Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 935: Go back to Chishui County (five shift)

The surviving Dragon Gate elites are all reused and promoted, while the dead Dragon Gate members, their clan members, are rewarded by the treasures of heaven, material and earth, and their family heirs will also be eligible to enter the Scarlet Cloud Sect.

Chu Qianye did this in order not to make people feel chilling. It was considered an explanation to the brothers who died in Longmen. In six days, Chi Yunzong changed greatly.

The Longmen Guards have become the most powerful backing force.

Because Chu Qianye knew he was leaving, he continuously refined many puppets during this period.

In six days, he almost handed it to Qin Hu and the others to do it, and he acted as a hand-scraper, refining the puppet in the secret space.

Wu Shi was expelled, and all the materials were left. With good materials, the puppets refined by Chu Qianye became stronger, able to withstand a lot of the power of thunder.

Six days have passed, and Chu Qianye has been in the secret book space for half a month, and the profound liquid has been mass-produced. There are places with dense profound energy in Long Yunzong, and Chu Qianye has all laid out Spiritual array.

Now he is the Lord, there is no place he can't go.

Those peripheral strengths of the Dragon Gate, because they stood up at the moment of embarrassment, they were all listed as elite and key training targets. Wherever the profound energy is concentrated, there are spirit-inducing formations, and as a reward for guarding the spirit-inducing formations, they can get every year. Half a bottle of Xuanli Liquid.

This is a huge temptation, many Longmen members are vying for one after another, and the guardian of the Lingling Formation has almost become the existence second only to the Longmen Guards.

After all, half a bottle of profound liquid is a great way to improve strength. Then Qin Hu discussed and listed several ways to obtain profound liquid rewards, such as exchanging merit points for profound liquid, and the ratio is also based on the Wushi The ratio, but lower, is the elite of Longmen after all.

Naturally, Longmen Elite knew this very well. They were very expensive to buy in Wushi, and the profound strength liquid became the most popular training resource for the Chiyun Dynasty for a while.

In six days, Longmen's elite strength improved again, and the overall combat power was also much higher.

Chu Qianye didn't care much about these. He now wants to refine enough puppets to protect the Dragon Gate. These will be methods that can generate great deterrence in the short term.


Chu Qianye exhaled a mouthful of muddy gas.

"Brother, are you ready, Tianqi sister asked me to tell you that it's time to go out."

Chu Nuan learned from Chu Qianye's back and said.

"Okay." He nodded lightly, and then glanced at the thirty puppets in front of him. This was his achievement within six days. It can be promoted to a heavenly rank through the power of thunder, although it is a bit worse than the one refined by Huangquan Demon Saint. , But it should be almost enough to guard the dragon gate.

As for the follow-up, Longmen's elite strength will be improved, and then there is no need to worry about it.

However, the Dragon Gate Guards are not enough right now, they have to train the extreme terrestrial realm, even the celestial extreme realm!

Why did Junqing’s patrol and law enforcement team not live in town before?

Because the strength is too weak, ordinary disciples can stun them, but they cannot create a deterrent to other sects at all. What he needs is deterrence, and it is an irresistible deterrent. After all, he now collects the rewards of these sects. Gong, they have to be feared.

Qin Hu has already mentioned this point.

And Qin Hu also mentioned establishing a big dynasty and annexing several small dynasties around it.

Chu Qianye didn't think about this idea, but it was impossible to do it in the short term. He had to stabilize the current situation, develop it slowly, and continue the annexation when the opportunity matured.

The so-called meal should be eaten bite by bite, not too hastily.

These are all secondary, he has to make himself stronger first is the last word.

The dragons cannot be headless, and the stronger the better.

Chu Qianye put the puppet into the Qiankun Ring.

He glanced at the profound strength liquid, eight bottles were already full, and Chu Qianye received the Qiankun Ring and replaced it with a new bottle.

The secret book space is very mysterious, except that Dragon Blade can enter, the rest of the idle people can not enter, and it is almost impossible for Dragon Blade to enter this place.

Later, Chu Qianye thought that Qiu Yu could not do this thing. After all, she was very busy now. Later, Chu Qianye told Yu Ting how to Jieyin and asked her to do it.

He was not worried that Yu Ting would steal these profound liquids.

"Hey, it's time to go out, go back to Chishui County, and then enter the Dark Blood Region." Chu Qianye shook his palm abruptly, and the light in his eyes flickered.

The grievances between the blood clan and him, it's time to end.

The figure flickered and left the secret space.

Chu Qianye handed the profound strength liquid to Qiu Yu.

Her face was rather tired, but there was unabashed pride in her eyes.

When she raised her face and told Xinwu City that the arrangement was completed, her words all revealed excitement. The new Wushi, named Baoshi, implies that you can buy treasures here. Because of her experience in caring, Baoshi completed the construction soon.

After that, Chu Qianye looked for Qin Hu again. Several members of Longmen had red light on their faces. Obviously, seeing Longmen's growth rate was amazing, which made them all quite excited.

Qin Hu, Zhao Sange, Wang Yiling, Xie Xiaoyong, Yang Donglai, Ruan Kui, Mo Rufeng, Bai Qiuye, almost all the main members of Longmen are here.

Chu Qianye told everyone the general development direction after Longmen, and then Qin Hu added some details.

Wang Yucheng and Wang Yuming were previously detained by Wu Changqing, but were later rescued by Longmen, and the two joined Longmen.

As for Wang Yuyan, she was secretly amazed at Chu Qianye's changes. When she was in Qingyun County, she had said that everything would be the same, but she was almost a stranger.

Now he and Chu Qianye have settled their suspicions again.

These days, she has always wanted to talk to Chu Qianye, but now that Chu Qianye is standing in front of her, she doesn't know what to say.

"When I resolve the matter in the Dark Blood Territory, we will revisit the past." Chu Qianye said.

She nodded dumbly.

"Huzi, you choose eight elites to go with me to Chishui County." Chu Qianye said lightly, and then Shenyin mentioned the puppet's plan to him.

Qin Hu immediately arranged personnel to go to Chishui County with Chu Qianye.

When Chu Qianye stood on a familiar mountain again, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

He left here for a while, but now he stepped on this place again, and suddenly felt how small the place here is.

He went back to Chu Mansion first and everything was fine. His father still had no memory of Chu Qianye's mother, which made Chu Qianye's eyes suddenly become gloomy.

All of this is caused by the gang of blood clan bastards.

In this small place, the other two big clans all came out to pay homage to Chu Qianye.

Chu Mansion now has a dragon, and it became the only big clan overnight. The other two clans didn't dare to fight with it at all. Chu Qianye didn't care about this.

After staying for a long time, he left after leaving the three heavenly puppets of Demon Sage Huangquan.

When he returned to Jianhou Mansion, the Master Master came out to meet him in person, while Jian Batian held his head high and was indescribably proud, while Master Horseshoe did not dare to speak out in front of Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye is now the lord of the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty, and his strength is not enough.

"Hey, my apprentice." Jian Batian flaunted.

Chu Qianye smiled faintly, the old man Jian still has this character.

Then Chu Qianye entered the thunder pond.

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When he stepped into this thunder pond again, he went unimpeded all the way, deep into the depth of the thunder pond, and an astonishing force of oppression was immediately produced below.

It seems that there should be something under this thunder pond.

He gleamed and said secretly.

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