Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 963: A section of Pluto

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, and the way to cultivate Pluto's anger emerged in his mind.

Pluto's anger is the real anger of his martial soul. It belongs to form anger but the deity is not angered. It is a very advanced soul skill. If there is no certain martial art cultivation level, it may not be able to achieve it.

Fortunately, Chu Qianye now has the inheritance of martial arts, so this form of anger is not difficult for him. The most difficult part is to combine the previous two at the same time. This is the most difficult part.

It may be really difficult for others, but Chu Qianye has a dual-purpose martial arts talent, so it is not difficult for him.

"Start practicing."

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, and the method of cultivating soul anger emerged in his mind.

Imagine that I am angry in my mind to pass it on to my soul.

The two themselves are one body. Chu Qianye imagined the angry emotions in his heart, and the soul body suddenly became furious, but the real furious, the surrounding soul aura trembles violently, and the energy between heaven and earth also condenses. A soul shield was formed.


Before Chu Qianye had time to feel whether he was successful, the soul body collapsed in an instant.


Seeing the collapse of the soul body, Chu Qianye was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect it to be like this. Although he knew that cultivating this spirit ability might be quite difficult, and it would take a pass, he was surprised to fail so quickly. Unreachable.

It seems that I still haven't found the essentials.

Come again!

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, once again imagined that he was angry, and transferred his emotions to the soul body. Once again, there was anger, a mighty and mighty majestic horse, and an angry soul fire appeared around his body. The whole body was blue and black with eyebrows. A strange mark appeared in the location, and the monstrous anger was diffused in vain, the power was like a roaring god.

This time, it lasted a little longer, but it didn't collapse, but emitted a black glow. This kind of surrounding power made him feel very surprised.

This kind of defensive power, not to mention that others are approaching, I am afraid that I will be frightened when I feel it from a distance. This kind of imposing defense is really a bit scary. The power rushes out of his body frantically, and the world is filled with mountains and seas. The energy in the space converged frantically, and this momentum became stronger.


Fragmented again, but this time the maintenance time is obviously much longer than the first time. There is no problem with his cultivation method. Now it should be related to his proficiency. If he cultivates more proficiently, this This kind of problem should not exist.

Such a thought flashed through Chu Qianye's mind.

At the same time, Chu Qianye's palm was sealed again, and he practiced again. The process of this kind of cultivation was quite long. Chu Qianye's soul body was filled with powerful soul aura. It was a real soul movement. Soul anger and soul shield are extremely strong defenses.

The current soul body is like acquiring a soul armor. The defense power is of course unquestionable. The spear may not be able to pierce this defense power. With this layer of defense power, one's own strength will be improved a lot.


For the third failure, this time it lasted three seconds, which was longer than before. Chu Qianye was still very satisfied to be able to reach this level.

Then, continue to practice.

With a move in his heart, the soul force in his mind rushed out like lightning for a while, the soul power that permeated the heaven and the earth, rolling frantically, forming soul fire, soul shield and soul anger.

Soul fire is divided into congenital and acquired. The soul fire of Chu Qianye belongs to the acquired. It was because of the cold and hot bones that he obtained the soul fire.

In other words, if the more profound fires you obtain, the stronger the soul fire will be, and if they can be integrated, the two layers of soul fire superimposed on each other will be stronger.

The soul fire he has now is the cold fire of the bone spirit, so his current soul fire presents a faint blue color, and the dark soul body, like an immovable underworld body, exudes an awe-inspiring breath, making people I felt a little bit timid after seeing it, and didn't dare to take it lightly.

This kind of spirit ability is actually quite strong, but Chu Qianye understands that this kind of thing may have some effect on the strong of the celestial realm. If you meet the venerable, it is not necessarily the same. These guys can understand the two or three thousand great ways at a glance. Seeing a fictitious reality, knowing the loopholes in the soul ability that I used, I will inevitably look for the loopholes in him, and what I have to do now is to quickly comprehend this martial arts to avoid loopholes.

Continuing to practice, only by thoroughly mastering this spirit ability can it be worthwhile.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, and the power of the soul in his body surged out again, permeating the world and surrounding his soul body.


The soul body trembled suddenly, and the bone spirit diffused out coldly, surrounding his soul body, forming a faint blue soul fire, and then soul shield and soul anger appeared again.



Twenty-fifth failure!

26th failure!

27th failure!


With the passage of time, there were more and more failures of this kind, but Chu Qian became more and more adept at running this spirit ability, and the longer it lasted.

Seeing this scene before him, Chu Qianye suddenly revealed a touch of joy. Now this spirit ability can last for thirty seconds, half a minute is enough, but if it can last for thirty minutes, it would be better.

Thirty seconds, up to thirty minutes, this process takes a little time, currently it only took two days to cultivate this spirit ability by myself, if you want to master it, you must at least continue to practice.

Which martial arts practice is not ten days and a half months? Even longer, some people have spent half a year or even several years to find out.

Do not move the Pluto body, and respond to everything without moving!

This spirit ability is like a strong backing, buying time for the explosion of other spirit skills and providing protection, so now he dare not be vague. This is the foundation of protecting the soul body. If the soul is attacked, the strength of the soul body will be stronger. After all, there is no escape.

Keep practicing!

Chu Qianye closed his eyes again, and the cultivation method that didn't move the Pluto body appeared in his mind.

Although this spirit ability is only inferior, because it belongs to the spirit ability to strengthen the defense of the soul body, it is divided into three stages, one is a half-foot-strength soul shield, the second stage is ten feet, and the third stage is a hundred feet.

Now his soul shield also has three feet, and another two feet can be achieved to achieve the half-foot.

The current soul anger should also be fifty meters away. If the opponent enters within this fifty meters, he will be interfered by the soul anger, and his actions will be slower. If the strength is lower than his own, he cannot make another move.

As for the soul fire, it’s good to have the bone spirit cold fire now. If you find another kind of profound fire, then you have merged the two kinds of profound fire, and the increase of the soul fire will rise against the wind, and its power will be fierce. Extremely!

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