Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 978: No change in color

Nine-layered swordsman, only a true sword repairer can realize that it is a kind of supreme sword skills, the sword's imperial energy formed under the trembling void of the war sword, because this mysterious ability has nine layers of difference, so it is called Nine-epee sword imperial, possesses the supreme power of Shenxuan Yuqi.

Facing Xiye's shock, Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.

He had mastered the three layers of his Nine-Layered Swordsmanship, and this profound skill was only for those who were able to comprehend it. Chu Qianye stepped into the Transcendent Realm, and naturally obtained the Nine-Layered Sword Yuxuan.

For him, it was a matter of course, but for Nishino, it was a great stimulus. After practicing with the sword for so long, he finally could not obtain this kind of sword magic.

To other people, the Nine Epee Swordsman was no stranger to them. When they heard that what Chu Qianye was displaying was the mysterious master only possessed by Sword Repair Master, his eyes widened, showing an expression of disbelief.

This kind of thing is too shocking for them.

Xi Ye stared at Chu Qianye, his pride was gone, replaced by dignity. Before, he felt that Chu Qianye’s words were just making him laugh and generous, but now it’s different. Chu Qianye is able to display the Nine-epee Swords. , This requires a lot of martial arts talent, and the black-clothed youth in front of him has just mastered this tremendous talent. Compared to himself, this is simply a huge challenge.

"Hmph, you really have some skill!" Nishino grinned and said, "Nine-epee swordsman, I will too!"

After he finished speaking, the sword in his palm shook violently, forming two layers of void sword imperial energy, shaking the void violently, and before everyone woke up, the sword energy instantly dissipated. .

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile. Although this Nishino is very arrogant, he does have his arrogant capital. This kind of nine-epee swordsmanship is extremely difficult to master and cultivate. He did not expect that he would cultivate, and his kendo talent is not weak. At least above Ruan Kui.

In time, you will be able to learn something.

It's a pity that he met himself and met him who was determined to take the sword.

So, even if you know the nine-epee sword domain, what about it?

"You still have two moves." Chu Qianye vomited softly: "If you haven't beaten me after the two moves, then you will never have a chance to make a move."

For Nishino, this sentence is simply a great irony. This should belong to what he could say, but he didn't expect it to be spit out from Chu Qianye's mouth now, and a great anger spread from his heart. When he stepped out, his face flushed immediately, his eyes were also clouded, staring at Chu Qianye firmly.

"Boy, I must admit that you still have some strength in the end, but if you think you are qualified to challenge me, then I tell you clearly that you are not worthy!"

Xi Ye's sole was a little bit, and his figure rushed to Chu Qianye again.

"With this sword, you must kneel if you don't fall down!"


After the words were over, a bright divine light burst out in vain on his palm, and before everyone woke up, the sword in Nishino's hand burst out in vain with a terrifying sword breath, like a huge volcano that has been suppressed for thousands of years. Suddenly blow out, amazing power is everywhere!

Feeling the aura of violent power, everyone's complexion changed drastically, and their eyes were staring at Nishino's palm. Inside that sword, the sword thundered and trembled in all directions.

As far as the sword of war, the void collapses!

The chant of the sword resounded through the sky!

This sword is straightforward to teach gods and ghosts!

Looking at this horrible sword, everyone's faces were full of excitement. After all, they bet most of Nishino's merits. Nishino's victory means that they also won merit points and obtained a lot of merit. point.

On the contrary, if Nishino kneels, then their merits will be lost, so no matter if it is Chu Qianye's strength, even with the nine-epee sword he previously exposed, everyone hopes Nishino will win.

In the eyes of everyone's expectation, this sword slashed down from a high place, and went straight to Chu Qianye's front door, with one sword torn apart, one sword to shatter the sky, and one sword to break ten thousand magic!

Chu Qianye, can he stop this sword?

Everyone looked at this sword and couldn't help showing a touch of excitement.

Chu Qianye seemed to be aware of everyone's looks.

He showed a faint smile.

"Nine-epee sword imperial."

Chu Qianye yelled inwardly. The unsheathed war sword in his palm burst out in vain with a dazzling light. The power of the triple sword impetus burst out in an instant, and the sword energy that was chopped down was instantly shattered. invisible.

And Chu Qianye sighed softly while looking at Xiye's proud expression.

With a move in my heart, a thunderous sword qi shield formed, blocking all the remaining sword qi power from the sword qi shield, that kind of terrifying power was fleeting!

At this time, Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.

Now only 50% of the sword power remains.

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The second sword slashed once again on Chu Qianye's unsheathed war sword, and the fierce metal collision sounded like a roaring thunder for nine days, vast in all directions.

And Chu Qianye stood there again as a mountain, his body didn't move any minute, the sword air shield shattered, and his black clothes followed and danced wildly. The blood dragon on the black clothes looked like waves of pine waves.

And he, black clothes like ink, long sword like snow...

Once again blocked Nishino's sword!

The onlookers couldn't help taking a breath at this moment. They couldn't figure out why Chu Qianye was able to block Xiye's sword skills, even twice.

Once it was an accident, what about the second time?

A cruel fact began to grow from the bottom of their hearts, but they did not want to believe that it was the truth.

The black-clothed youth in front of him possessed strength that Nishino could not shake!

Regardless of whether it is the eighth rank of the polar realm or the nine-epee sword imperial, these are just surface things, and the true nature of Xiye can not beat Chu Qianye is: Chu Qianye is stronger than Xiye!

When this fact emerged from everyone’s mind, everyone was reluctant to believe it. After all, they bet on Xiye’s body, not on Chu Qianye’s body, so it means that they are about to lose a lot of feats. Point, and the initiator of all this is Chu Qianye, the young man in black who refuses to reveal his identity!

Xiye's expression changed drastically. His bold words just now meant that he had to kneel down, but now Chu Qianye is still standing in front of him indifferently, blocking his sword without changing his face!

His eyes widened and his face was unbelievable.

How could there be such a powerful warrior in this world?

This is unscientific, how did Chu Qianye manage it?

"You have another trick." Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

Nishino's face suddenly became very ugly.

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