jun Qing's faint words, and suddenly showed a touch of shock.

Who is Bai Yaojiang? The deputy commander of the Yulin army ruled by the sun is very powerful. His reputation is not given by others, but accumulated through the sea of ​​blood. Who dares to provoke such ruthless people easily? , Chu Qianye actually dared to provoke him, and even cut off his arm?

The third and fourth orders of the earth?

At that time, Chu Qianye had actually learned extraordinary swordsmanship?

He is only in his twenties, he is already so scary?

Everyone looked at the black-clothed youth, and there was a terrible storm in their hearts. This is too terrifying. At such a young age, they have learned the extraordinary swordsmanship, and the sword sovereign and the sword saint are still far away?

As long as you become the Venerable, you are the Sword Master.

Stepping into the celestial realm at the eighth stage of the Earth Realm, it is quite difficult to enlighten the Dao in the celestial martial art realm. This is quite difficult. There are thousands of celestial realms, but the venerable is numbered. It is not that they can be promoted with enough strength. Yes, an old monster like Jun Qing has cultivated for hundreds of years and thousands of years, but now it is only at the fifth stage of the Celestial Realm, which shows the difficulty of this.

It may be difficult for others, but for Chu Qianye, is this difficult?

His martial spirit was shattered and rebuilt, only two years ago.

Learned extraordinary kendo in your twenties?

Stepped into the eighth level of the polar realm when you were in your twenties?

So, if he steps into the celestial realm, is he still far from enlightenment and sanctification?

No one dared to pack a ticket. After all, Chu Qianye stepped from the Profound Realm to the Eighth Stage of the Earth Realm in half a year, and it took only half a year before and after. Therefore, when Jun Qing said this, it immediately caused a stir. Big wave.

When everyone looked at the black-clothed youth again, they were already full of deep fear.

This young man in black was really terrible.

When everyone looked at Chu Qianye again, their eyes were not only jealous but also jealous.

Genuine T first release

"But at that time you gained the heart of the martial arts demon saint, you have this kind of power." Jun Qing said lightly, "If you don't have the heart of the demon saint, can you have this kind of combat power?"

"But you have to understand that this kind of external force is ultimately a side-by-side approach. The martial arts does not rely on these luck and opportunities. If you don't have a strong Taoist heart, even if you have a demon saint heart, how about it? It’s just a heart that has been tainted with the breath of the saint. You fight against Bai Yaojiang, the blood of the heart of the martial arts demon saint has been exhausted by you, what are you fighting with me now?"

"Oh yes, it seems that you got the heart of the demon saint of Huangquan later, but it was exhausted by the four joint efforts. Your luck is so good, but it is all exhausted by you, now what do you still have to follow? I fight?"

Hearing these messages Jun Qing said, everyone had their heads down.

This is luck, too bad.

But he still didn't know how to cherish opportunities, the heart that he finally got, his blood energy was so exhausted by him?

Many people feel like a prodigal son.

If they were replaced by them, they would definitely find a place to practice well, and would never give up without refining the heart of the demon saint, let alone showing up easily.

It's just a pity that Chu Qianye didn't have this idea at all.

The people in Longmen were speechless in surprise. They didn't expect that in the half year of disappearing, Chu Qianye would have obtained two Demon Sage Hearts in a row, and they were all depleted by him.

"Hehe, your martial arts talent is actually very average. You can reach the eighth rank of the extreme earth by relying on the two demon saint hearts. Putting these two hearts on the animal's body, the martial arts cultivation base is stronger than you." Jun Qing said lightly:

"You who have exhausted your profound energy can perform extraordinary swordsmanship up to four times. Come on, do you have any last words?"

Chu Qianye was quite surprised, but he didn't expect Jun Qing to investigate his situation clearly.

But, are you sure I can only perform extraordinary kendo four times?

"Kill you, enough."

Chu Qianye smiled lightly, glanced lightly at the blood-stained Lu Yan.


Chu Qianye's figure completely disappeared and appeared in front of Lu Yan the next moment.

The reason why he didn't kill Lu Yan for so long was because he waited for Junqing to appear.

And this time Jun Qing has already appeared, so he can start to kill people.

The first one, Deputy Zong Luyan!

Extraordinary swordsmanship came out, the dazzling divine light dazzled, rushing out of the war sword in Chu Qianye's hand, and the kung fu in the blink of an eye was already in front of Lu Yan.

Lu Yan was secretly horrified in his heart, because Chu Qianye's sword was obviously more powerful than before, and it was full of terrifying killing.

He subconsciously lifted his palm of his hand. Trying to block Chu Qianye's attack horizontally.


The profound soldiers collided fiercely, but Chu Qianye's extraordinary sword energy still rushed towards Lu Yan, and the void twisted and cracked wherever he could!


The extraordinary sword aura submerged into his chest. He didn't know until he died that Chu Qianye had always had the strength to kill himself, but he didn't want to kill him. Instead, he waited until Jun Qing was brought out!

He clutched his chest, then fell to the ground, his breath broke...

Seeing this scene, everyone was secretly surprised.

What a strong sword, it is completely at the same level as the previous sword aura.

"It turns out he controlled it deliberately."

"To be precise, it is to draw the snake out of the hole."

"The drunk man's intention is not to drink, it turns out that he is waiting for the Lord."


The crowd onlookers woke up at this time and understood Chu Qianye's intentions.

Jun Qing's face became very ugly.

Chu Qianye, this guy, even retained his strength, but he was blindsided.

"Ye Tianjun is your relative?" Chu Qianye turned her head and asked lightly.

"You tolerate the Scarlet Cloud Sect to get close to my Dragon Gate, and I will settle this account with you today."

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