Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 933: Might of Wrath

"this is…"

Seeing this scene, everyone stared out.

The power of Chu Qianye's palm seemed light and fluttering, but in fact it was as if Mount Tai was pressing on the top and a meteorite fell from the sky. Ordinary warriors could not stop this blow.

Jun Qing at the moment also screamed in his heart.

Chu Qianye's physical body completely surpassed his expectations. He actually possessed this terrifying power. He taught him the tremor of his soul with one palm. Compared with him, the power of Chu Qianye's physical body was only strong but not weak!

Damn it, how could this kid's body be so tough?

"What to do, advance or retreat?"

At this moment, Jun Qing flashed countless thoughts in his mind.

Chu Qianye retreated quickly.


Chu Qianye shot Jun Qing away with a palm.

His figure was like a kite with a broken thread, and he was slapped by Chu Qianye and flew out 100 meters away. The whole person fell from a high altitude, and a deep hole suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

This Chu Qianye?

This is the eighth level of the polar realm?

This is not the fifth-order Junqing of the Celestial Realm?

At this moment, Jun Qing stole out of the pit in a rather embarrassing figure, his robe was stained with blood, and his hair was a bit messy.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

This is Chaozhu, not Chu Qianye's opponent?

While Jun Qing was still hesitating, Chu Qianye stepped out again.

"Yellow Spring Palm."

He spat lightly.

The voice fell, but on Chu Qianye's palm, energy quickly gathered from all directions, whizzing out from his body.

Yellow spring palm?

Although everyone did not know what Huangquan Palm was like, the Huangquan Palm that Chu Qianye said in his mouth filled them with a sense of shock, because they all understood that there was only one type of Huangquan Palm on the Profound Qi Continent, and this was Huangquan. The Huangquan Heavenly Wrath created by the Demon Sage, and Chu Qianye obtained the heart of the Huangquan Demon Sage, of course he also got the true story.

So, this must be the yellow spring palm in their hearts.


Jun Qing's face changed slightly. At this moment, he was completely beaten by Chu Qianye. He thought this was a rare opportunity before, but Chu Qianye's physical strength was so terrifying that he could fully understand it under the palm of his hand.

Continue to fight with the kid?

It's a dead end!

"You can't escape."

Chu Qianye teleported to the place where Jun Qing retreated.

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"how can that be?!"

Jun Qing roared wildly in his heart. He knew that he could no longer escape. If he continued to choose to escape, Chu Qianye would chase him up, and he would still be unable to escape.

And Chu Qianye teleported close to him, and now he could no longer escape Chu Qianye's attack, even if he teleported now, Chu Qianye's Huangquan palm would still hit him.

Thinking of this, he could only desperately.

"I'm fighting with you!"

Under the wild roar in his heart, he immediately volleyed out a punch!

This punch contains 90% of his combat power, even if the Venerable comes, he has to be afraid of three points.

Chu Qianye smiled faintly.

Fight with my Huangquan Palm?

Chu Qianye's palm was full of Wujin's killing and killing aura, and the energy around him quickly condensed, coming towards the giant dragon in his palm.

The blood screams furiously!


The palms of the fists collided fiercely, and both Chu Qianye and Jun Qing retreated quickly. At the position where the palms of the fists collided, a huge crack of hundreds of meters collapsed, and the energy of nothingness overflowed.

Jun Qing retreated several tens of feet before stopping his figure. He raised his head and glanced at Chu Qianye, revealing a sneer.

Although he didn't try his best with this punch, it was enough to deal with Chu Qianye. The venerable would be afraid of three points, let alone Chu Qianye?

However, he didn't know that Chu Qianye was a person who had fought against the four deities. This physical strength seemed to him nothing at all. After all, he possessed a divine body and was not afraid of Jun Qing.

Jun Qing smiled secretly in her heart.

Fight with me, can you survive?

You have to lose a layer of skin if you don't die!

However, when he raised his head and swept his gaze towards Chu Qianye's location, Chu Qianye stood with his hands on his back, and there was no injury on his body, except that the clothes on his arms were shattered by the powerful force, but there was nothing. Is wrong.

"how can that be?!"

Jun Qing's smile instantly solidified, revealing a touch of shock.

Not only Junqing, but also others.

Chu Qianye is actually strong enough to resist the king?

Everyone has a very weird idea.

"This is impossible, how could your physical body be so powerful?!" Jun Qing stared at Chu Qianye and asked madly.

Chu Qianye had no words.

Haha, you all think that I have absorbed the blood of the saint, or got the heart of the saint to be so strong, how do you know that my body is reshaped, but it is a divine body?

He didn't reply, and stepped forward.

"about there."

When he finished speaking, he rushed forward and appeared in front of Jun Qing in the blink of an eye, the light flickered in his palm, and he took out the war sword.

Seeing Zhanjian, Jun Qing dared not stay there, and quickly followed Teleport to leave, this time he was already planning to escape.

Chu Qianye saw his intention, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Jieyin, swallow.

Chu Qianye moved at the speed of running water, his body swelled suddenly, and his mouth was slightly opened, and an ancient syllable immediately vomited from his mouth.


An invisible shock wave rushed forward in the blink of an eye, Jun Qing teleported, and the soles of his feet had just fallen tens of feet away, but his body was slammed by a force, a scream, and the bottom of the air.

He staggered after landing and barely stabilized his figure. Everyone took a closer look, and they all took a breath.

At the location of Jun Qing's chest, only an invisible force was seen, like a sharp blade slashing across, forming an inch-deep wound, exposing his ribs, but his breath was sluggish, and he lost the attitude of the Lord.

"too strong!"

"Only profound arts can help me escape!"

Jun Qing had no fighting spirit at this time, there was only such a thought in his mind.

"What's the ultimate move?"

"Heavenly rank martial arts, Huang Quan Tian is angry!"


Hearing these words, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

Huang Quantian's anger, such a big killer move is a treasure that every strong man covets, but because of the fragmented scroll, no one dares to practice. Now that Chu Qianye has collected Huang Quantian's anger, they can see it again. The brilliance of this martial art.

Under one move, Jun Qing didn't even have a chance to escape, what a tyrannical big killer move.

Chu Qianye smiled secretly.

The profound energy consumed by Huang Quantian's wrath was more terrifying than the extraordinary sword energy. After using it once, the profound energy in his Qi Sea had already emptied to the point where the oil was exhausted and the lamp was dry.

This kind of big killer is better for me to use less in the future.

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