Dragon Blood Emperor

Chapter 1527: The peerless monsters fight together!

Countless figures have stepped into the ladder, and the short ladder can accommodate millions of people. This is like the Shinto, but it contains endless gods.

For the peak scenery, the followers set foot on Shinto.


Individuals step into the ladder.

"You have to be careful. Among these people, there are demigods, there are peerless monsters, their means are not bad at all, especially those peerless monsters, they all have unknown means."

The sword master turned to look at Ye Wushuang, reminded him.

"I understand!" Ye Wushuang nodded, such as that demon ghost, who controlled the powerful demon **** soldiers. Once excited, it was enough to hit a god.

"There is a way to become a god. I have to go there just to leave no regrets."

The sword master then said again, looking towards the world on the ladder, the sword eye shining with glory, just to leave no regret, this life vowed to prove Shinto!


Ye Wushuang sent the sword master to the ladder to pursue his own Shinto!

Under the watchful eye, the forces of the sword **** sea, sword cliff, true spirit, Shura and so on embarked on the ladder!

Ye Wushuang also saw demon ghosts, Prince Haitian and other peerless demons, as well as many horrible and **** youths stepping forward, with black eyes like sharp edges, frivolous, confident and invincible!

Ye Wushuang also saw some familiar figures!

"He's here too!"

Ye Wushuang smiled.

In the kingdom of magical sounds, the prince of magical sounds stared at Ye Wushuang, and resolutely stepped forward.

There is also a young man who was fanned by him, and his venomous eyes revealed the serpent-like eyes, which made people shudder!

"Let's go up too, chance, luck, and strength."

Ye Wushuang said to the people next to him, gazing at the ladder, grasping Ye Rou's hand, and rushed up.

Behind them, Yue Nu, Lei Jun, and others took the people of the Kingdom of Gulei into the country.

Dai Mei, Shen Gongbao, and others also followed behind Ye Wushuang.

Stepping into the ladder, Ye Wushuang stepped into a world. In front of his eyes, there are countless mountains of Shenyue, without seeing the end.

One step is a world!

"What a magical means!"

Ye Rou stood beside Ye Wushuang, facing the unknown and mystery, she was not a little afraid, because the temperature in the palm gave her extremely strong security.

"One step, one world, if you can't step on it, you must stay in this one world forever."

Ye Wushuang said lightly.

"Those of your friends didn't follow up. I wonder what will happen to them?"

Ye Rou glanced around, except for the two of them.

"That's their way to Shinto. It's the world they want to go. I can only bless them."

Ye Wushuang turned to look at Ye Rou and opened his mouth with a smile. "And here is our world and the way to go. I will hold your hand firmly and go down together."

Ye Rou trembled a little, looking at the hand that held her hand, raised her head, and looked at Ye Wushuang again, "I will walk with you, right beside you!"


As soon as the voice fell, there was a riot behind him. There was no retreat, and he could only move forward.

Ye Wushuang took Ye Rou's hand and stepped forward!

No one world can conquer. In the future, how can we conquer the heavens and the world, endless world chaos!

Lifting with one hand, an astonishing sword spirit broke the endless recklessness and fog. There was no road ahead, so we split a road across the world, our own road!

Immediately, Ye Wushuang's figure appeared on the ladder, while Ye Rou stood beside him, but always believed in Ye Wushuang!


Take another step, another complicated world emerges!

Ye Wushuang is still a sword!

One step at a time, like infinite reincarnation, infinite life, has all kinds of entanglements, confuses the Tao heart, confuses the will, and ca n’t be broken without becoming a god!

This is God's first step!

However, there are a thousand worlds, a thousand reincarnations, and a thousand human beings. Many people had a firm mind before, but in the end, reincarnation and reincarnation, it is no longer clear what is the reality?

In an instant, they lost.

Annihilation was in the silence chasing them behind him.

"Do not--"

A howling voice sounded in the void, and on the ladder, a wolf howling figure was blown out, and then, countless figures flew out, howling and unwilling!

