Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1030 Chance of Life

Chapter 1030 Chance of Life

Others may not be able to feel the deeply hidden spatial fluctuations, but Yunfei can feel it.

"It seems that I have been underestimated again."

Yunfei muttered to himself.

Although the voice was low, he had no intention of avoiding the God of the Mountain, so all the Gods present heard it very clearly.

What does it mean?

Who dares to look down on you these days? Do you think you died too slowly?

Or have you discovered the Great God Lord’s secret strategy?

The gods and deities of the sacred mountain expressed their nervousness.

If Yunfei discovers what the Great God is doing, they will all be doomed.

Now they are counting on the Great God to save their lives.

"What do you mean?"

Although the Fourteenth God doesn't want to speak, someone must stand up at this time. If it can disturb Yunfei's thoughts, that would be the best. The Great God should be given enough time.

"Oh? You still want to delay time for him? But it seems like you don't know what he is doing, right?"

An enigmatic smile appeared on Yunfei's face.

He really wanted to see what the expressions of the gods of these sacred mountains would be like if they knew what the great gods were doing.

All the gods were shocked.

Really discovered?

But, how did Yunfei find out?

"It seems that you all want to know, so I'll take you to have a look."

The Nine Gods' heart tightened, what's going on?

Was he trying to coerce himself into taking him into the treasure house?

The Nine Gods are already ready to use hard steel, and they can't let Yunfei get his wish no matter what.

It's a pity that Yunfei has no intention of asking him.

It is unrealistic for Yunfei to really use his own power to break through the space barrier.

The space power he controls has nothing to do with teleportation properties.

But as long as someone uses teleportation power to create a channel, Yunfei can still use it. 80 points of space rule control is no joke.

Just like the fire that burns the sky, although it has the property of burning, it is still a fire and it can burn. You can't deprive someone of their right to burn just because their main property is burning, right?


There was no inquiry and no consent from the gods of the sacred mountain was required.

When Yunfei felt that the transmission channel had been constructed, Yunfei led everyone and disappeared directly.

Inside the treasure house, the great god was admiring his masterpiece and was very satisfied.

After the cross-border teleportation array was set up, he could immediately use the teleportation array to leave the treasure house.

But he was not in a hurry to leave. He was going to run away anyway. Before leaving, of course, the contents of the treasure house could not be left to others.

And while the Great God was frantically plundering the treasure house, Yunfei and a group of Gods appeared in the teleportation array that the Great God had just constructed.

"Shh! Look, this is what you have been waiting for. Do you know what he is going to do?"

There is a space field around Yunfei, which can effectively block the inside and outside. Even if he and his people appeared in the teleportation array, the Great God did not notice it.

If he could look at the teleportation array, he would naturally be able to see it.

Unfortunately, all his energy was now focused on plundering the treasure house and he did not pay attention to the situation behind him.

The gods of the sacred mountain are not fools. When they sensed that they were stepping on a teleportation array, they understood everything.

The great god wants to run.

And he abandoned them all and ran away alone.

At this time, the expressions on the faces of the gods of the sacred mountain were indeed wonderful.

Is this their hope?

It was just a slap in the face, a slap in the face.

"Great God, what are you doing?"

The Nine Gods didn't care about that much. He felt betrayed. Not only betrayed, but also a sense of humiliation that he had been sold by others and he was still helping others count their money.

Isn't that right? The Nine Gods also control the methods of entering and exiting the treasure house, but he sticks to his principles and never intends to take Yunfei into the treasure house. And what did the Great God do?

He is exchanging the lives of other gods in exchange for his own life.

Suddenly hearing the voice of the Nine Gods, the Great God was confused.

The Great God Lord mechanically twisted his neck. When he turned around and saw the angry face of the Nine God Lords, he was also angry.

"Nine Gods? You actually brought him to the treasure house?"

The great god is also a strange flower.

At this time, what he was thinking about was not his own betrayal, but what he was thinking about was the Nine Gods betraying him.

In an instant, the great god stood on the moral high ground.

"Ha, hahaha, you still have the nerve to accuse me? Don't you know what you are going to do, you old dog?"

The Nine Gods laughed wildly and then cursed.

With the example of Yun Fei taking the lead, the term "old dog" has become very popular in the God's Domain, but unfortunately for the dogs, they are often compared to some hateful people.

"We really want to thank you. If you hadn't created this teleportation array, we really wouldn't have been able to enter this treasure house, because your Grandpa Ninth had no intention of bringing him in. Old dog, do you have it now? Feeling the pain of smashing your own foot?”

The Nine Gods' IQ was instantly online, and he was making fun of the Great Gods.

The great god tried his best to escape, but in the end he found that he died by his own means. This seemed to be a very interesting thing.

As expected, after hearing the words of the Nine Gods, the face of the Great God instantly became wonderful.

Only now did he realize that these people who appeared in the treasure house did not come in from the entrance of the treasure house at all. They appeared in the teleportation array.

How did you do it?

Well, none of that matters anymore.

The Great God Lord did not respond to the Nine God Lord's words, he turned around and ran away.

And instead of running away by himself, he also dragged the Nine Gods with him.


It's not because the Great God is kind-hearted.

He is not kind at all.

He dragged the Nine Gods with him because they jointly controlled the exit of the treasure house. As long as he left the treasure house with the Nine Gods, Yunfei would not be able to come out. Even if Yunfei could use the teleportation array to leave the treasure house, he could only Go to the place you have set long ago.

That place is far away from here. As long as Yun Fei is gone, the great god will have enough time to escape.

Therefore, the Nine Gods must be dragged along.

The Nine Gods were a little confused. Just when he wanted to resist, he received a message from the Great God.

After he understood the wishes of the Great God, he stopped resisting.

Originally, he had no intention of leaving in partnership with the Great God.

He really ran out to question the Great God out of instinct.

But now that a chance to live is in front of him, will the Nine Gods give up?

He decided to put aside his past grievances and cooperate sincerely with the Great God.

As for the gods around Yunfei, let them all die. Whose son will die? Anyway, the Nine Gods don't feel bad.

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