Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1097 Do you like killing people?

Chapter 1097 Do you like killing people?

"Brother Fei, we met by chance. This gift is too precious, I can't take it."

Does Xiaomo care about this mask?

Naturally, she cares about it very much. This is when a long-term illness meets a good medicine. Only those who are sick know what good medicine means to her.

But it was precisely because of her knowledge that she understood the value of good medicine.

"This is not a chance meeting. You and I feel like old friends at first sight. If you call me brother, then you are my sister. Take it. Anyway, staying here with me is just a decoration."

What Yunfei said was true.

The mask in his hand is not even a decoration. At most, it can be regarded as something at the bottom of the box, or something that he will not remember for hundreds or even thousands of years.

After all, this was the first time Yunfei had seen someone in Xiaomo's situation.

elder brother?

A different look flashed in Xiaomo's eyes.

In the past, when Yun Fei called him brother, it was just out of politeness, but now the meaning of the word brother seems to have changed.

"Take it, take it with you."

Yunfei pushed the mask into Xiaomo's arms.

Xiaomo could feel Yunfei's true feelings.

"Thank you, brother."

Xiaomo took off the mask and put it on her face.

"Well, it looks good!"

Yunfei looked at Xiaomo's face carefully and did not hesitate to praise him.

Xiao Mo has never experienced this kind of thing. There are many people who compliment her for her good figure, but few compliment her for her good looks.

When it comes to this life, she really needs to go out more often. Leaving home in anger this time is simply God's greatest blessing to her.

If he hadn't left willfully alone, he wouldn't have been able to meet Yun Fei. If he couldn't have met Yun Fei, he wouldn't have been able to get this mask.

With this mask and without this mask, Xiaomo has two different lives.

This is not only the reason for covering the scars on the face, but also for a deeper reason.

The Tiandao scar is the curse of Tiandao on Xiaomo. Anyone who is close to Xiaomo will encounter misfortune to some extent, but with this mask, it is different. All the things that the Tiandao scar brings to Xiaomo are covered up by the mask. .

This means that if others come into close contact with Xiaomo, they will not have bad luck.

"If it looks good, brother, please look at it more." Xiao Mo had a sweet smile on her face. This kind of smile was something she had never seen before.


Yunfei agreed happily, and then pulled Xiaomo to sit next to him.

This is not because Yunfei wants to take advantage of Xiaomo. He doesn't have that kind of affection for Xiaomo, but just feels sympathy for her.

In fact, how similar are the Black Dragon clan and Xiao Mo?

It's just that the black dragon clan seems to be much stronger than Xiao Mo. Their blood is just cursed and will not affect other creatures close to them.

When dealing with Xiaomo, who suffered even more misfortune than himself, Yunfei really treated her as a younger sister.

The caravan set off again, and Xiaomo told Yunfei that she had escaped secretly. She felt that there was nothing she could not say to Yunfei, and she really regarded Yunfei as her own brother.

However, Yunfei did not tell Xiaomo his true situation. He was such a person and did not want people around him to worry about him.

As long as it was something he could handle by himself, he would do it silently.

Telling Xiao Mo that there is a guy who dominates who knows how many realms has been chasing him, will this have any other effect besides making Xiao Mo scared?

In Yunfei's view, Xiaomo was just a poor girl who couldn't bear the cold looks from other members of the clan and sneaked out.

Although the experience seems to be a little better than mine, this is affected by the general environment. If God's Domain is also an open world, Yunfei's experience will not be less, right?

Yunfei doesn't think Xiaomo is really better than him when it comes to mind.

Well, yes, through Xiaomo's introduction, Yunfei knew that some worlds were closed worlds like the divine world, that is, the guardians of that world did not want creatures from other worlds to go to their world.

It is precisely because of this that Xiaomo does not know where the divine world Yunfei mentioned is.

"Brother, do you have anything to do when you go to the vast world? Tell Xiaomo, Xiaomo can help."

The caravan stopped and stopped along the way, and no one else bothered Yunfei and Xiaomo anymore.

After the caravan traveled for three months, it finally approached the vast world.

Xiao Mo originally went to the vast world to relax, but if he was discovered by his tribe, he would definitely be taken back.

But now she no longer has such worries. With the mask given by Yunfei, even her clan members will not find her easily.

And even if you find it, you probably won’t dare to admit it, right?

After all, the clan members knew what Xiao Mo was going through. Just as Xiao Mo didn't believe that the mask given by Yun Fei could block the scars of Heaven, her clan members would definitely not believe it either.

So, it seems like she has a lot of time to waste.

It happened that she had no purpose, so she decided to follow Yunfei.

"There's nothing too important here. It's just about killing people. Don't follow me. When you arrive in the vast world, go find your tribe. Running away from home is not a good habit. It will make people who care about you worry. Understand ?"

Yunfei raised his hand and tapped Xiaoxiaomo's forehead.

This is a child who hasn't grown up yet, and he still plays the trick of running away from home.

Xiaomo didn't feel disgusted at all with Yunfei's intimate behavior, but actually liked it very much.

Because she used to be a broom star, no one dared to approach her.

"I like killing people. I want to follow my brother."

Xiao Mo said that he wanted to follow Yun Fei, but as for what he said about finding tribesmen, Xiao Mo didn't listen at all.

Why go back?


The family members all said that it was because of her existence that her grandfather was killed. In fact, she herself thought so.

If grandpa hadn't taken her with him all year round, he probably wouldn't have suffered. She ran away just because she felt that what her family said was right.

In fact, doesn't she have some intention of ending her life? It really has nothing to do with running away from home.

"You like killing people? It's really killing people. I didn't lie to you."

Yunfei said truthfully.

In the vast world, he is destined to constantly find people to kill, just like Brother Flathead, he is either fighting or on the way to fight.

It looks domineering, but it's actually full of dangers.

"I didn't lie to my brother either, I want to follow."

If Yunfei wants to do other things, Xiaomo won't participate if he doesn't participate. But if Yunfei wants to kill people, then Xiaomo must follow him. If he finally finds a brother, he can't let others kill him. .

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