They stepped up the ladder again, but there was a shocking barrier to stop them, and even if their heads burst, the blood still would not help.

This is the way to become a god!

If you do not walk firmly, you will not regret it!

For Ye Wushuang, reincarnation and reincarnation are not terrible, because his eternal Tao heart is firm, because he knows what he wants, and fights for it, his goals are clear and transparent.

So, what about a thousand worlds and a thousand reincarnations, whoever blocks him will be cut with one sword!


Figures flew out!

Son of Shura, God of the Corpse, God of Ice ...

This ladder seems to have become a place for them to fight, and they will rush forward!

Of course, most of the figures flew out of the ladder.

But part of the figure ascended to the top of the ladder and stood in front of the white jade temple, which was out of reach. Everyone seemed to have gone through various trials and tortures, and his eyes were sharpened.

A thousand steps make them feel like they have walked through a thousand worlds and reincarnations, but when they turn around, they discover that this is just one step away!

It was this step that left 90% of the people behind!

Ye Wushuang's speed is very fast. In those worlds, they encounter all kinds of illusions, which are beautiful things hidden in their hearts, but to the surprise of Ye Rou, Ye Wushuang does not look at it, and his sword is broken. As firm as his sword, it is indestructible and indestructible!

With the appearance of Ye Wushuang, the eyes of the crowd also fell on Ye Wushuang. It was not how Ye Wushuang attracted people, but the crowd didn't expect that Ye Wushuang took a person and stepped on with such anger. It's up!

Standing in front of the ladder, I also looked at the countless figures in front of me, including old immortal, master of eternal forces, and countless young demons!

"Let's go up first!"

Ye Wushuang retracted his eyes and shouted at Ye Rou.

"Get away!"

Suddenly, an indifferent scolding sounded behind him, deafening!

I saw a figure emerge on the last ladder, stepping towards the position where Ye Wushuang was!

Ye Wushuang frowned, turning his head to look at the person, but the man had already been blown away with a punch, not even giving Ye Wushuang a place to give his position!


As Ye Wushuang lifted his footsteps, the angry **** fist also slammed up and swelled. The man saw this, his face sank, and the law gushed out, and the fist shrouded Jin Cancan's **** smashed!


The **** Yue ran into it, and the shadow of the angry **** suddenly appeared, smashing Shen Yue fiercely, hit the young man, and smashed him to the last ladder!

The young man's face changed suddenly, terrifying!

"Get off!"

Ye Wushuang strode again, pointing out, the light of imperial extinction blasted out, penetrated the young man's shoulder, knocked him flying, and smashed from the void to the demon square!

The crowd's complexion calmed.

"It is true that there is some skill, and it is no wonder that dare to scream the kingdom of phantom gods in arrogance in public, but it is too much to destroy people.

Beside the ladder, a burly, muscular, humanoid man stood out, staring at Ye Wushuang, with a sense of provocation and coldness.

"Xiaoshuang, this person is one of the four young kings of the physical world!"

Ye Rou stared, reminding Ye Wushuang anxiously.

However, Ye Wushuang didn't even glance at it. He took Ye Rou to the side and stared down at some familiar figures, such as Shen Gongbao and Daimei.

This shocked countless people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The person who was just hit by the fly was in the physical world!

"Wolf King, you have been ignored!"

On the side, the Ice Gods sneered and sneered.

"Yeah, the savage warrior, one of the four young kings in the physical world, is a demon of inferiority, but it is not taken into account. It seems that you are notorious."

The gods of the rock spirits also laughed and provoked!

For them, they are happy to see each other's shots and fight for yourself, so that they can test the strength of the opponent and reduce some enemies.

Ye Wushuang heard the words, looked up, glanced at the talking Ice God, the Rock God, and others, and saw a playful smile on their faces.

"I always thought that there were only many flies in dung pits, but there weren't many flies in any place. Not only did they smell bad, they also buzzed and made noise!"

Ye Wushuang also spit it out.

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