Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 964: Blood Dragon Overlord Spear


Seventy-fifth time.

The seventy-sixth time.

Seventy-seventh time.


It has been two days to cultivate this spirit ability now, but this time is not long, this is a spirit ability, the backing of the registration, can not be vague, let him practice for ten and a half months, he is also willing.

Time quietly passed between his fingers, and with the passage of time, the speed of this cultivation has also become somewhat weakened by the stone, and the power of the soul diffused out of his body, and finally gathered in front of him.

The soul power in his body became more and more smooth, but he could not move the Pluto body in his cultivation, and he has not yet achieved that effect, and the half-foot of the soul is still somewhat different.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath and continued to practice.

I don’t know how many times Chu Qianye has failed. Chu Qianye is already very numb. At first it was very slow, but in the end, the circulation of his soul power became faster and faster, and Chu Qianye became more and more skilled. The soul power can almost reach the level of instant thought, that is, the immobile Pluto body can be displayed with the movement of the heart.

As he patiently displayed this spirit ability, the scope of the spirit shield became larger and larger.

Three feet, four feet, five feet!

When it reached five feet, Chu Qianye was relieved.

Half a foot?

In this case, wouldn't the immovable Pluto body be practiced for a period?

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye's heart moved, and he once again used the Pluto body, and when the soul shield was condensed, Chu Qianye suddenly endured the excitement in his heart.

It turned out to be!

Do not move the body of Hades!

He squeezed his palm abruptly and felt the firmness of the Immovable Pluto body for three full minutes before finally shaking his soul, and Immovable Pluto's body collapsed instantly.

The current soul body has indeed increased its defense a lot, and it is indeed not easy to reach this level.

A gleam of light flashed in Chu Qianye's eyes, and he finally completed his cultivation.

No matter how long it took to cultivate this spirit ability, as long as it was able to cultivate Chengdu, it was very worthwhile, and it only took him two and a half days before and after, not even a day outside.

Now that the defense of the soul body is in place, it only lacks the means of attack.

Closing his eyes, another spirit ability appeared in his mind.

Blood Dragon Overlord Spear: The first-class spirit skills of the ground level, the power can be multiplied after the blood sucking. Once it is displayed, the spear light is like a dragon, and a powerful soul attack power erupts. The spear light is condensed into a blood dragon and summoned. Out of the dragon soul, you can kill the enemy more!

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This is a big kill technique, once the cultivation is completed, a powerful force can burst out.

The power introduced in the front of the book is very tyrannical. Once you have cultivated to great success, you can condense the blood dragon, gain the power of the dragon soul, and complete the challenge of higher levels. If this really allows him to gain inheritance, it is absolutely against the sky.

"Sure enough, I will practice this martial skill!"

Chu Qianye took a deep breath. This soul ability will definitely increase his strength. The difficulty of training this soul ability should not be low, but he has already practiced Immovable Pluto Body, and he has some experience. It should be handy.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye closed his eyes and began to comprehend the Blood Dragon Overlord's Spear.

Taking the soul power as the blade, compress and condense the soul power to form the Overlord Spear, which is shaped like a dragon and power as blood. The combination of the two is the power of the blood dragon.

The most important thing is the soul, the gun soul!

For Chu Qianye, this is not difficult. He already has a deep understanding of his spear skills. As long as he has a little patience, the spirit of the spear can be blended with the blood. At that time, the power of the spear will greatly increase. God kills God, Buddha blocks the killing of Buddha!

Ten minutes later, Chu Qianye opened his eyes, and there was a touch of brilliance in his eyes. He had already understood this martial art, and the next step was to practice hard.

Taking a deep breath, he immediately began to practice his soul skills.

The blood in the body surged frantically, and the energy between the heavens and the earth swiftly rushed out. The breath of amazing power, like a roaring blood dragon, was extremely fierce.

This is the change of heaven and earth that will occur where the Blood Dragon Overlord Spear moves.

The soul power at the center of the eyebrows rushed out with a sneer, and then condensed into a long spear. This spear is a long spear depicted by spirit skills. Chu Qianye didn't dare to think about it at this moment. What appeared in his mind was the scroll pattern.

The spear condensed by the power of the soul is not a rough idea, but must be detailed to its lines, because the soul power is condensed with these lines as the structure, which is the element that makes the spear stable, otherwise the power of the soul will be difficult to stabilize.

This overlord spear is cast in star steel, the candle dragon talisman spirals up, and the splendid star patterns scatter down. The gun is sharp and sharp, and a azure blue light circulates, showing extraordinary power.

Chu Qianye didn't have any waves in his heart, and began to gather the Overlord Spear with the power of his soul.

This is the most difficult part, because once a detail is neglected, the spear will lose its stability, its soul power will dissipate, and it will eventually shatter. Even if it does not shatter, its power will be greatly weakened, so every detail is It is extremely important and cannot tolerate him taking it lightly.

First condense the gun handle with soul power. Chu Qianye's soul power swept out of his soul as fast as lightning, and the light flickered, like the power of the stars, the black light, a little bit of condensation, and the gun handle finally condensed.

The handle of the gun is very delicate, and the whole body is brilliant.

After repeatedly confirming that there was no problem, Chu Qianye began to condense the gun body. This gun body is like star steel and must be extremely hard. Therefore, the candle dragon talisman seal on it must be condensed more carefully. There are a total of 38 talisman seals. , Coiling around each other, winding up.

Also be careful with star patterns. This is also the most difficult place to condense. The azure blue light flows and exudes extraordinary power.

For half an hour, at the center of Chu Qianye's eyebrows, the soul power came out like a tide. Fortunately, his soul realm is high and his soul power is strong. It is really impossible for an ordinary person to use so much soul power to condense into a gun body. .

During this half an hour, Chu Qianye hardly stopped, his soul power condensed a little bit, and the spear slowly took shape.

The rest is the most important tip of the spear, the most important part of this spirit ability, you must have a divine weapon sharp blade, so that the power of the spirit ability can erupt.

Soul power continued to flee from his forehead.

Time passed quietly between his fingers, Chu Qianye's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and the sharpest point of the gun was the explosive point of the blood dragon overlord's gun.

Soon Chu Qianye condensed into the tip of a gun.

After checking it several times, he breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that it was correct.

In this case, the long spear for cultivating the Blood Dragon Overlord's spear is already available, and with the spirit ability, a powerful force can be exploded. This spirit ability is also half completed.

"I don't know how powerful it is."

Chu Qianye looked at the spear condensed from the soul body in front of him, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

"Now start to practice the Blood Dragon Overlord Spear." He spat softly, and the soul power in the center of his eyebrows burst out again...

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