Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1043 The world that was breached

Chapter 1043 The world that was breached

"Did you come to the world of chaos so soon?"

Mofei watched Zulong and Yunfei enter the world adjacent to the divine world and then appeared alone.

Zulong didn't notice it at all.

At this point, Yunfei felt something was wrong, as if someone was watching him secretly.

But Yunfei didn't think much about it because he was too confident in Zulong's strength.

If Zu Long didn't feel anything, he must have perceived it wrong, right?

"Is there an outside world here too?"

"Naturally, all worlds are divided into two worlds: the inner and outer worlds. We have killed all the creatures that can survive in the outer world, so there is no danger in this outer world. If it were another world, I wouldn't be able to send you here. "

Yunfei was a little stunned.

Can’t you send yourself to other worlds?

What does it mean?

Let yourself rush through the outside world?

Just thinking about this thing makes Yunfei feel a little headache.

Not to mention how fast he moves in the environment of the outside world, just having a Chaos-level powerhouse here would kill him, okay?

Can people let you do whatever you want on their territory?

Zu Long understood what Yunfei was worried about.

"Don't worry, you can go there by yourself. Chaos-level creatures will not attack you, nor will they dare. This is a rule, and no creature can break it."


Who sets the rules?

Well, Zulong doesn’t know either. Even if he knew, he wouldn’t tell Yunfei.

"Oh, got it."

Yunfei seemed a little absent-minded. In fact, he still hadn't figured out what he was going to do after arriving in the inner world of this world.

That's for sure, grab the treasure or something, but what next?

Pull him down after grabbing it? What is called a conquest?

In fact, just rushing into this inner world is already considered a conquest.

According to Yun Fei's understanding, sending troops to attack was for conquest, and he himself was considered a soldier. Although he was the only soldier, he was still a soldier.

However, the system did not give clear instructions on how to operate it.

"If you want to leave this world, just break the barriers of the inner world. The power of space rules you control can break the barriers of this world."

Zulong sent Yunfei all the way to the inner world.

There is nothing good to see or do in the outside world.

The outer world is actually a buffer zone and a power furnace. The outer world will absorb the chaotic energy from the chaotic world, and then decompose the chaotic energy into other regular forces to provide nutrients for the inner world, so that the inner world can be intact. operation.

This means that the larger the outer world, the more power it can provide, and the more advanced the inner world will naturally be.

The guardian of the world sounds nice to say, but the real situation is that the guardian is just a wage earner in the world.

Take Ancestral Dragon, for example. He has the top level of Chaos cultivation. He can't say that he can survive in the Chaos world unhindered, but he can definitely survive well.

But there is a premise for all of this, that is, the world of God’s Domain is intact.

If something happens to the divine world and is invaded and occupied by other creatures, or even the origin of the divine world is stolen by other worlds, the consequences will be irreversible.

All strong men who step out of the world of gods will be implicated, ranging from a severe loss of strength to death.

Why is this happening?

Because they are all strong men who came out of the divine realm, they grew up relying on the power of the divine realm. In other words, the energy in their bodies is closely related to the divine realm. If the divine realm is strong, they may not become stronger, but if the divine realm is weak, , they will definitely become weaker.

In severe cases, they may even die.

That's why they call themselves guardians, not only in the divine world, but also in other worlds.

Yunfei didn't understand this yet, he was sent into this nameless world by Zulong.

Originally, Yun Fei thought that this world should be similar to the world of God's Domain. Even if it is different and not as grand as God's Domain, the situation should be roughly the same, right?

But Yunfei was wrong.

In the inner world of this world, there is no fairy island. This is a complete continent, the kind of heaven and earth with a round sky and a square place.

"So violent."

This was the first thing Yunfei said after arriving in this world.

Don't blame Yunfei for saying such things, because the world is indeed very violent.

Not only are the creatures here violent, but the environment here is even more violent. As far as you can see, there is spraying magma everywhere. The sky is cloudless but there are thunder and lightning flashes, and thick thunder and lightning are constantly hitting the ground.

The ground is pitted like the surface of the moon, and those pits contain all kinds of dangers.

There are some creatures hiding in those potholes.

"Are these the indigenous creatures of this world? Is this what the invaded world looks like?"

Yunfei felt emotional, not because Yunfei was sentimental, but because this world really made him feel emotional.

Yunfei controls the power of multiple rules. He can feel that most of the rules in this world have been damaged, which is irreparable damage.

That's why the environment here is so bad, like purgatory on earth.

No, it is more terrifying than hell on earth.

But it is precisely because of this environment that the creatures that can survive here are very powerful.

Let's not talk about how strong the offensive ability is. Anyway, there is no defensive ability. Being baptized by earth, fire, thunder and lightning every day, those with weak defensive ability will be dead long ago.

Just when Yunfei was feeling emotional, a bolt of lightning struck Yunfei.

Yunfei has just arrived in this world, and flying in the air is a living target for thunder and lightning.

If not, who will he attack?

At Yunfei's feet, some indigenous creatures had discovered Yunfei. They gathered at Yunfei's feet. Although they didn't know what Yunfei was, they could feel that Yunfei's meat was delicious and should be delicious. Very hungry.

The key is that Yunfei is stupid.

Unexpectedly, it was hidden in a hole in the ground, but it was flying stupidly in the air, waiting for lightning to strike.

But this is pretty good, it saves trouble.

When Yunfei is chopped and charred on the outside and tender on the inside, it saves them a lot of trouble and they can eat it directly.

"It's not impossible to eat this handsome dragon, but you also have to have a life to eat it."

Yunfei stretched his hand above his head, and then a small thunder and lightning appeared on his outstretched finger.

This is the Heaven-Destroying Thunder, the regular power of thunder obtained by Yun Fei after breaking through the Secret Realm of Thunder.

By controlling the Heaven-Destroying Thunder, the form of the thunder and lightning will no longer be fixed in the form of the Heaven-Destroying Spear. Yunfei has the final say on how to control it.

When the thunder and lightning formed on Yunfei's finger, the thunder in the sky was instantly attracted, and countless electric snakes danced wildly in the air, as if it was a scene about to destroy the world.


Yunfei controlled the Heaven-Destroying Thunder on his finger and threw it downwards, and all the electric snakes in the air rushed towards the ground following the footsteps of the Heaven-Destroying Thunder.

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