Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1047 The devil of a dog fuck

Chapter 1047 The devil of dog fucking

Who wouldn't be angry if this matter were thrown at me?

I risked my life to negotiate with the devil. The negotiation was very good, but the end result is that I will be eaten by you?

"Wait a minute and see what happens to that demon."

"Yes, wait a minute."

This kind of language seems to be helping the four-legged monster, but doesn't it mean that he still wants to eat?

The four-legged monster in mid-air became even more angry. He had the urge to follow the clouds and die in the sea of ​​thunder and lightning. He should not let the group of bastards below eat him, right?

It's a pity that he didn't have the courage to follow the clouds. The thunder and lightning that appeared in the sky from time to time were really scary.

"The devil is gone, gone."

The altitude is too high. Although there are no clouds here, when Yunfei's body is raised to a certain height, of course the four-legged monsters will not be able to see clearly.

When Yun Fei completely disappeared from their eyes, they all subconsciously thought that Yun Fei was dead.

"Dead, the devil is dead."

"Great, the devil has been defeated by us."


I was so excited in the first few sentences. Did you feel like you defeated the devil?

This one is something to be proud of.

But the excitement lasted less than three seconds before it turned sour.

So many four-legged monsters gathered together to prevent Yunfei from continuing to cause harm to their world.

Now that the demon is gone, what do these guys do when they get together?

Start the movie.

It was very direct, without any warning, it started instantly.

Just holding the pedals in the hands and chewing with the mouth, and all kinds of killing moves are the basic moves of the four-legged monsters. You can't blame them for being so low-level, because they really can't control the rules themselves.

The origin of this world has long been snatched away by the great powers of the Divine Realm. Without the origin, even if the world itself is not ruined, it is useless.

The source is like electricity, and the rules in the world are the electrical appliances at home. No matter how luxurious or functional your electrical appliances are, as long as there is no power, all electrical appliances will stop working.

Now the world of the four-legged monsters has not only lost its origins, but also the electrical appliances at home are in dilapidated condition. If anyone can understand the power of rules in this environment, it will probably be someone more talented than Yunfei. A high existence.

The battle was bloody.

There were tens of millions of four-legged monsters. The battle was so intense that the sky was dark and the ground was cold with the blood of the four-legged monsters.

Without the blood of the four-legged monsters, the ground would be hot.

Yunfei didn't care whether the four-legged monster died or not, he was already close to the highest altitude.

There is indeed something Yunfei needs here, a treasure with thunder attributes.

Crazy thunder and lightning tried to stop Yunfei from moving forward, but unfortunately, all these efforts were in vain. Even the most powerful thunder and lightning at the highest altitude could not stop Yunfei.

Yunfei easily caught the bead in the ball of lightning at the highest altitude in his hand.

"Ding, I found a high-grade treasure with thunder attribute. Do you want to absorb it?"


There’s nothing to hesitate about, just suck it and it’s done.

"Ding, absorb the high-grade treasure with the thunder attribute, control the rules of thunder by +1, strength +1000, agility +1000, physique +1000, mental power +0."

Yunfei grinned, quite satisfied with this harvest.

When the thunder beads were absorbed by Yun Fei, the violent thunder and lightning all around suddenly stopped.

After a brief pause, the thunder and lightning retreated.

However, they didn't disappear, they retreated.

Where did the retreating thunder and lightning go?

Needless to say, the ground is bound to suffer.

Without thunder beads to absorb high-altitude lightning, all the lightning will be released on the ground.

This is terrible.

The four-legged monsters that were being killed in the dark sky immediately exploded.

What's going on with all these thunder and lightning?

The four-legged monsters that had already been reduced by half were struck by thunder and lightning and were knocked over by half on the spot.

This is not over yet, the thunder and lightning is not over yet, this is just the first wave.

"It's over."


The four-legged monsters covered in blood looked up at the sky, with nowhere to escape, and the whole world became a real purgatory.

"That's not okay. You guys need to take a rest first."

Suddenly, a voice appeared.

Following this sound, the electric snakes above the four-legged monsters suddenly became quiet.

Yunfei used the Heaven-Destroying Thunder to temporarily create an electric ball in the air.

When the electric ball appears, all the surrounding lightning is attracted to the electric ball.

This resulted in the four-legged monster that continued to wash the ground without thunder and lightning.

Just this wave of operations brought tears to the eyes of countless four-legged monsters.

Mad, is this really a demon?

Doesn't it look like it?

Look, he's helping us withstand thunder and lightning. He's like an angel, right?


What is an angel?

Well, it's not important. What's important is that the four-legged monsters feel guilty because they just cheated Yunfei, but they repaid evil with kindness, which makes the four-legged monsters themselves unable to look down on themselves.

How about eating him in return?

Seeing that Yunfei was about to land on the ground, the four-legged monsters who were very close to Yunfei had the urge to eat Yunfei.

But they soon got themselves a few bigmouths.

You can't be so shameless as a four-legged monster.

"These are my prey. Whether they can complete the mission depends on them."

While Yunfei was muttering, he took action against the confused four-legged monsters.

The blood beast souls were not idle either. They appeared in various places like hundreds of suction machines. They opened their mouths and sucked away the remaining souls of all the four-legged monsters.

Yun Fei looked at it and was secretly shocked. After the evolution, the blood beast soul body was really good at swallowing the remaining souls of the four-legged monsters. There was no need to eat them one by one. This was the rhythm of picking up the bowl and pouring it directly into the stomach. ah.

As soon as Yunfei takes action, he will know if there is one.

The confused four-legged monsters realized their mistake.

A devil or something is still a devil, there is no way he can become an angel.

You fucking devil, you are so cruel when you start, you throw fire directly at my heads, why the hell do you still want to show off?

Fortunately, I was still feeling guilty just now. Now let me tell you clearly that it is impossible to feel guilty.

The four-legged monsters closest to Yunfei launched an attack on Yunfei.

The sky-burning fire hasn't fallen on their heads yet, and they still have a chance to attack Yunfei.

It's a pity that they really don't know how hard Yunfei is. With their small iron teeth, even if they are replaced by strong ones, they can't chew Yunfei's body.

Of course, Yunfei will not let these guys chew it.

I know they can't chew it, but it's still very difficult, right?

How disgusting would it be if there was saliva or something left on me?

A big lump of ice appeared at Yunfei's feet, and then the lump of ice was kicked downwards by Yunfei, causing a sense of déjà vu as if Mount Tai was overwhelming.

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