Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 934: Dragon Gate Guard

At this moment, Jun Qing just wanted to survive.

He felt that he couldn't stay for a second, this was that he had never encountered such an enemy since his debut. Whether it is a punch or a spit, it contains the terrifying power of killing.

He simply couldn't take Chu Qianye's attack.

In the falling pit, a trace of determination passed through his eyes, and a breath of violent power exuded from his body.

There was a burst of blood red on his face, and a breath of Ling Ran exuded all over his body. The eyeballs were covered with bloodshot eyes, and he was covered with blue veins to make up for it. It seemed that he had already performed profound arts.


Jun Qing rushed out of the deep pit, his figure was like a stream of light, and he hurriedly rushed to the void in front of him, and a few moments of effort had disappeared before his eyes.

Everyone's expressions were startled, because Jun Qing was running for his life like this, and he didn't stay at all when he was still in the situation of profound arts.

The warriors behind him looked surprised.

Flee to the Lord?

Everyone stared at the light and shadow with a look of surprise.

Chu Qianye shook his head lightly.

A little on the sole of his foot, Ling Tianshen stepped away.

Under the twinkling of Kunpeng's wings, Chu Qianye disappeared before his eyes in the blink of an eye.

Chasing after Jun Qing, the extraordinary sword aura burst out and went straight to his back.

Jun Qing, who was tens of feet away in an instant, stepped out of Chi Yunzong with one foot and one foot. When he was relieved in his heart, Chu Qianye's vertical and horizontal sword energy rushed straight forward.

"You can't escape."

After speaking, Jun Qing felt a monstrous sword breath coming from behind him.

He turned his head, and immediately roared furiously, his palm flickered, and he held a mysterious fork, which emitted nine flames.

"Boy, you were the one who forced me, so let's have a dead fish!"

After the words were over, the Xuan Cha in his hand exuded nine colors, and the power of terror violently surged out of it immediately.

Hey, this mysterious soldier is a bit unique. It actually has nine **** patterns inscribed, symbolizing nine kinds of flames.

But Chu Qianye smiled faintly.

Extraordinary sword energy slashed out in a row, this time he was planning to kill him.

Five extraordinary sword auras, without the slightest gap, went straight to Jun Qing.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

For Jun Qing, who was seriously injured, Chu Qianye couldn't stop the five extraordinary sword auras that burst out.


After being severely injured by Chu Qianye, Jun Qing could no longer withstand the five extraordinary sword auras that Chu Qianye slashed. His left chest was smashed into his body by a sword aura. His face became pale for a while, and he immediately vomited a mouthful of blood.

In the end, he clutched his chest in disbelief and died completely.

At the same time, Chu Qianye's soul perception enveloped the entire Scarlet Cloud Dynasty.

Jun Qing also has a first-order celestial avatar, cutting the grass will inevitably remove the roots, so he did not intend to give up, and his soul perception quickly spread.

Soon Chu Qianye felt a familiar breath.

"Got you!"

When the words were over, he quickly gave the half-puppet divine sound.

He searched out his Qiankun Ring and Meritorious Stone.

Jun Qing has been the ruler of the dynasty for so many years, and there must be a lot of inventory. He is now in need of merit. Now the Scarlet Cloud Sect cannot be without a master for a day. He can cultivate a puppet to control the dynasty.

As for Wu Shi, he will definitely be expelled. It just so happens that his own idea can also be realized. It is safest to let Qiu Yu come to talk about it.

Chu Qianye's heart moved, and Jun Qing picked it up with one hand.


Chu Qianye came back again, gazing condescendingly at the people below.

"The Lord is dead. From now on I will be the Lord. If you don't agree, you can challenge me!"

After he finished speaking, Chu Qianye threw Jun Qing's body down.

When everyone saw Jun Qing's body, their expressions couldn't help but change slightly.

"Obey me, or die!"

Chu Qianye's gaze swept toward the other eight celestial realm powerhouses.

