Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 936: Bottomless Abyss

Long ago, Chu Qianye felt that this thunder pond was a bit extraordinary, but at that time he didn't have enough strength to enter the depths. Now it is different. He is completely not afraid of the power of thunder that gathers from all directions.

However, the further down, the more fierce Thunder is. It is a real power of heaven and earth, not weaker than the power of Thunder in the Sixteen Wilderness Thunder Canyon.

At the next point, Chu Qianye finally felt a sense of tearing thunder.

This place should belong to the boundary of the power of thunder that the puppet can withstand.

With a move in his heart, he quickly took out the puppet from Qiankun Ring.

Thirty phantoms, stepping on the power of killing and cutting, swept out completely, and the energy between the heavens and the earth rushed violently.

"Bone Spirit is cold."


Chu Qianye's heart moved, and the emptiness of faint blue and profound fire instantly filled out, surrounded by thirty puppets, the silver and thunder power from the people's violent looting, carrying the endless thunder power, Give out a strong oppressive breath.

However, Xuanhuo is a foreign object between heaven and earth. No matter how violent this thunder's might, when it hit these puppets, it was annihilated and shattered by an invisible force in the blink of an eye.

And the power of thunder instantly softened, and the light of Silver Sparkle quickly swept into the puppet's body, and the spots of Silver Sparkle gradually became rich.


Two of the puppets burst out with a bright light in an instant.



Chu Qianye was quite surprised.

This advancement is quite fast, the lightning of Silver Sparkle surrounds the puppets, and the two puppets have already stepped from the six-star underground to the seven-star underground!

Chu Qianye stopped paying attention, letting the puppet absorb the power of thunder, and his eyes swept into the depths of thunder...

After he continued to go down ten feet below, the power of the thunder finally became extremely violent, the faint tearing power, it was completely obvious that the power of the thunder was strong.


As soon as he stepped into this area, the power of terrifying thunder suddenly rushed in.

But the moment he touched his body, it shattered.

Fortunately, he reshaped his body. Otherwise, according to the strength of the previous physical body, he would not dare to step into it easily. After all, the fierceness of the thunder here seemed to have exceeded his imagination.

No wonder no one in the four universities dare to enter this area. After stepping into the fourth stage of the celestial realm, they really dare not enter it easily. After all, these thunder powers from all directions are really strong and domineering, if it weren't for him to have a divine body And extraordinary kendo, really dare not enter it easily.

The violent thunder rushed into Chu Qianye's body madly.

Chu Qianye's exercises were still running, and the power of thunder between heaven and earth rushed in for a while, submerged in his body, warming his veins.

Today's practice has advanced to the upper level of the ground level. If it breaks through again, it is the lower level of the sky level. At that time, the speed of martial arts cultivation will rise again to a new level.

However, the current practice, its refining and absorption of profound energy, is also very fast, and perhaps he should be able to break through the martial arts cultivation base here.

With a move in Chu Qianye's heart, he chopped out an extraordinary sword aura, and then the power of the surrounding thunder spread out, and a void was formed around Chu Qianye's body.

He took out the profound liquid, without hesitation, poured it into his mouth.

When the pure profound energy liquid wandered around in his body, Chu Qianye felt every cell in his body exuding joy, like a happy horse, and without the reins, he ran away.

"Chiff chick."

The pure profound strength liquid is as fast as lightning, refining and absorbing with the help of the cultivation technique.

At this time, the power of thunder came again like a tide, smashing his body frantically. At this moment, Chu Qianye was not resisting, but caused his thunder to smash his body fiercely.

Now he is not afraid of these at all.

With the violent thunderstorm tempering outside, and the rapid filling and expansion of profound strength liquid inside, he can clearly feel that his martial arts cultivation has become stable at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The last time he broke through the eighth rank of the polar realm, strictly speaking, it seems less than half a month, but his current martial arts training should begin to stabilize, so he does not feel that he has to stay and wait for opportunities.

See if you can break through the ninth level of the polar realm!

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, feeling the oppression of thunder from the sky, he did not resist at all, letting the power of thunder hit him.

He didn't hesitate, the immortality art in his body quickly moved to the extreme, and the surrounding thunder power surged for a while, and the speed became faster and faster. The profound liquid was quickly circulated for forty weeks, and surged. The power of thunder that entered his body continued to refine these profound liquids.

It can't be absorbed right now, and it has to be tempered and tempered.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye didn't absorb the profound energy liquid so quickly, but continued to stimulate the exercises in his body, and with the power of thunder bursting from heaven and earth, he quickly tempered the profound energy liquid in his body. After refining, it is already extremely pure, and it can completely breathe in the sea of ​​qi.

Very good, it can almost be absorbed.

Chu Qianye's heart moved, and the technique continued to run. After confirming that the profound energy liquid could enter the sea of ​​qi, Chu Qianye quickly introduced the profound energy into the sea of ​​qi.


The speed of the profound energy first slowed down and then increased quickly, increasing step by step.

"Om! Om! Om!"

The profound energy has run to the extreme, and the huge sea of ​​qi has begun to accept the swept profound energy, and after half a day of work, the profound liquid has been absorbed into the sea of ​​qi.

It's a pity that there is still a considerable distance from the ninth level of the earth, and now I don't feel the slightest bottleneck.

It seems that this profound strength still has a big gap with the bottleneck.

Chu Qianye frowned.

Originally, he thought that half a bottle of profound strength liquid should be almost there, but unfortunately it was still not enough.

The previous profound energy had reached two-thirds, but now that it had absorbed half a bottle of profound energy liquid, it had not reached the bottleneck. You can imagine how far away the so-called bottleneck is.

But now I use a lot of profound strength liquid, continue to absorb half a bottle of refining, and see if it can break through the eighth level of the polar realm.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye once again took out a bottle of profound strength liquid.

Half a bottle is not enough, then a whole bottle!

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, poured the profound strength liquid into his mouth, and absorbed and refined it again, but this time he didn't waste time, but looked down and quickly rushed away.

Since there is something in the depths of the thunder pond, let's go and find out first. Now he can do two things with one mind and go deep into the thunder pond while cultivating. It should be almost the same.

He quickly swept away, and the depths of the thunder was a bottomless abyss. The more Chu Qianye went deeper, the more his scalp became numb. The violent oppressive force flooded the sky, making him suffocate. a feeling of.

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