Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 957: Destroy the blood mark (four more)

"Anyone who plans for the worst, otherwise, why do you think the deity can live so long?" The blood ancestor smiled proudly, and then the seal was formed. The surrounding void was a blood-colored world. Within the void, the blood was condensed and formed. A warrior, his eyes flashed with indifference.

"Chu Qianye, if you can force me to make this move, you can be regarded as a genius of one party. If you fall here, you are worthy of your ability." The blood ancestor smiled proudly.

This blood ancestor is really capable. The venerables he had contacted before set up a big killing formation. Although the power was terrifying, such as Liu Ming, who understood the way of Asura, this guy’s big killing was very strong, but there was no such thing. So violent, he felt a sense of crisis in his heart now.

Worthy of being a Venerable, even though I have a divine body, there is still a huge gap compared to Venerable. Especially in the opponent's big killing game, my own power seems to have nowhere to be used. This gap is very impressive. Helpless.

The Way of the Lord.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath and scanned the surroundings.


Countless groups of blood condensed soldiers exposed to Chu Qianye, and sacrificed the mysterious soldier in his hand. This was a blood blade condensed by blood. The sky's scorching sun felt dimmed, and the sky and the earth gradually became dark. Shen, as if swallowing the sun, moon and stars.


The warlord who was condensed into blood rushed to him immediately, the power of horror crazily swept across the sky and the earth, and the blood blade was filled with the taste of endless blood.

The blood blade is extremely weird, there is no hilt, and the blood beam shoots out a cold glow, as if things in the world can be cut by a single knife!

"Fan blood condenses, turning blades into slaughter!"

The blood ancestor's voice suddenly spread within the mass killing formation, and the blood energy around these condensed more and more warriors. When Chu Qianye saw it, his eyes were red, and he rushed fiercely.

"Chu Qianye, goodbye forever!"

Endless fighters, Xiang Chu Qianye rushed in one after another.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath and raised the sword in his palm. The endless rain of swords swept out, slashing fiercely at the war generals formed by the condensed blood.

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"Boom bang bang!"

The endless sword aura madly drove these blood-colored warlords flying away, but after the body of the war sword collapsed, it condensed again, like wild fire burning endlessly and spring breeze blowing again.

Seeing this, Chu Qianye frowned suddenly.

what's the situation?

"It's useless, these blood souls only need a trace of blood energy to transform into generals. You can never kill them." The blood ancestor grinned and said, "No matter how much profound energy liquid you have, it will eventually be exhausted. You will eventually die under these blood."

Hearing this, Chu Qianye's face suddenly became quite ugly.

This guy is really not a fuel-efficient lamp, and the method is so difficult to deal with.

Wait, blood?

In other words, these warlords are just a combination of souls?

In this case, his soul skills should be useful.

With a movement in his heart, the soul power instantly flew from the center of his eyebrows, quickly condensed into a shape exactly like him, stepped forward on the soles of his feet, and immediately displayed the Wudaoshen killing martial arts.

"God murderous!"

The words spit softly, and the time of the soul pause at the center of the eyebrows formed a monstrous breath.

Wang Ji Qi, Huang Ji Qi, Zun Ji Qi!

When his breath was raised to the realm of respect, his power was also raised to the extreme.

God kills the palm.

With a movement in his heart, three palms slammed out immediately.

Shattered empty palm, collapsed palm, and shaking palm!

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

There were continuous dull sounds in the ears, and the figures close to Chu Qianye shattered suddenly, and the white rays of light were mixed in the blood. After being shattered, they could no longer condense the bleeding body.

"Damn it!" The blood ancestor's face suddenly became gloomy. He didn't expect that Chu Qianye would actually be capable of soul skills. This kind of power is very lethal, especially for these blood bodies, it is a nemesis.

There was a touch of joy in Chu Qianye's eyes.

Originally, he planned to use Huang Quan Tian's anger, but that move was too terrifying, regardless of the enemy or the enemy, except for the person who performed it, everyone else would be affected.

It's good now, since these spirit abilities are useful, then it will be much easier to handle next.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, and the power of the soul continued to gush out like a tide, smashing his fists quickly, and the terrifying power swept across the world. Fortunately, he stepped into the Seven-Star Consummation. Otherwise, this kind of consumption would definitely It's terrible.

"Boom bang bang!"

Endless vitality, crazily mighty in the world, and the soul skills of this fist surging out crazily, wherever they reach, those warriors are killed by Chu Qianye town, and they fall down one after another.

The blood ancestor glanced across the lunar calendar, he underestimated Chu Qianye's strength, and he didn't expect Chu Qianye's soul power to be so powerful, and it has almost reached the level of King Pill. Such soul skills made him even less reactive. .

Seeing this scene, everyone could not help but was secretly surprised.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Qianye had killed no less than a hundred blood bodies, and white light flew out.

Chu Qianye was shocked secretly in her heart, this spirit ability is really good, he now has a divine body, and then he can practice the spirit ability, but the spirit ability is extremely rare and can't be easily obtained. Now I feel the power of this spirit ability. Suddenly it was slightly hot, and after entering the great wilderness, it was time to search for soul abilities.

Chu Qianye made the decision immediately.

His eyes shone with a strange light.

Chu Qianye began to perceive, but what surprised him was that the breath of the blood ancestor was completely hidden, and he couldn't feel his existence at all now.

There are many ways to break the formation. The most direct method is to kill the people in the formation. After the person dies, the martial arts killing formation will naturally disappear.

Chu Qianye closed his eyes and carefully felt the existence of the blood mark.

Since the existence of the blood ancestor cannot be sensed, the blood marks should always be felt. After all, those blood marks are full of powerful oppression, so it should not be difficult.

Nine blood marks.

Within Chu Qianye's perception, he quickly found the breath directions of the nine blood marks.

These blood marks must be destroyed as soon as possible!

Chu Qianye tapped the sole of his foot, and immediately moved away from the blood mark closest to him.

The war sword in his palm burst out in vain with a dazzling light, and went straight to the blood mark.

"court death!"

The blood ancestor was furious, his figure also appeared, and he slammed Chu Qianye's back with a fist. Chu Qianye seemed to have expected it, and the other hand shouted at it, but the other hand cut out. An extraordinary sword qi went straight to the blood mark.

"Boom! Boom!"

A muffled sound formed.

Chu Qianye collided with the blood ancestor with two fists.

In the martial arts battle formation, the blood qi has weakened a lot.

Chu Qianye ignored it, and continued to skim towards the second blood mark, painting the calabash according to the gourd, another extraordinary sword aura.

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