Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 956: Nine Blood Marks

What a strong strength!

Everyone was shaken.

"Blood bite the earth!"

The soles of the blood ancestors took a step forward, and the sky and the earth trembled suddenly. The impact was extremely visual and shocking.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath and stepped forward.


The endless dark blue mysterious fire rushed out in vain and roared, surrounding his body, and a terrible storm swept out. Under this impact, the phantom that swept in the distance suddenly violently Smashed to the ground.

This punch seemed very simple, and the timing contained endless oppressive power. It was a superposition of dual martial arts, and the formed force was like a ruin, and once again collided with the blood ancestor.


A muffled sound passed into everyone's ears.

Above the sky, a huge phantom fell fiercely to the ground, hitting the distant mountains, and instantly shattered into an abyss of hundreds of meters.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Longmen showed ecstatic expressions.

Chu Qianye actually had the upper hand under this pair of blows!

The faces of the blood races turned pale, Chu Qianye's strength is too tyrannical, right? This is the body of the blood sage. He entered the Dao with blood, and did not expect to be beaten by a warrior of the eighth rank of the extreme realm.

In fact, they don’t know that even the previous Chu Qianye has the power to fight against the blood clan, not to mention that after he entered the temple now he has obtained the martial arts inheritance from his previous life. This kind of power is still available, especially good at using external forces. .

"It's the boss, but it's only half a year!" Zhao Sange and others showed excitement on their faces.

They were all worried before, but now they saw Chu Qianye's combat power, suddenly relieved, secretly relieved.

Compared with Longmen, the face of the blood clan is not so good, everyone's face is white, if Chu Qianye wins, then their fate can be imagined.

Seeing this scene, Xue Wutian began to struggle a little.


If Chu Qianye wins, then the result can be imagined, but if the blood ancestor wins, then he flees now, and he will bear the condemnation of the clan.

However, this thought in his mind just flashed by, and the world suddenly burst into a loud noise again, and within the deep crack, a huge figure rushed out of the sky, slightly embarrassed.

The blood ancestor stared at Chu Qianye coldly.

"Haha, the body of the Blood Venerable?" Chu Qianye smiled faintly: "It's just a side-by-side approach. You use external force to enter the Venerable. After all, you are not superior. Compared with my gilt body, it does not seem to have much advantage. For you now, the blood qi in your body should have been gradually consumed, and it will be slowly depleted."

The blood ancestor's face was extremely gloomy, and the situation in his body was just like what Chu Qianye had said. After confronting Chu Qianye head-on, his strength increased dramatically, but his breath was not as long as Chu Qianye. Long.

"How could your breath last longer than mine?" Blood Ancestor said with a gloomy face.

He originally thought that Chu Qianye's martial arts cultivation was only at the eighth level of the extreme earth. It should be impossible to be so tyrannical, but after the fight, he found that he was wrong. Not only was Chu Qianye's breath long, but also his strength. Extremely tyrannical, if he hadn't possessed the body of a venerable person, now I am afraid that he would have already lost!

Chu Qianye laughed and said nothing.

The body of the Lord?

Can it be compared to my divine body?

"Don't be happy too early." A look of sorrow flashed in the blood of Ancestor's eyes: "Chu Qianye, you persecuted me like this, today I will use the blood of this dark blood domain to send you on the road!"

When he finished speaking, he closed the seal, forming nine huge blood marks, and roared quickly into the distant void. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared in front of him, and the place covered by the blood marks, endless screams spread. , And everyone saw the blood qi, rushing to the blood mark frantically, lightning speed, instantly made the blood mark become solid.

These nine blood seals, like the death sickle of harvest, are invincible. In those shrouded areas, the brutal beasts and warriors below have died tragically, and the blood is drawn out of the body.

Chu Qianye was also secretly surprised. This method was very strange. From his condescending position, he could clearly see the blood and energy that flowed from the body of brutal beasts or warriors, most of which were brutal beasts.

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"Boom bang bang!"

The savage beasts below all died, and at this moment, the dark blood region trembles violently, and huge blood beams burst into the sky, scoffing into the blood mark.

At this moment, the people in the Dark Blood Region all raised their heads, staring at the nine blood marks that rose to the sky, and couldn't help but breathe in their hearts.

These nine blood marks are too weird, just like nine blood-colored suns.

"It's a terrifying method." Looking at these blood marks, Yang Donglai and the others didn't look pretty, and said in a deep voice.

"These nine blood marks turned out to be a formation. Look carefully at the blood lights rising up into the sky, there are traces to follow." Zhao Sange said.

"Not only that, even the nine blood seals seem to be connected together. This is a huge formation!" Ruan Kui's expression changed in vain and said in horror: "We are all in the area where the nine blood seals are connected!"

Everyone's face suddenly changed drastically.

Chu Qianye frowned, these nine blood seals were filled with the aura of power. If they broke out completely, the power formed would be immeasurable.


The nine **** marks, the blood burst from the sky.

The blood ancestor faintly turned his head and looked at Chu Qianye and said, "I entered the Dao with blood, and today I will set up a big killing game here!"

"Chu Qianye, I have to say that you are the most talented person the deity has ever seen, but it also confirms that sentence, God is jealous of talents, you still must die today!"

The blood mark shrouded the entire dark blood domain, and above the distant sky, the nine blood marks exuded strange blood and endless blood light.

"This is the way of my venerable. It is called the Blood Emperor Sovereign Formation. It is the martial art I have learned from the ancient formations. Blood is the source of power for everything. Today you shall fall into my great killing formation. within."

The blood ancestor looked at Chu Qianye, and said lightly, the palm of his hand was sealed, and the nine blood seals suddenly formed a light, linked together, covering the whole land.

Chu Qianye's eyes sank slightly, and he raised his head to look at the weird blood marks entwined with blood.

This blood mark does have a dangerous smell.

It seems that this blood ancestor has already thought of this possibility. These nine blood seals can obtain a lot of power, but there will inevitably be a huge karma fire behind, which is against the way of heaven.

"As expected of the blood ancestor, even this situation can be guessed." Chu Qianye said lightly, but his mind started to move at high speed.

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