Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 979: The audience is dead (five watch)

After his two moves, Chu Qianye still did not fall, and he was still unscathed, which made him very excited.

There are still people he can't solve?

Nishino was furious and rushed to Chu Qianye, the power of profound energy in his body surging out instantly.


A violent trembling formed within the war sword, and before everyone had awakened, the war sword once again screamed vigorously.

With this sword, he had already used all his strength, it was his angry blow.

This time, he had enough self-confidence to knock Chu Qianye down.

In Chu Qianye's body, power was like a dragon, surging out frantically, and the power between heaven and earth roared out in an instant, permeating the heaven and earth.

Feeling this terrifying power aura, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

"This sword will definitely die!"

"Nishino is angry, who can block his sword?"

"The sword he ran away last time is particularly impressive to me. The opponent was slashed and flew out of the ring."

The onlookers stared at Chu Qianye stubbornly, showing a look of excitement. As long as Xi Ye has not fallen, anything can happen, and Chu Qianye may not be able to defeat Xi Ye!

"If you can block my sword, I will eat my head!" Nishino grinned.

The profound energy in his body was like a dragon, surging out frantically, and went straight to Chu Qianye, wherever he went, the void was shattered.

Chu Qianye gently shook his head.

He still used the same method to block Nishino's sword once again, but Nishino's figure was smashed into the air, and it took a full eight steps to slow down his figure, but Chu Qianye only stepped back three times. M location.

"It's impossible, impossible!" Xi Ye looked at Chu Qianye with a face full of disbelief. He stared at Chu Qianye almost madly.

"Nothing is impossible," Chu Qianye said.

Xi Ye raised his head and stared at Chu Qianye.

"Even if I can't defeat you, but you can't defeat me." Xiye stared at Chu Qianye, grinning.

Chu Qianye shook his head lightly.

Why are there always people who are arrogant to the bone?

This kind of reluctance is good, but it is always too blind.

Chu Qianye turned his head and looked at the senior officials in Wushi with a faint smile.

Those strong guys should already be on their way.

Nishino didn't know the purpose of Chu Qianye's look.

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However, he recognized these high-level officials in Wushi. As one of the deputy commanders of Nanzhou Dahuang, he usually dealt with people from Wushi. Obviously, he knew these high-level officials.


Nishino was secretly surprised, but he didn't know why.

"Since you know the nine-epee swordsmanship, then you are worthy of drawing the sword. You draw the sword, except for the venerable and the powerhouse above the fourth-order Celestial Realm, I can do nothing. I am invincible and invincible. Tier 8 waste, just pull your sword and let go!" Nishino grinned.


Chu Qianye sighed.

This Nishino was really caught in a magical disease, so confident that he couldn't understand it.

"You are not worthy of me to draw a sword." Chu Qianye spat softly.

"Hehe, this is the coldest joke I've ever heard. I can't hurt you, but you can hurt me so confidently? A warrior of the eighth rank of the extreme earth dare to say such things, you know Who am I?" Xi Ye continued without waiting for Chu Qianye's response:

"I am the deputy commander of the Southern State Region!"

Nishino said in a cold voice: "I have crossed the Four Continents for a hundred years, no one dares to talk to me like this, you are the first!"

"I have cut countless enemies in my life, invincible, what are you!"

Arrogance, arrogance, arrogance!

The guy in front of him didn't put others in his eyes at all, but was arrogant to reach new heights.

He shook his head lightly.

For this guy, Chu Qianye was really speechless.

With a touch of the sole of the foot, the figure rushed to the front of Nishino, the unsheathed war sword burst out in vain, and the world seemed to be overshadowed.

And Chu Qianye’s indifferent state completely disappeared. The breath that radiated from him was only endless killing. It was a posture that all creatures of the world must awe, and Chu Qianye’s gaze, There is no laziness at all, some are just the power of the gods and demons.

Chu Qianye's sword light was like a heaven-shaking divine light, and the energy between heaven and earth seemed to be stagnant at this moment, completely unable to function.

At this moment, those onlookers were stabbed to open their eyes when they saw this sword light.


The horrible sword chants, mighty in all directions of heaven and earth.

Everyone stared at Chu Qianye, revealing a touch of shock.

This kind of dominating power aura surging in Tianji Dou Palace.

"this is……"

Everyone felt this tyrannical and terrifying power, and their expressions changed drastically.

"Extraordinary Kendo!"

Feeling this violent power aura, everyone showed a touch of shock.

Even a large number of people have suddenly stood up.

The faces of the senior officials in Wushi were extremely ugly.

Chu Qianye learned the extraordinary kendo, they only obtained it from intelligence before, and they had not witnessed Chu Qianye used the extraordinary kendo once, but this time they witnessed the extraordinary kendo performed by Chu Qianye, the shock of this power , So that they could not help feeling a breath of cold air.

The stronger Chu Qianye's strength, the greater their pressure.

This kind of power against the sky is completely beyond what ordinary people can imagine, especially the aspect of this kind of power, they all feel the breath soaring crazy, and this kind of soaring is not the slightest.

"what happened?"

Everyone felt the power of this roar, and took a breath for a while.

The horizontal and vertical aspect of the extraordinary sword aura made people couldn't help taking a breath.

They didn't expect that Chu Qianye would have learned extraordinary swordsmanship, and looking at the Profound Qi Continent, there was only one person who met this characteristic.

Could it be that the figure is almost ready to appear.

Nishino's expression changed drastically.


Chu Qianye's battle sword slashed down fiercely. Wherever it went, the void was shattered, while Xiye's body was severely chopped off, rolled out of the ring, and fell 100 meters away. Outside of the void, he clutched his chest with an expression of disbelief. The armor that was next to his body was shattered. This was the armor refined by the Blood Moon Ruler. It was actually cut to pieces by Chu Qianye's sword. How terrifying is the power of.

Even with the armored body, the tyrannical sword aura still submerged in his body, and the sword aura crossed his shoulders, and his skin burst into flesh. There were five centimeters of sword marks on his body, making his face pale.

The overbearing impact made him vomit blood even more.

"You are Chu Qianye, the fifth person in extraordinary kendo!"

After a while, Nishino raised his head and said in disbelief, the audience was silent!

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