Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1012 Good reputation is still useful

Chapter 1012 Good reputation is still useful

If Yun Fei used some cunning power to get in, it would be understandable, but it would be uncomfortable not to know this.

"Now is not the time to dwell on this. The question now is what to do."

The Great God Lord opened his mouth to rescue the Nine God Lords, causing the other God Lords to focus on the next thing.


what to do?

A sacred mountain of life has already been thrown out. Do we want to throw out the sacred mountain of space now?

"If you should give up, give up. This time, we will also send people to kill Yunfei. This is a huge disaster and we cannot let him live any longer."

The Nine Gods made a decision and had no intention of discussing it with others.

But even so, no one spoke to refute.

Because everyone knows that what the Nine Gods said is right.

It's hard to say what Yunfei's life will be like to other forces, but it will definitely be a huge disaster to Shenshan.

He will harm the sacred mountain every three years, and every time he harms the sacred mountain, it will cause the sacred mountain to abandon a sacred mountain.

That's a sacred mountain, not an ordinary fairy island.

It will take a long time for the sacred mountain that has been destroyed to return to its original appearance.

"I agree."

"I agree."

All the gods expressed their opinions one after another.

It’s okay if you don’t agree with this thing.

Although only Shenshan himself knows about Yun Fei's appearance now, it won't take long and even people outside will already know about it.

When the news about Yun Fei's appearance spreads, it will develop into a situation where hundreds of deities collectively attack the sacred mountain.

If you don't want this to happen, you can only take the initiative to peel off the sacred mountain of space.

It's really hard.

In such a short period of time, the sacred mountain has lost three sacred mountains.

The great god looked very lonely, and he doubted whether he really made the wrong decision.

If Shenshan could have supported Yunfei instead of getting close to Mofei, wouldn't things have developed like this?

Without the three gods from the sacred mountain taking the lead, the gods would not dare to challenge the soul master, right?

If the Holy God was still within the Divine Realm, would the Holy Mountain be as miserable as it is now? He was bullied by some individual people and became like this.

It's a pity that even if the Great God regrets it, there is no regret medicine to take.

They must bear all consequences silently.

Eventually, the Space Sacred Mountain broke away from the scope of the Sacred Mountain Sequence and left the protection of the formation.

"You are so willful. No one has come to say a few words to me, Shuailong?" Yunfei has been staying at the top of the Space Sacred Mountain without leaving.

When the Space God Mountain moved outside the formation, Yunfei grinned.

I guess the gods in the sacred mountain should be very angry, right?

In sharp contrast to the anger of the Gods of the Holy Mountain are the Sanren Gods.

They finally waited until Yunfei appeared. It could really be said that it was like waiting for the flowers to wither. They originally thought that they would just wait two or three years, but they never expected to wait for five years before Yunfei appeared again.

"Hey, hey, can you respect me, Shuailong? It's your business to fight him to death. Now you have to listen to me, Shuailong."

What will happen if the Space Sacred Mountain appears outside the protection of the Sacred Mountain Formation?

This is a sheep that has broken away from the flock. Will the wolves waiting outside let this sheep go?

Seeing a group of people about to start filming, Yunfei spoke.

Yunfei is very good at speaking.

This made everyone who was already fighting stop.

Everyone is waiting for Yunfei's next step.

"Now let me talk about my rules. It's still the same. Anyone who wants to challenge me needs to give me what I need. Do you understand this?"

Yunfei is very amiable. Whether his rule control can break through to level 80 depends on how powerful these gods are.

So don't stimulate them too much. If they stick their butts out and stop playing, Yunfei will be dumbfounded.

If you expect him to go everywhere and grab it by himself, then you don’t know how long it will take.

Zulong only gave him five years, so Yunfei didn't have much time to waste.

Who knows where Zulong will throw himself.

"What do you want again?"

Lord Fengyu was the first to jump out again.

"Hey, isn't this an old dog? Are you still alive?"

These words were very irritating, but Fengyu was the only one who was angry.

"You said you didn't want to tell me?"

Fengyu had become somewhat immune to Yunfei's venomous tongue. He did not answer the question, otherwise he would definitely be the one who was insulted. Fengyu was not in the habit of looking for scolding.

"Same as the previous rules, five low-grade space attribute acquired treasures can be exchanged for a challenge quota. Only twenty pieces are accepted. The others must be mid-grade treasures, one for each. However, there are some additional conditions. This time I will give them You have some discounts. Special substances with thunder and light attributes can be exchanged for three places, and acquired treasures with thunder and light attributes can also be exchanged for one place. You can start now, and you will not accept it once you receive it."

As soon as Yunfei finished speaking, Fengyu was the first to rush to the top of the mountain.

In fact, he had been prepared for a long time. He had already prepared several low-grade acquired treasures with spatial attributes, and he immediately took out ten of them, occupying two places.

And it wasn't over yet, he took out another acquired treasure with thunder attributes and an acquired treasure with light attributes, and got two more places respectively.

This time, he has occupied four spots.

Fengyu was very happy and gave him a hundred thumbs up for his speed of action.

While others were still digesting what Yun Fei meant, he had already obtained 4 quotas. Although he only needed three, quotas could still be sold.

As long as you have it, you don't have to worry about not being able to sell it.

"You old dog is really fast. You have four spots. I will remember this."

Lord Fengyu threw something to Yunfei and glared at Yunfei before turning and leaving.

He doesn't dare to occupy this place. When Yunfei leaves, this place will be the target of public criticism. Everyone knows that on the sacred mountain, the higher the place, the more good things there are.

"I have a special substance with thunder properties here for you."

Someone took out a special substance with thunder properties, which caused everyone who was still watching to rush forward.

Yunfei smiled.

This is a monopoly business. Counting lines, oh no, counting treasures makes your hands cramp.

Because of Yunfei's good reputation, someone didn't even have to wait for Yunfei to come out of the secret realm this time, someone had already offered him a middle-grade treasure.

It's hard to find a spot.

After the last lesson, everyone has experience.

It's obvious that a dozen people can't kill Yunfei, so they can only send more people. As for how many people to send, it's Yunfei's final decision.

If someone comes and only accepts the challenge of fifty people, whoever hides it will not be able to keep up with the hot one.

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