Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 965: Cultivating Overlord Spear

The formation of the soul body is no different from Chu Qianye, just like his distraction or primordial spirit, permeating a powerful soul aura.

Start practicing the Blood Dragon Overlord Spear!

With a move in his mind, the soul body slammed out, and then with a move in the palm of his hand, the Blood Dragon Overlord’s spear burst out with a dazzling light. Before Chu Qianye woke up, the spear had reached his In the palm of the hand, a weird light was emitted, the light flashing like a breath of stars.


The breath of the soul is permeated, emitting bright stars.

Chu Qianye's soul body, holding the Blood Dragon Overlord's Spear, took a step forward with the soles of his feet, and the void in front of him suddenly twisted.


The Blood Dragon Overlord's spear in his palm suddenly burst out with a brilliant light, a spear light like a rainbow, and then whizzed out frantically.

Seeing this, Chu Qianye shook his head lightly. This is completely different from the Blood Dragon Overlord's gun described in the scroll. This gun definitely does not have the domineering anti-kill of the Jedi and the power of the dragon soul. , It's just a very ordinary shot.

"It really wasn't that easy." Chu Qianye shook his head lightly, then closed his eyes, and the Blood Dragon Overlord Spear appeared in his mind again. He carefully recalled the spear that he used before, and he didn't seem to miss anything. , But it just couldn't break out that kind of combat power.

That being the case, it should have something to do with proficiency. If this kind of spirit ability can be successfully used for the first time, then it will take more martial arts cultivation to be able to do it.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye closed his eyes again, and then the soul body burst out with bright light again, and the spear in the soul body's hand flashed like a dragon in vain, like blood swallowing the sky.


The Blood Dragon Overlord’s spear trembled suddenly, and the spear held tightly by his soul suddenly burst out with a shocking light, and when the spear was swept out again this time, the spear became more and more powerful, an invisible soul. The gun groaned and swept away suddenly, forming an astonishing violent buzzing sound.

Unfortunately, the spear light still couldn't condense the bleeding dragon, and the breath of the dragon soul did not appear. Although the power increased, there was still a huge gap between it and the scroll description.

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carry on!

Chu Qianye was not discouraged, he had already made plans, so this failure was nothing to him at all, as long as he practiced hard, he could definitely develop this spirit ability.

The third shot, the fourth shot, the fifth shot,...

The spear light continuously rushed out from the blood dragon overlord's spear, wherever it went, the spear groaned in bursts, and the void was under the puncture of the spear tip, and it was all violently twisted. The spear light is extremely dazzling.

It's a pity that it still can't achieve the feeling that makes the soul tremble. If it doesn't, it means that the soul ability has not been cultivated, so it has to be practiced.

According to this cultivation speed, there should be no problem. After all, the power of the gun is constantly increasing, which shows that his enlightened spirit skills are not problematic. The difference now is the power that can make the soul tremble. If it can achieve that To this extent, the spirit abilities have reached a small level.

But now, even the basics are not counted, and it is even more distant from Xiaocheng.

One hundred and fifty times, one hundred and fifty times, one hundred and fifty second times,...

Chu Qianye has not known how many times, he feels that this set of spirit skills is really not that easy to cultivate, but if it is really to be cultivated, the power will be quite terrifying, at least the explosive point of that power is not that small. Will produce a monstrous detonating force.

Chu Qianye continued to practice with no distractions.


The spear was suddenly like a dragon, and burst out frantically.

Wherever he went, the power shook the void.


Chu Qianye's heart moved, and he retracted the spear abruptly, and a warm force suddenly spread from the tip of the spear.

Guns are like a dragon!

Seeing the spear light rushing forward, Chu Qianye took a deep breath.

The appearance of this spear light meant that he had almost acquired this set of spirit abilities.

"Work hard, you will learn it soon!"

A blazing color flashed across Chu Qianye's eyes.

The sole of the foot came out again, and the spear light became more and more like a dragon. The surging power made Chu Qianye couldn't help showing joy.

"Finally reached the Xiaocheng level!"

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile, and then let the soul body hold the spear tightly.

I don't know what will happen to joining that dragon vein. With the increase in dragon vein power, maybe it should be stronger, Chu Qianye thought in his heart.

Chu Qianye didn't hesitate to do it when he thought.

With a movement in his heart, the dragon veins in his body are also moving, and the blood energy in his dragon veins surging out of the majestic atmosphere, the breath of amazing power is like three thousand thunders.


The first dragon chant!

And the Blood Dragon Overlord's Spear held by his soul body at this moment finally produced a breath of power that made the soul tremble, and the spear light was like a blood dragon, rushing towards the front.

The Little Treasure in the Naling Ring seemed to have some sense, and quickly swept out of the Naling Ring, seeing the spear light rushing straight ahead, it couldn't help taking a breath.

"Boss, is this your latest martial skill?" Xiaobao asked.

"Yeah." Chu Qianye corrected: "To be exact, it is a spirit ability."

Little Treasure is an encyclopedia, what does it say about the spirit abilities of Chu Qianye.

"It's a kind of martial skill that specializes in dealing with the soul body." Xiaobao said: "This kind of soul ability is very rare, it is difficult to find, where did you get the soul ability."

"The collection of blood ancestors." Chu Qianye said lightly.

After that, Chu Qianye continued to use this spirit ability, and the sound of dragons continued to form, the second, the third, and the fourth. . .

When the fiftieth dragon chant echoed and opened, Chu Qianye stopped.

"Now that I have cultivated this set of soul skills, my strength has also been greatly improved. Six months after the Xizhou Wilderness, Takeshi should be about to bid for it. Go and see if there are any good things that can also improve Longmen's strength. On the other hand, Also see if there is any news about the Holy Flame of All Souls."

Chu Qianye's eyes flickered as she thought to herself.

Yingyue dominates too slowly, he is ready for everything, but the Holy Flame of All Souls still has no news, which makes him feel like he can’t stand still, and he can’t wait to take the Holy Flame of All Souls from the Alchemy Guild. Possess a kill, seize its profound fire.

There is no news from Danta, and he has also waited a long time.

Since I'm so bored here, I might as well go out and see if I can try my luck.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye didn't hesitate, Jieyin left the secret space, and two days had passed outside, and he stayed in the secret space for six days.

The current Longmen has begun to take shape, and several palaces have been expanded, which can basically meet the current stage.

However, they may have to continue to expand in the later stage. Fortunately, they are all warriors with infinite power. These mountains and rivers can be dug out by them easily, and the strength of the extreme stage is even easier. The slightest obstacle.

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