Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1092 Mo Fei, your opponent is me

Chapter 1092 Mo Fei, your opponent is me

"Mo Fei? You..."

Zulong was so frightened that he changed back to his true form on the spot. The huge existence that is 10,000 meters long cannot remain unchanged. Only by changing back to his true form can Zulong's strength be fully unleashed.

Facing Mo Fei, he must be more cautious.

"Don't be so nervous. What are you studying?"

Yunfei looked back behind him with some difficulty.

When he turned around, he saw the man he had been thinking about for a long time.

Oriental face, dressed in ancient male attire, with white robe and handsome face, he looks more like a pretty boy.

Is this Mo Fei?

He doesn't look much older than himself, does he?

"Mo Fei, he's still a child. What's wrong with you? Can't you let him go?"

Zulong used his own power to move Yunfei behind him.

Yunfei's sight was blocked by Zulong's huge body and he could not continue to see Mo Fei.

"As for that? What do you think?"

Mo Fei didn't answer Zu Long's words. He asked back and didn't take Zu Long seriously. It was as if the huge body didn't exist at all in his eyes.

"That's all in the past, why bother a junior?"

Zulong continued to persuade.

Of course, he didn't expect Mo Fei to listen to him, and his persuasion was just to delay time.

Because he had already spoken out when he needed to be persuaded. After all these years, Mo Fei still didn't let go. Now that he saw Yun Fei, he would naturally not let go.

While Zulong was talking to Mo Fei, Zulong was also transmitting messages to Yunfei.

"You bastard, don't show off. This is just Mo Fei's clone, not his true self. We still have hope to leave. I will find an opportunity to take you away later. You don't need to do anything. Do you understand?"

Zulong warned Yunfei worriedly.

Zulong still knows what kind of temper Yunfei is. He must not use this kind of thing to get into trouble with Mo Fei, otherwise it will only make Yunfei die faster.

What can Yunfei say? Can only nod.

Well, it seems that Mo Fei is indeed a very scary person. Just having a clone makes Zulong so nervous.

"You still want to protect him?"

Mo Fei's clone didn't rush to take action, he asked seriously.

"Even if you want to kill me, I will protect him. This is his last bloodline."

Zulong's answer was firm.

"Then there's nothing more to say."

After saying that, Mofei's clone took action.

Unfortunately, Yunfei could only hear the rumbling sound and could not see anything, and his mental power could not detect the battle process between Zulong and Mofei. Yunfei only knew that Zulong was constantly retreating.

It could be felt that Zulong was being forced very hard. Only then did Yunfei realize how powerful Mo Fei was, and what Zulong needed to face to protect himself.

"Grandpa Zulong, if it doesn't work, just leave me to him."

Yunfei felt very uncomfortable when he saw others working hard for him while he couldn't do anything.

"Fart, I tell you that you don't have to think about anything, and you don't have to do anything. What kind of storms and waves have you and I, Grandpa Zulong, never experienced?"

Zu Long gave Yunfei a serious warning. He had barely been able to block Mo Fei's attack. If Yunfei did something behind him, it would really make matters worse.

Yunfei was silent. He thought he was strong enough, but he didn't expect that he was still so weak.

No wonder those people in the divine world started to snipe him one after another after hearing about the opportunity to become Mo Fei's direct disciple.

It turns out that Mo Fei is really that powerful.

But something doesn't seem right.

Since Mo Fei is so strong, even if he just comes to the divine world with his will, he won't be able to defeat the soul master, right?

Just by looking at the pressure Mo Fei's clone put on Zulong, you can tell how perverted Mo Fei is.

How could such a perverted person be no better than a soul master?

Yunfei is also different from what he used to be. He is no longer a novice cultivator who does nothing. Even if the Holy God is powerful, there is a limit. Although Yunfei dare not say that he has reached this limit, it is about the same, right?

With his current strength, he would probably be killed instantly when faced with Mo Fei's will, right?

What did the Soul Master rely on to challenge Mo Fei?

Thinking about these problems that were destined to be impossible to understand now, Yunfei felt that the mystery he had to face seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

"Get ready to go."

Suddenly, Zulong's voice came into Yunfei's mind.


Let's go then. You don't need to inform us, right?

Why did Zulong notify Yunfei?

That's because Zulong will not go with Yunfei.

Just now, Zulong noticed that there was a world caravan near where he was fighting Mo Fei.

What is this world caravan?

They are caravans that walk in various worlds. Some weaker caravans walk between various small worlds, while those powerful caravans can travel between various large worlds.

Not only Zulong can't afford to offend those big world caravans, even Mo Fei can't afford to offend them.

The caravan Zulong discovered was the caravan traveling in the vast world.

Zulong decided to stuff Yunfei into the caravan and let the caravan take Yunfei away, while he himself would hold Mofei back, so that Yunfei could get rid of Mofei.

As for how he was going to find Yun Fei afterwards, it was simple. All he had to do was leave an object with his own aura on Yun Fei.

And there is nothing to hesitate at this time.

Although Zulong was sure that he could keep Yunfei, he was only sure that something unexpected would happen. It was very safe to let Yunfei leave with the caravan. There was no need to think too much about the choice.


Zulong suddenly also split into a clone, a small dragon about five meters long. After this small dragon appeared, it took Yunfei and flew away at an extremely fast speed.

"Want to leave?"

Mo Fei's clone discovered that Zulong's clone was leaving with Yunfei. He quickly broke through Zulong's blockage, and then punched straight into Yunfei's back.

Although separated by a very long distance, Yunfei still felt a huge threat, a threat that could endanger his life.

"Mo Fei, your opponent is me."

Zulong's huge body suddenly blocked Yunfei's sight.

The pressure brought by Mo Fei's clone's punch to Yun Fei was also blocked.

Just as Zulong's clone took Yunfei away quickly, and Zulong's figure became increasingly blurry in Yunfei's sight, suddenly a ball of blood bloomed in Yunfei's eyes.

This blood flower appeared on Zulong's body.

Yunfei straightened his eyes.

Grandpa Zulong was injured.

He was injured by a demonic clone. What kind of attack was this? Can it penetrate such a huge body of Zulong?

"Mo Fei, I'm not done with you."

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