Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 772 Hero, help me

Chapter 772: Hero, help me

Nothing serious?

Isn't this serious?

King Luo felt that it was very necessary for him to give Yunfei some knowledge about this.

This is what King Luo thought and did. When he gave Yunfei science education, he also led Yunfei to quickly move positions.

Regarding what King Luo said, Yun Fei actually knew, it was nothing more than how powerful Fei Yun Sect was and what would happen if he was caught.

"Brother Luo Wang, I actually know everything you said, but the matter is really not that serious."

"Okay, you kid, don't say any more. I know that my vision, King Luo, is right, and you are definitely a person who values ​​friendship and loyalty. But you should give up. Since you have joined King Luo's Sky Pirates Group, then I, King Luo, will The king can't watch you die on your own. I, King Luo, have secured your fate. Don't you want to go robbing? That's all right. Your brother, King Luo, will take you to robbing."

King Luo thought Yunfei said this because he didn't want to implicate the members of King Luo's air pirate group.

Yunfei said that he was wronged, could he let someone finish his sentence?

Huh? Wait a moment.

What did King Luo say just now?

Taking yourself on a robbery?

"Okay, then it's all up to big brother."

Yunfei decided to obey. It would not be too late to finish the task first. Anyway, he knew that there was no danger.

So what if Feiyunmen knew that he killed Xie Chengzhi?

They dare not really do anything to themselves.

"Yes, we are brothers, let's go, let's go now."

King Luo's words were very arrogant, but the actual situation was that he was really afraid of being visited by people from Feiyun Sect.

The King Luo Air Pirates thus moved their positions.

This was Bai Yue's misfortune. All the way to the fairy island where living creatures existed, Bai Yue failed to find Yunfei.

"Where did this bastard go?"

Bai Yue frowned, feeling worried.

The Divine Realm is not a harmonious place. The struggle between the various forces will only be stronger than in the innate world, not weaker.

It can be said that every fairy island with resources is a battlefield. The first thing for every force that occupies a fairy island is to build a defensive formation on the fairy island.

The battle here is not only between the immortal way and the divine way, but also between the forces within the immortal way and the divine way. They are also in competition with each other.

For example, the forces that belong to the temple are in a competitive relationship with each other.

That is to say, the Moon God Pavilion is a force that has no competition with the world and has great advantages. This allows other forces to have a good relationship with it and can also intimidate others.

Ordinary people really don’t dare to mess with the Moon God Pavilion.

But there are many people who dare to provoke them. Even if some people don't dare to do anything openly, they can take action secretly.

If this were not the case, Bai Yue would not have been told to be careful when she left.


After thinking about it, Bai Yue hated Feiyunmen again.

If Xie Chengzhi of Feiyun Sect hadn't caused trouble, Yunfei would already be in Yueshen Pavilion now.

Since Feiyun Sect caused this matter, they shouldn't think about it.

Bai Yue made a decision in her heart, aren't there many people from Feiyun Sect like you?

Well, you just send your disciples to look for him. If he can't be found, the matter will never end.

The deputy sect leader of Feiyun Sect, who had just led the team away, never thought that Bai Yue would care about him again.

Bai Yue, who came to Feiyun Gate again, stood outside the teleportation array with a frosty face as soon as she appeared.

Without being informed, the deputy sect leader who had just returned not long ago appeared again.

"God Emperor Baiyue, why are you here again?"

"The person hasn't been found yet. It was you, Feiyun Sect, who lost the person. You have the responsibility to help me find the person, right?"

The deputy sect leader felt bitter in his heart, why did this happen?

Didn't you ask us to come back before?

We just came back not long ago, why are we being asked to leave again?

Not coming out?

Well, this doesn't seem to work. Just look at Bai Yue's expression.

"Okay, I will send my disciples there and let them all obey the arrangements of the White Moon God Emperor, okay?"

Although the deputy sect leader fell in love with Bai Yue, he could not let himself be at Bai Yue's mercy.

He is not going to follow Bai Yue, he can just send his disciples there.

Bai Yue nodded and stretched out five fingers.

"Five hundred people?"


Well, five hundred people is five hundred people, and the deputy sect master of Feiyun Sect did not bargain.

When the five hundred people from the Feiyun Sect were searching for Yunfei centered on Bai Yue's last appearance on the fairy island, the King Luo Air Pirates also got the news.

They have been hanging around in this scattered area for so many years, and their information channels are still very good.

After King Luo learned the news, he was very grateful for the decision he made.

Fortunately, they left early, otherwise they would have been blocked by people from Feiyun Sect, and things would have been very serious.

They are not strong enough to challenge a hundred.

Yunfei also heard the news.

But he doesn't think that the people from Feiyun Sect want to kill him, they should be looking for more, right?

But Yunfei didn't say anything because his mission hadn't been completed yet.

By the way, it's not that easy for air pirates to survive.

Yunfei has been flying with King Luo and the others for more than ten days. During this period, one of his acupoints has been opened, but the person being kidnapped has never appeared, which is very distressing.

"Boy, don't worry, prey will appear sooner or later."

Huzi could see the urgency in Yunfei's heart, and he could understand this situation, because he was the same way when he was doing it for the first time. He was both nervous and looking forward to it. What remained after the first time was a full sense of satisfaction. .

"Hey, there's no hurry."

What can Yunfei say? Can you say that you are really anxious?

Those who are favored by God are always favored by God. That afternoon, the target appeared.

"Coming, coming, right in front, who should get in this time?"

King Luo's air pirates have been traveling outside the scattered area, so the chance of encountering a single target here is actually not high.

This time we only met after more than ten days. It can be said that we were extremely lucky.

The person who was targeted by Huzi was also a lone man. The man was very fat and the sweat on his face could be seen with the naked eye. From the looks of it, this guy was also a very anxious person.

"This fat guy is quite cute. He only has the strength of a senior level, so let Yunfei go and try his skills."

King Luo said, newcomers should have some benefits for newcomers, and they have all seen Yunfei's skills. Even though this fat guy is two levels above Yunfei, Yunfei wants to deal with him, why don't you just play with him?

Yunfei expressed a little excitement and ran towards the fat man happily. As long as he robbed the fat man, he would have completed his mission.

Then I can tell the truth to King Luo and get the best of both worlds.

In order to express his gratitude to the fat man, Yunfei decided not to kill, but only to rob.

However, when the fat man saw Yun Fei, he became excited before Yun Fei could speak.

"Hero, help me, man. As long as you save me, man, I will give you everything."

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