Dragon Blood Emperor

Chapter 1526: 1 ladder, 1 world!

The mysterious lord of the temple appeared, and a faint word sounded, almost everyone's eyes turned away.

When they looked at the white jade temple and extended the passageway, everyone's heart was delighted.

"There are a lot of doubts in the position of the believer, and the old man didn't ask much, so I will briefly explain again today."

The shrine lord again spoke.

No one can see the depth of his cultivation, including those who are demigods.

They even suspected that the lord of the temple standing above was a living deity.

Of course, this is just guessing, the gods, even if they have a look, they have the power of the gods, and this lord of the temple is too peaceful to be seen through.

"This place is named Huaxinxinhai. A long time ago, it was the land of the Huanshen tribe, and our lord, Yongye Emperor came from chaos and traveled here to talk with the Huanshen tribe chief for three days and three nights. Nowhere to be found. "

The faint voice made everyone's heart shake.

Emperor Yeongye!

These four words are like magic sounds, raising the hearts of everyone.

Those who can be called the Lord of God are all a generation of great emperors!

The Sea of ​​Illusions turned out to be the relic of the emperor!

"Inconceivable, Ben Long is looking for endless years here, and he doesn't even know that this place is the relic of the emperor, no wonder it will lead to **** war!"

"It turns out that this is the ultimate secret of Huaixinhai!"

Tianyou Demon Dragon was shocking again and again.

The Supreme Master of the Sword Master, the Lord of the Magic Sounds, the Withering Demon, and so on, are also shocking to be added. God is already taboo. Here, there are traces of the Emperor beyond God!

Not to mention them, even God will shake!

And some of the weaker generations were crushed by the word of the emperor, their faces were pale, their bodies were shaking, and the six gods stood on their own.

Even Daimei was almost crushed, but Ye Wushuang put one hand on her shoulders before he calmed down and turned to look at Ye Wushuang. so easy.

For Ye Wushuang, this is not a surprise, because he knew it early, and there was no impact at all!

Moreover, he had suffered a stronger impact before, and the Tao heart had been transformed once and was impeccable. Therefore, for him, God and Emperor were not enough to overwhelm his will and Tao heart!

Of course, what made Ye Wushuang curious is why did the Emperor Yong Ye disappear?

The shrine continued: "However, before the disappearance of the Emperor Yongye and the Phantom Protoss patriarch, he did one thing, leaving the Phantom Protoss to stand for the Emperor Yongye, leaving the secret words of the emperor, Law should be a gift to future generations. "

Following the words of the Lord, the crowd breathed quickly.

The words of the emperor, the method of becoming a god, these words with shocking temptation, echoed in their minds!

Even the Demigod, the Supreme Lord, and the peerless evils are all red-eyed!

They were almost unable to suppress the impulse in their hearts.

There are millions of people in the entire Demon Square, but at this moment they are surprisingly quiet.

"In a very distant age, God came here, demons came here, demons came here. Their purpose was to get the word of the emperor and become the law of the supreme god, but the gods died, the demons died, and demons were suppressed. Now, there have been several divine wars, and the sea of ​​magical hearts has been beaten. "

The Lord of the Temple seems to have witnessed the endless vicissitudes of life, and also witnessed the fall of the demon path, with some emotion!

However, he knew there that God and Emperor represented Supreme in the eyes of Cangsheng!

Cangsheng desires to become a god, and the gods of the heavens desire to become emperors, but all this is too difficult and too difficult, but it is so tempting, it is crazy and hot!

"This violates the original intention of the emperor. However, the old man is powerless and can't stop, but can only look at everything that is gone. However, the old man still adheres to the emperor's heart and continues to guard. Before he fell asleep, he formulated some rules for everyone Relatively fair capture. "

The Lord of the Temple said, glance at the ladder below his feet, "You have seen this, this is a ladder, and the first level set by the old man, through this level, you can enter the White Jade Temple and get the treasures in it, of course, There is a second level behind the first level. If you give up the treasures of the first level, you can step on the second level. "

"It's that simple?"

A great and supremely strong man couldn't help asking, and everyone could see a crazy and fiery expression on his face.

"The first level is as simple as that."

The Lord of the Temple nodded and glanced down at the sea of ​​sword gods, sword cliffs, hallucinations, kingdoms of heavenly bodies, heavens of fire, true spirits, Gulei, Shura, Gulei, Bodhi, true Buddha Zong, Ti Zong, and other eternal forces. There are countless incomparable strengths such as the Hanbing Clan, the Seven Swords of the Excalibur Palace, the Demon Sword Sect, and the Stone Medicine Realm.

Some powerful realms near the sea of ​​fantasy hearts have come.

However, this did not surprise the Lord of the Temple, because he had seen thousands of ancient and protoss come here, and the scene was more spectacular.

Hearing the words of His Holiness the temple, everyone gazed at the stairs, a total of one thousand to the stairs, not too many, but no one felt simple.

On it, it is the law of becoming a god, it is the secret of the emperor, all are things that are shocking the world, and make the demon crazy, how easy it is.

"The emperor's secret said that the old man does not expect luxury, but the law of becoming a **** is in front of him. If he doesn't seize it, how many more opportunities can he have in this life?"

An old **** stepped into the air, stepped directly in front of the stairs, and let the crowd's eyes freeze.

Looking up at the White Jade Temple, his eyes flickered and he was resolute. "Shinto is difficult, such as climbing the mountain of Shenyue, turning over mountains and mountains makes people feel hopeless. There is no turning back. If you don't want to stop, you have to keep going, even if you are tired, you have to crawl forward. "


Talking about this, the supreme strong man has a spine on his back, and he is bold and aggressive, and stepped onto the ladder step by step.

The crowd's eyes trembled and stared.

But when he was standing on the steps, he disappeared!

This scene ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ made countless masters shrink their pupils and wonder what happened?


The ladder trembled, and on the first ladder, the old Supreme figure suddenly appeared. Looking up, his eyes flickered and said: "One day ladder, one mountain, one world, it is really difficult to be a god!"

"But why not!"

The voice of dissatisfaction resounded in the heavens and the earth, and the old heavenly supreme stepped again. As a brave young man took a firm step and embarked on the second ladder, his figure disappeared again.

Seeing this, countless figures are surging and moving, and they are moving, becoming a god, no matter how difficult it is, if you don't climb the high mountains, how can you see the heaven and earth scenery that can't be seen at a low place!

There is no shortage of climbers in the world, but there is a lack of persistence and chasers who have the courage to persist to the top of the mountain!


After that, all the figures stepped onto the ladder without hesitation.

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