Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1068 The World of Tortoise

Chapter 1068 The World of Lottery

Yunfei raised a middle finger.

If you don't dare to take action, just stop having sex, okay?

Who are you pretending to show?

"Don't hold me, just let go."

The big loach that wanted to take action spoke reluctantly.

Strongly demanding to pull his companion out of the way.

"Yes, don't hold him back. I want to see how he does it to me, and see how God will punish your world."

Yunfei opened his mouth and brought out Tiandao.

The tension between the various worlds is due to the connivance of Heavenly Dao. Beings like Yunfei who can enter other inner worlds to plunder are protected by Heavenly Dao.

Of course, Heaven may not protect him because of his sinful blood, but other creatures don't know that.

Apart from sinful blood, is there any creature that dares to challenge the majesty of heaven?

I'm afraid it will be difficult to find.

"You guys understand very well. I can't scare you, but don't be too arrogant. I think with your small body, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of the inner world."

The big loach who was about to take action immediately regained his composure after hearing Yun Fei's words.

It's not that he really calmed down, but that everything he showed before was just pretending.

The purpose is to scare Yunfei away.

It's a pity that his goal is impossible to achieve?

The little black dragon was frightened all the way up.

"If you can't get out, it depends on whether your abilities are up to standard. I was a little embarrassed to have harmed your world, but with your attitude, I suddenly feel very embarrassed. I'm sorry. Let me ask you, are there any innate treasures in your world?"

Yunfei was also recovering his body while talking.

In a chaotic world, you must have a shocking appearance, otherwise others will not take you seriously.

Although his body is handsome and more in line with the way of heaven, he just isn't domineering enough.

Still looking powerful in the body of a black dragon.

Look, even these big chaos-level loaches were shocked.

Can the big loach not care?

After all, this is a big guy with a length of about two thousand meters.

They are big loaches. Uh-huh, the longest one in their loach tribe is only 500 meters long, and it is far less thick than the black dragon.

But the Chaos-level powerful men of the Di tribe are not cowed.

You know how to transform, as if we can't.

I saw a pair of triangular flesh wings spread out on the backs of these eight Chaos Level Powers of the Lottery Tribe. These wings did not seem to be able to fly, but seemed to assist in swimming in the water.

But don't tell me, with such a pair of fleshy wings, these powerful figures will look much better.

However, your wings seem to be very rubbish.

Yunfei spread his wings.

This is so oh my god.

When the dragon wings are shrunk on the back of Yun Feilong's body, it's impossible to tell how big the wings are.

But when Yun Fei spread his wings, the Chaos Level Powers of the Di tribe saw it.

These fucking huge wings are not much smaller than Yunfei's dragon body, right?

Yunfei is very shy.

Mad, are you pretending to be stupid in front of this handsome dragon?

At present, only Grandpa Zulong’s coquettish appearance can show off in front of him. You big loaches are all younger brothers.


Just leave after pretending to beep. This is the highest state of pretending to beep.

Yunfei didn't have the time to make excuses with these unfriendly guys. He wanted to use practical actions to tell these guys how serious the consequences of offending him would be.

Yunfei flapped his wings and left. With the help of the wind from the sky, Yunfei's movement speed in this outer world was not slow.

As for where the inner world is, just go to the center of the outer world and you will definitely be able to find it.

And even though the inner world seems very small, the inner world is very special and can be felt from a long, long distance away. This perception is not made with mental power, but as if there is something for you in the dark. The direction is the same.

The Chaos-level powerful men of the Li clan watched Yun Fei leave.

They were really stunned, and they were looking at each other.

"Did I do something wrong? Why do I feel like I've seen this thing before?"

Finally, a powerful person from the Di tribe spoke.

"Cao, I know, it's him."

This sentence immediately aroused the resonance of other powerful people of the Di tribe.

It also confirmed their mutual suspicions.

"It's over."

I don’t know who said this.

This sentence ignited an atmosphere called sadness.

"No, we can't let him enter the inner world."

A great leader from the Di tribe has already begun to cry.

Is there anyone who bullies people like this?

Why do these powerful people of the Di tribe behave in all these ways?

All because they had seen Yunfei's appearance before.

When Yun Fei didn't spread his wings, they didn't think about it because too long had passed.

But when Yunfei spread his wings, they remembered the scenes they didn't want to remember.

That's right.

Sin Blood had visited their world before.

The bloodshed of the past left an indelible impression on them.

At that time, some of these great powers were already Chaos-level powerhouses, but some were still wandering around in the inner world. They had all experienced that dark moment personally.

"It's all my fault. I'm going to apologize to him. Even if I die, I can't let the world suffer anymore."

The great leader of the Tao tribe who talked to Yun Fei when he entered the outside world spoke, his tone was full of sadness. He actually wanted to apologize to Yun Fei, and expressed that he would obtain Yun Fei's forgiveness even if he died.


"Stop talking, I have to go."

After saying that, the powerful man chased after Yun Fei in the direction he left.

There were also powerful people who wanted to follow, but were stopped by other powerful people.

"Don't go, let him solve it on his own. If he can't solve it, it's useless for us to go."

"We can't just watch things happen, right? How about we go to other worlds to invite some foreign aid?"

A powerful person spoke up and made a suggestion.

They can't completely expect Yunfei to forgive their rudeness. If Yunfei really doesn't forgive, then they will have to think of other ways.

Asking for foreign aid is a good way to solve the problem.

The world is not too weak. They still have the ability and channels to recruit foreign aid.

"No, no need for now. Do you think the person outside is just a decoration? Let's take a look at the situation first. If it really doesn't work, give him a few innate treasures. Didn't he just want them? This is always less expensive than hiring foreign aid. .”

"What if he doesn't agree with the innate treasure given to him? Or what if he lies to us?" There are powerful people who are worried, but this kind of worry is also very necessary.

"He is the descendant of that one after all. Ben should still have some moral integrity recently. Now it depends on what he is going to do."

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