Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 980: Counterattack Takeshi

The fifth man of extraordinary kendo!

Regardless of whether anyone knows the name Chu Qianye, the fifth person in Extraordinary Swordsmanship is no one can match!

This is not a name given indiscriminately. Only those who have reached a certain level can obtain such a title, and the young man in black in front of him is actually the fifth person in extraordinary kendo?

Everyone stared at Chu Qianye's direction, and their faces showed a touch of shock.

The audience was silent.

It took a while before everyone was relieved from the shock.

"I'm convinced to lose!" Nishino, who was holding his shoulders and enduring the severe pain, raised his head for a long while, staring at Chu Qianye and vomiting softly.

Chu Qianye sighed inwardly.

After all, his identity has been exposed. Although he had expected it a long time ago, when it was revealed, he was still quite helpless. If anyone knew his identity, would anyone dare to continue to challenge?

This has to be put on a question mark. After all, he has participated in the battle for the gods. For a warrior, this kind of thing is not just to join in the fun. The most important thing is that he has also won the gods twice and let the four continents wasteland. The warrior of the warrior has a disgraced face, these things have been announced in the city.

It was incredible that the Lord had appeared in this Tianji Dou Palace.

Chu Qianye stood with his hand held, his eyes lightly scanned.

"I, Chu Qianye, set up a war post here. I would like to challenge all the strong on the top list. Please enlighten me!"

The voice was clear and clear, as fast as lightning strikes everyone's ears, and when everyone heard these words, they couldn't help showing a shocked expression.

Challenge all the strong on the top list?

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The tone was loud, but now everyone understands that the young man in front of him is really different. He has this strength and confidence.

But when they heard this sentence, everyone couldn't help but froze for a while.

Do you really want to set up a battle post to challenge the strong on the top?

It’s really a big deal this time. It’s no secret that the relationship between Wu Shi and Chu Qianye has froze, but now that Chu Qianye went to Wu Shi to openly challenge the strong on the top list. Smash the place.

Those high-level Wushi officials on the side looked gloomy when they heard this.

Chu Qianye is so presumptuous. This is not only a provocation, but also a blatant decision. What can Wushi do now? With so many people watching, it’s impossible to just clean it up, right?

Chu Qianye's eyes swept away and fell on the top of Wu Shi.

"Haha, the top leaders of Wushi are here too. I have heard about Wushi. You keep saying that you are fair, just and transparent. You shouldn't drive me away because of a bit of grudges and prevent me from challenging the ranking list. Strong man, if this is the case, it would really disappoint me Chumou. After all, I have always trusted you Wushi very much. On the contrary, it is you, because a high-level son wants to kill me completely. Fortunately, Yuanjie The venerable helped me through the catastrophe. It seems to go against your slogan."

For a moment, Chu Qianye vomited lightly, and her voice was heard clearly in everyone's ears.

Many people really don't understand why Wu Shi wants to ban Chu Qianye, and they have always been curious, why Wu Shi would attack such an ordinary young man, is there any hidden secret among them?

"My requirement is very simple. Let me challenge the strong on the ranking list. You must help me announce, but don't disclose me the least bit of information, otherwise I will announce the matter that day to Profound Qi Continent, so that everyone knows about your martial arts. Chu Qianye said lightly.

At the top of the military city, the old man's face changed.

If Chu Qianye really wanted to spit out everything that happened that day, then Wu Shi’s credibility would suffer heavy losses. If Chu Qianye talks nonsense, it’s okay. The problem is justified. Once Venerable Yuanjie shows up, then After this matter was settled, Takeshi’s credibility almost collapsed.

This matter is quite serious and imminent. It must be resolved as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, the high-ranking Wushi slapped a few people, and then one of them got up and left.

"Hehe, Master Chu does not need to be so excited. Our Wushi is indeed fair, just and transparent. After all, we have been able to thrive over the years. It is not luck, but the purpose that we defend with our lives. You challenge the ranking list. We are naturally. Welcome. But what you said you want us to announce to the world, it’s a bit embarrassing for me. I have limited power now, at most I can only help you advertise the warriors of the Great Wilderness in Xizhou. As for the other Great Wilderness, I still have no right to decide, I have to go up. Just report it." The old man stood up and said.

What the old man used was obviously a postponement.

First hold me back, and then report the matter to one side to see how the people above make decisions. As for what they will do, Chu Qianye doesn't care, he just tells the other person his attitude now.

"Whichever you want, I am going to challenge the strongest of the top rankings today. You can give an announcement. Are you not very good at announcements?" Chu Qianye squinted and said lightly.

Hearing what Chu Qianye said, the old man's expression was rather unnatural.

"Don’t worry, Master Chu, I’ve already asked them to do it. The Heavenly List powerhouse in Xizhou Dahuang will soon know about this. You don’t have to worry about this issue. The Heavenly List is open to anyone and can help Young Master Chu. It's a great blessing." The old man smiled.

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised that this old man was still very good at handling the problem. On the one hand, he wanted to hold him back, and on the other hand, he was eager to seek advice from the senior management of Wushi to see how to solve his trouble.

How to solve that is their business. Chu Qianye doesn't care. He doesn't care whether he can challenge the strong in the top ranking list. He doesn't care how many people know about it. He just wants to tell the Wushi seniors that you played some time ago. I’m very unhappy with the set of that, so I came here to tell you that I have a temper, and I will fight back!

"Okay, I only have one hour. If there is no strong man from the top rankings to fight with me in one hour, then I will announce the dirty things of your Wushi. Don't doubt what I said, Yuanjiezun. The person will definitely stand up and support me." Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

This sentence made the old man feel ashamed and guilty.

That high-level Martial artist, for his own son, made Martial Arts very passive. If this matter cannot be handled quickly and properly, Martial Arts is likely to be dragged down!

It's a pity that he is not at a high level, and he doesn't know how the people above work. He just reflects his solution to the top. As for the result, he cannot interfere and make a decision.

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