Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1087 Do you want to go wild in the vast world?

Chapter 1087 Do you want to go wild in the vast world?

The fire that burns the sky has grown from a small fire to a fire that can burn the sky.

Looking around, the entire sky has been burned into fiery red.

However, this is not actually how hard Yun Fei works, but that Burning Sky Fire is a flame after all, possessing the most basic characteristics of flame.


The Burning Sky Fire is just a small flame, and the avalanche used by Xuefeng is ultimately the energy between heaven and earth.

Although the shape is not obvious at first glance, and it seems to be able to restrain the flames, it is actually just bundles of dry firewood.

What will happen when fire meets dry firewood? Of course the dry wood was lit.

Hence the current situation.

The creatures in the world are a feast for the eyes.

Maybe they will never see such beautiful scenery again in this life.

Huge avalanches are burning across the sky and sea.

That's right, the white snow is burning, turning the sky red.

After burning, all the white snow turned into nothingness, not even a drop of water vapor appeared.

The fire that burns the sky does not allow the opponent to emit water vapor.

"You can confirm now, do you still want this fire?"

There was a cluster of flames beating on the tip of Yunfei's claws.

Xuefeng swallowed a mouthful of saliva.


forget it.

Are you giving in now?

Seems a little unwilling.

Madhu, it’s all thanks to those bastards in the world.

How dare they hand over such erroneous information to themselves.

They dared to say that Yun Fei's attack method was single, with only physical and breath attacks.

This caused Xuefeng to misjudge Yunfei's strength.

In fact, regardless of the powerful people of the Tao clan, they did see what Yun Fei did. When Yun Fei faced the holy god of the Tao world, he did use the dragon's tail and breath.

Who the hell knows that these are not his true strengths?

This can only be blamed on the fact that there are no strong players in our world, and we cannot even figure out their true strength.

But now is not the time to dwell on this.

"What? Stop talking? Don't want it anymore?"

"That's not okay, you have to hold it."

Yunfei said a few words, and then flicked the cluster of flames in his hand towards Xuefeng.

Xuefeng was in a panic.

How dare he accept it?

Although he wanted it, he had to find a container to hold the flame.

Don't dare to approach this flame rashly.

What if you get burned to death?

"No, I don't need it. You've hidden it really deep. I didn't expect that I can't do anything to you. But you don't have to be too proud. Among the holy gods in the vast world, I am only average in strength. If you come Top Holy God, you will still die."

Xuefeng avoided the flames and did not take another look, because he was afraid that he would be deeply lost if he looked too much.

Anyway, it’s destined to be unavailable now, so don’t look too much to avoid getting greedy.

Moreover, Xuefeng also deliberately belittled himself in order to increase pressure on Yunfei.

"Below average? How many holy gods are there in your vast world?"

Yunfei withdrew the sky-burning fire.

Killing Xuefeng is a must, but if you can get some information before that, it would be very good.

Xuefeng was obviously taken aback by Yun Fei's question.

How many holy gods are there in this vast world?

Matt, I really don’t know this.

"I don't know much about this, but I can tell you responsibly, there are many."

Xuefeng used this word a lot.

The vast world is different from other worlds. Other worlds are two-layer worlds, only divided into inside and outside, but the vast world is divided into three layers.

This also shows the difference in the vast world.

The outer world and the inner world are the same, but there is an extra middle world in the vast world.

The situation in the middle world is actually similar to that of the inner world, but the territory of the middle world here is the largest among the three worlds, and it is also a place where the domination realm can be entered.

In the middle world, strong people in the domination realm will not be rejected by the world even if they fight, but it is still impossible to enter the inner world.

How big is the vast world?

Anyway, Xuefeng himself doesn't know clearly, and even the Chaos-level powerhouses may not know it clearly. They only know roughly.

Only existences at the dominance level can have a more general understanding of the vast world.

Therefore, who knows how many holy gods there are in the vast world.

"How many are many? Hundreds, thousands?"

Yunfei asked such a question with his own shallow knowledge.

Xuefeng was amused by Yunfei's words at that time.

"Haha, hundreds or thousands? You underestimate my vast world too much. In the big world, there are more holy gods than ever before, and chaos is everywhere. Do you understand? You don't even dare to think about it, right?"

"Are you telling the truth?"

Yunfei didn't care about Xuefeng's mocking tone, he only cared about whether what Xuefeng said was true or false.

"of course it's true."

Xuefeng is very proud, proud of being born in the vast world.

"Very good."

Yunfei couldn't help but say these three words.


Because it's really good. If Yunfei wants to grow up quickly, he needs to kill a lot of holy gods.

And it has to be the Holy Spirit who controls the counterpart of the rules.

Those Holy Gods who practice the power of ordinary rules are easy to find.

Take the rules of the water system, for example. The world is just like this. Although there are some other rules, the water system is absolutely dominant.

The Xianghai world is even more of a water world, there is no doubt about it.

It is not difficult to find a world with water and fire rules, but what about other rules?

For example, dark system, space system, light system.

It can be said that as long as there are seven supreme rules, they are very difficult to find.

If you can't find such a world, you can't find people who practice this kind of rules.

But if there are countless holy gods in the vast world, then it will not be difficult to gather together the holy gods who practice these rules.

This is certainly a good thing for Yunfei.

"Great? What do you want to do? Do you still want to go wild in the vast world? Just take a look at yourself in the mirror. With a body like yours, even if you enter the vast world, the best outcome is to be killed by someone. Catch him and use him as a mount."

Xuefeng's contempt for Yunfei comes from the bottom of his heart.

"If you like this kind of life, why don't I introduce my master to you? My master is a strong man who dominates the second realm. It's not shameful for you to be my master's mount. Moreover, my master is in the world. Besides, you can follow me to see him right away."

Xuefeng pointed out the location of his master.

But he didn’t really say this for Yunfei’s sake. He was telling Yunfei that our buddy’s master is outside the world, and he is a strong man who dominates the second realm. You better pay attention to me. , don’t mess with brother.

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