Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 977: Nine Epee

Is it so strong?

As if hearing everyone's comments, Nishino suddenly showed a more proud expression.

He stared at Chu Qianye, showing a touch of arrogance.

Chu Qianye stared at Xiye with a calm expression on his face, and he couldn't see the slightest emotion on his face.

"Now give you a chance, kneel down and give up, then I will show compassion, so I can make a living for you!" Nishino said arrogantly.

Kneel down?

Chu Qianye showed a noncommittal smile.

"Then I will give you a chance, too." Chu Qianye vomited softly: "As long as you kneel and give up, I will let you survive."

When everyone heard this sentence, there was a look of surprise on their faces.

This kid is too arrogant.

The two people did not give in to each other, and both were extremely proud, each of them had their own dignity.

"Hey, there will be a good show now, no one will give in to each other."

"Nishino has his arrogant capital. That kid is just so proud of defeating the warrior at the end of the ranking list. He really thinks that he is a nobleman? Even the nobleman dare not be so arrogant."

"This kid has suffered some, and I have a strong hunch that this kid will be trampled underfoot by Nishino and die ugly!"


Everyone's eyes flickered and there was a lot of discussion.

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Ye Yue shook her head slightly, then turned around and told the maid to continue betting.

The maid behind hurriedly left and continued to bet on Chu Qianye and Ye Yue.

Of course, Chu Qianye was betting.

Because in places like Tianban, there are a little more betting tricks, not only betting on winning or losing, but also betting on a few rounds, and Chu Qianye Shenyin’s bet on Ye Yue is to win. Each field, three rounds, and only one sword draw are each 50 million merit points, so that adds up to 150 million merit points.

Because Ye Yue didn't have enough merit points, she still lent him merit points from Chu Qianye.

At this moment, his eyes flashed with strange light, and a strange thought flashed across his mind. In the usual times, he did not dare to bet like this. Even when he was still full, he would not dare to bet too much if he was not very familiar. Too much, death is just two or three million merit points, but Chu Qianye satisfied him this time and made him feel very excited.

Earning 50 million merit points for the first time made him quite a little excited. It used to be the most difficult for him to earn merit points, but now Chu Qianye took him to open a new continent, making him seem to see himself. The excitement in the way of earning merit points made him quite excited and excited.

This way of earning merit points is really thrilling. When he used to bet, because there were not many merit points, he would lose if he lost. He could always hold a normal mentality, but Chu Qianye this time It was different. The way he took him was too wild. If he didn't win in the end, he would still hold his hands and squeeze a cold sweat.

Fortunately, he won the first two rounds of betting, which gave him a hundred million merit points at once. This kind of game is too thrilling and exciting. It is just a few drops of merit water.

"Is it ready?"

Chu Qianye Shenyin asked.

"Well, it's ready, do everything according to your wishes." Ye Yue responded.

At this moment, other people are also betting, because many people don't know the identity of Chu Qianye, and Xiye seems to be a regular visitor in Tianji Dougong, so everyone expects him more.

"Haha, I'm betting on Nishino."

"Me too, I will definitely win this time, Mad, I lost the first two times and disabled me. Those two wastes caused me to lose 20 million merit points."

"Brother, I won this time."

"Okay, I borrow your good words, but don't lose it."


Various bets came to an end quickly, and the final odds were also announced on the list. Everyone looked at the odds data on the list and suddenly showed a surprised expression on their faces. Many people did not wake up.

"Haha, only 13 people bet on him to win?"

"That's for sure, when Nishino makes a move, who will fight for the front?"

"This kind of stable win, you don't need to guess at all, I bet Nishino without any hesitation."


Everyone stared at the two figures on the ring, with a look of expectation on their faces.

At this moment, Chu Qianye obviously didn't care about these odds and how many people were betting on him. His eyes swept slightly towards the senior martial arts leaders who came in, and a strange light flashed across his eyes.

This wave should earn nearly 300 million merit points, which can help him cultivate more seedlings in the dynasty. When the foundation of the suit is solid, the seedlings cultivated in the dynasty can also transition smoothly. Let him have enough confidence to talk to the Soul Hunting Palace and the sect forces of the Four Continents Wasteland.

The referee glanced at the information released by Zhang Bang, and then nodded slightly to Chu Qianye and Xi Ye, telling them that they could start fighting, sprinting and challenging the Tianban.

Chu Qianye took out a very ordinary war sword, and it hadn't been out of its sheath.

"Then, I still want to tell you one thing, you'd better not draw the sword, because you are not qualified, I will kill you personally before you draw the sword!" Xi Ye stared at Chu Qianye, grinning:

"Today I will let you understand that the list is not something you can scum on!"

Chu Qianye looked at each other with light eyes.

Looking at the sword in his hand again, he shook his head slightly.

"If you want me to draw the sword, you have to see if you have that qualification!" Chu Qianye said casually, "Why nonsense? See the real chapter below."

When Xi Ye heard Chu Qianye's so cold and arrogant words, his heart suddenly became furious.

He was arrogant, because he thought he had the capital, and Chu Qianye followed the arrogance. This was simply an insult to his Chi Guoguo, and it made him very uncomfortable.

The smell of gunpowder is full.

Everyone is looking forward to the upcoming competition of the ranking list.

"Nishino, abolish him!"

"One sword killed him!"

"Yes, one sword cut him, but two swords if it doesn't work."

The clamour from all around came one after another.

Hearing these words, Nishino suddenly showed an arrogant expression on his face.

With so many people supporting him, then he must show his true strength, otherwise he will fail everyone's expectations.

So the soles of his feet slammed a little, and his robe slammed into the air, and a dreadful sword aura suddenly surged out of his body.

He held the war sword in his hand, and Chu Qianye's figure was locked by his soul perception.


At a certain moment, the palm of his foot stepped out, and he teleported to Chu Qianye suddenly, and the sword in his palm slashed down at Chu Qianye.

The sword burst out with a dazzling sword light, and went straight to Chu Qianye.

"A piece of cake."

Chu Qianye spat softly, the unsheathed war sword flicked, and countless swords screamed away suddenly.

And those sword qi and sword light disappeared in an instant, and only a non-fancy sword slashed on Chu Qianye's scabbard.


Chu Qianye stood steadily in place, while Xiye was bounced away by a huge force.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

"How is this possible, how can you be the Nine-epee Sword Master?!" Nishino was also dumbfounded, his face clearly showing incredible expression.

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