Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1079 Help me, your descendants will advocate it forever

Chapter 1079 Help me, your descendants will advocate it forever

The commander of the Molu Empire did not have any objections. As for what Yunfei wanted to do in the Ningping Empire, he would not even ask.

Just do whatever the boss tells you to do.

However, on the way back to the Ningping Empire, Yun Fei asked a question that made the commander of the Demon Empire Army very excited.

Because if Yun Fei remembers correctly, there are still two Holy Gods in the Demon Empire, right?

One is the border defense general, and the other is the leader of the Demon King.

If these two are killed, his control over the rules of water will reach 100 points.

Yunfei is also looking forward to what changes will happen after the rule control reaches 100 points.

"Tell me, do you want to be the leader of the Demon Empire? I still need to kill two more Holy Gods. After killing them, there is no need to continue. This is the opportunity and reward I give you."

Yunfei really didn't want to play the hide-and-seek game with those cunning Li clan.

The Legion Commander of the Demonic Empire swallowed his mouth and said.

If you want to say that he is not moved, you must be lying, because he has already thought about this kind of thing.

But isn't it a bit too explicit for him to say that he is willing?

After all, this guy is still thin-skinned.

"My original intention is just..."

"Okay, if you're willing, just lead the way."

Yun Fei urged the commander of the Demon Army to lead the way. The capital of the Ningping Empire can go later. The origin of the world cannot escape, but the two from the Demon Empire can escape.


The commander of the Demon Legion Empire didn't know how to describe his current mood. He was excited, nervous, and felt a deep sense of guilt.

Anyway, it’s just a mixed bag of flavors.

By the time he took Yunfei back to the Demon King Empire, this feeling not only did not disappear, but became stronger and stronger.

But when he took Yunfei to the capital of Moli Kingdom, this feeling disappeared.

When things come to a close, the last thing you need is guilt. You can just feel it later. The main thing to do now is to kill those two people.

As long as they die, he will have the final say in the Mo Ju Empire from now on.

To this end, he also spread rumors to appease the king and the border general.

Because they already knew that he had brought Yunfei to the Mohu Empire. What if they didn't offer any words of comfort and these two guys ran away?

As the commander of the Demon Empire Army who has been following Yun Fei, he can sense Yun Fei's impatience and impatience.

When he learned that Yun Fei was coming to the Mo'an Empire as a guest, the Lord of the Mo'an Kingdom was very excited.

When something happens, no matter what kind of creature it is, it is always willing to think about the good and not willing to consider the bad.

The leader of the Mohu Empire had a very good idea. When Yunfei came as a guest, he was the patron saint of the Moqiao Empire, which was more useful than any innate treasure.

If the other empires knew that the Moqiao Empire had a good relationship with this great killing god, who would dare to join forces with the Moqiao Empire?

"Welcome to you, Your Majesty. I have long heard the commander of the regiment talk about your majesty. Now that I see it, it is true. I wish I could serve you by your side. Please come to our capital. If you need anything, just ask me. I will definitely do it." .”

The leader of the Mo Ju Empire welcomed Yun Fei at the border of the empire.

Traveling such a long distance to greet him shows how much the leader of the Demon Empire attaches great importance to Yun Fei.

Moreover, when he talked to Yun Fei, he did not dare to regard himself as the king of the country, which was very humble.

However, his words shocked the commander of the Demon Empire Legion.

What do you want to do?

Did you hear something?

Do you still want to serve adults?

Oh my god, are you trying to steal our job?

Okay, okay, I used to feel a little guilty about bringing adults here to kill you, but now I feel no guilt at all.

"If I want you to die, will you do that too?"

Yunfei expressed his thoughts.

If these two are willing to die, then Yunfei can accept it.


The leader of the Moxia Empire was a little confused, and the border guard general didn't know whether he should laugh or be serious.

Isn't this topic a bit out of scope?

"My lord is really fond of joking."

The leader of the Moqiao Empire glanced at the commander of the Moqiao Empire, and then spoke with a smile.

He thought Yunfei was testing him.

We all agreed that we were here as a guest, so why did we come here to kill?

Could it be possible that his own army commander would still lie to himself?

"I never joke with creatures I'm not familiar with."

Yunfei's answer instantly chilled the heart of the leader of the Demonic Empire.

This is?

Are you really here to kill?

The next moment, the leader of the Moqiao Empire looked at the commander of the Moqiao Empire. He hoped that the other party would give him a reasonable explanation, or an answer.

"Master, I don't want to lie to you. My lord is indeed here to take your lives."

The other party was about to die, and the commander of the Demon Empire Army did not want them to die without knowing it, so he told the truth.

"I treat you well."

The leader of the Demon King was very heartbroken.

He did treat the commander of the Demon Legion Empire well. He began to train the Commander of the Demon Legion Empire when he was very weak. Normally, they treated him like a brother.

"Yes, but I hope that the Demon Empire can become stronger under my leadership. With the support of adults, I believe I can do it."

The commander of the Demon Tornado Army found himself a perfect and righteous excuse.

He glorified his betrayal.


The leader of the Demon King did not show his anger, he just told a fact in a very cold tone.

"But I hope you'll keep your word, come on."

The leader of the Mohu Kingdom is worthy of being a king, and he still has the spirit and so on. I dare not say that he can face death calmly, but in the case of death, he can maintain the attitude that a king should have. This is Yunfei admired it very much.

On the contrary, the actions of the commander of the Demon Tornado Army made Yunfei very disdainful.

What are you doing?

You've done all the harm you've done, and you still don't dare to admit it?

Is there anything to beautify?

Just say you want to replace it, right?

This is a heroic posture.

Isn't it just a villain's behavior to cover up like this hypocritically like the captain of the Demon Tornado Army?

"I only need to kill two of you, so one of the three of you can survive. Originally, I planned to kill you directly, but now I have changed my mind. You can vote for yourself and decide who lives and who dies. "

Yunfei was not in a hurry to take action, he gave the leader of the Demon King a chance.

This kind of character needs a chance.

The leader of the Demon King's eyes shone after hearing Yun Fei's words, while the leader of the Demon Army was frightened.

What kind of shit is this?

Isn't that what you said when you agreed?

Didn't he say that he would support himself to become the leader of the Demon King?

Has this changed?

"Help me, and your descendants will be remembered forever."

The commander of the Demon Tornado Army began to make a promise, and the target of the promise was the border defense general.

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