"Farewell to my lord!"

The eight celestial realm powerhouses knelt down and said in unison.

Chu Qianye stood with his hands behind and nodded gently.

The other sect masters stared wide-eyed and couldn't believe the scene before him. Jun Qing actually died in Chu Qianye's hands?

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In this world, the strong is respected, and Chu Qianye stepped on the Scarlet Cloud Sect today and killed the king, he became the new king.

Life is impermanent, who ever thought of it?

"Crimson Yunzong will be renamed Longyunzong from now on. It is an affiliated sect of Longmen. Outstanding disciples can join Longmen. Ruan Kui is the lord of Longyunzong." Chu Qianye said again, his voice resounding like thunder. Heaven and earth are also opening in the Scarlet Cloud Sect.

Chu Qianye turned his head and looked at Ruan Kui.

"Long Yunzong will be left to you to take care of. If you have anything in the future, you can discuss with Huzi, and the other brothers will enter the Sixteenth Wilderness together with me." He said in a voice.

Ruan Kui was secretly surprised. It seemed that Chu Qianye had already thought out all the possibilities.

"Huzi, let people come to Scarlet Cloud Sect." Chu Qianye gave Qin Hu a voice again.

Then half of the puppet stepped forward and grabbed Jun Qing's clone.

Jun Qing's clone was also dead, and was smashed into the chest by a punch of the half puppet.

"Master, this guy wants to escape, I can only kill him." said the half puppet.

Everyone felt this terrifying martial arts oppression, and they were secretly surprised.

"Well, you did a good job." Chu Qianye nodded gently.

Then the elite of Longmen entered the Scarlet Cloud Sect, and people like Qin Hu were secretly surprised when they saw this scene in front of them.

Chu Qianye actually killed Jun Qing, and the elders of the Scarlet Cloud Sect were almost dead, and the Scarlet Cloud Sect also changed its master, with Ruan Kui as the sovereign.

The people who come to the wedding are basically people with a face and face, but at this moment they dare not show up, for fear that they will provoke the murderous **** Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye no longer paid attention, but returned to Longmen.

All the dragon gates, all went back, and began to convene and discuss.

Chu Qianye talked about the development of the Longmen afterwards, and everyone knew that they were about to enter the Sixteenth Wilderness with Chu Qianye and start a new journey, while the Chiyun Dynasty became the cradle of the Longmen and continued to cultivate elites.

Qin Hu, Ruan Kui, Bai Qiuye, Yu Ting and Qiu Yu remained.

After that, Chu Qianye expelled Wushi from the Chiyun Dynasty and promulgated a series of reform provisions.

For a time, this Scarlet Cloud Dynasty was caught up in the storm.

Many people are not convinced that the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty changed hands, and the fuse that caused all this was that Scarlet Cloud Sect forcibly moved closer to the Dragon Gate and forced the third princess Wang Yuyan to marry Ye Tianjun.

Ye Tianjun, all kinds of begging for mercy.

Chu Qianye asked Third Brother Zhao to abolish his martial soul, break his tendons, and turn him into a useless person, and let Longmen Elite throw him into the Dark Blood Realm, making him fend for himself.

For a time, the entire Chiyun Dynasty was in panic.

Within three days, the Chiyun Dynasty had undergone major changes, and there were no more so-called Chiyun Dynasty patrol law enforcement teams, and some were just the Longmen Guards.

The other sect forces remain basically the same, but each sect needs to pay tribute regularly and pay enough merit points, otherwise it will be destroyed. At first, there were still people who did not listen, but after three days, those opposing forces were quickly pulled out and wiped out.

The Longmen Guards, bloodbathed the three religions and nine streams, the disobedient sect forces were all destroyed!

The Lingxiao Palace was not affected, and Lingwuzong and the Reincarnation Gate were also affected. They needed tribute merit points as all the expenses of the Longmen Guards.

The Longmen Guards became the strongest force.

PS: Seek wave fruit.

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