Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 773 There’s something wrong with this guy

Chapter 773 There’s something wrong with this guy

This is very confusing.

Before Yunfei took action, the kidnapped person asked for help first.

"Hey, Fatty, can you respect my profession?"

Yunfei felt that it was necessary to remind this fat man that he was stolen from the country and was not a rescue team from Great China. He did not have such a spirit of selfless dedication.


"Wait a minute, tell me what you have first."

Air pirates, we must have professionalism, and we must not let the person being robbed doubt our professionalism.

"Good things, many good things. As long as you save me, I will give you all my things."

Fatty actually said this to King Luo and others behind Yun Fei. It was impossible to expect Yun Fei to save him.

"This is not enough."

Yunfei shook his head, wasn't this fat man talking nonsense?

Do you know what robbery is? The things on your body no longer belong to you.

Now you bribe this handsome dragon with something that belongs to me, isn't this a joke?

"And more, I have a secret, I can tell you the secret."


Yunfei expressed that he was still a little interested in things like secrets.

However, out of respect for his boss, Yunfei certainly couldn't make the decision without authorization. He turned back and glanced at King Luo.

"Tell me, Fatty, how to save you."

King Luo spoke. He was also interested in secrets. As for whether the fat man was lying, King Luo was not worried at all. If the fat man did not tell the truth, they would just kill him when the time came.

"There's people after me, they're after me."

The fat man pointed behind himself in horror.

"Take people away."

King Luo made a decision.

However, Yunfei disagrees with this decision. Should he grab a wave first and then leave?

The task is not completed yet.

Well, there is still a chance for robbery or something, so don’t rush it.

Just when Yunfei was about to leave with the fat man, King Luo suddenly frowned and appeared in front of Yunfei in an instant.

"It came really fast. Which air pirate group is this?"

Just after King Luo finished speaking, Yunfei also sensed that someone was approaching here quickly.

"It's the Flying Eagle, the Flying Eagle Air Pirates. They have robbed most of my things and want to kill my people. You must save me. You must save me."

The fat man was very anxious.

He is a black businessman.

What is a black businessman?

It means bringing some things outside the scattered area to the mysterious area behind the scattered area for trading.

Human beings living in mysterious areas are basically people who dare not appear in scattered areas because of their huge criminal records.

Those who do business with these people are collectively called black traders.

Black businessmen actually use their lives to make money. Just like this fat man, even if he hired a powerful guard, he could not escape the fate of being robbed this time.

According to the rules of air pirates, as long as the person being robbed cooperates, they will not kill them all.

The wool comes from the sheep, so of course you cannot kill the sheep. You must keep the sheep and wait for the next wave of harvest.

"Feiying, what you are doing is a bit of a violation of the rules, isn't it?"

When the Eagle Pirates appeared, King Luo spoke first.

"King Luo, who broke the rules? This is my Feiying's territory."

The people of the Flying Eagle Air Pirates are more powerful than King Luo. Putting aside everything else, what do you, King Luo, mean by bringing your people to our territory? Want to start a war?

If there is a war, Feiying said that he is not afraid of this. The Feiying Air Pirates Group has the same size of 5 people, and its strength is exactly the same as the Luo Wang Air Pirates Group.

As for the extra Yun Fei, the people who fly the eagle don't take Yun Fei seriously at all.

When Fatty saw Fei Ying's men arriving, he shrank behind Hu Zi and the others.

He was really scared by the Flying Eagle people.

"We are just passing by, but if you want to start a war, then come."

King Luo showed his strength vividly in front of the Flying Eagle Pirates.

In the past, he would have given Fei Ying some face, but now he didn't need to, because Luo Wang's Air Pirates had a new force like Yun Fei.

"Huh? King Luo is so stubborn now? You came to my Feiying territory, snatched my Feiying's fat sheep, and now you want to start a war with me Feiying? Who gave you the courage?"

If we rob this so-called Flying Eagle Pirate Group, does that mean we have accomplished the mission?

Yunfei didn't listen too carefully to the conversation between King Luo and the other party. What he was thinking about now was how to complete the task.

"Huh, I should make some noise before I leave. Since you Fei Ying came to the door by yourself, I'll take action on you."

King Luo was still stubborn.

It was indeed a bit embarrassing to be scared away by Feiyunmen like this.

But now King Luo has found a way to regain his face.

That is to kill a few members of the Flying Eagle Pirates.

"Okay, this is your choice, come on."

The relationship between the Sky Pirates and the Sky Pirates is really a rhythm of starting the movie as soon as they disagree.

Of course, death usually does not happen. At worst, if you lose, just pay some money and then give up some territory.

But today was obviously a special situation. The members of King Luo's Air Pirates were holding their breath, and Yunfei was even more determined to change the mission target to the people of the Flying Eagle Air Pirates.

Therefore, as soon as the two sides started fighting, the smell of gunpowder on King Luo's side was extremely strong.

"Fat man, stay away, but don't even think about running away, otherwise you will die miserably."

Huzi and others had already started filming with their respective opponents. Yunfei, who had not made any move for the time being, opened his mouth to warn Fatty.

The fat man nodded naturally. He really didn't dare to run. He was the trigger of the incident. If he ran away, not only would King Luo's people not protect him, but they would follow Fei Ying's people to chase him.

At that time, we really don’t know how he died.

Yun Fei saw Fatty nodding continuously and then left Fatty. He already had the Heaven-Destroying Spear in his hand.

"Little brother, come on."

Huzi sent a message to Yunfei, meaning to ask Yunfei to come and help.

Yunfei was naturally not polite, and went off like a tiger with a spear in hand.

The people in the Flying Eagle Pirates didn't take Yunfei seriously at all. A little emperor could be killed by blowing his breath, so that didn't pose any threat, right?

In the battlefield between two reincarnation-level powerhouses, people with emperor-level strength are only qualified to be spectators and are not even qualified to enter.

But Yunfei is so weird. When the power of the rules of the two sides collided, Yunfei entered the arena with the Yutian Shield on his head.

Although the aftermath of the fierce battle between the two was somewhat powerful, it was still far less powerful than when Huzi's giant hammer was aimed at it.

"Huh? There's something wrong with this kid."

The people of the Flying Eagle Pirates discovered something was wrong with Yun Fei, but that was all. There was no difference between watching at close range and watching from a distance.

However, the next moment the members of the Flying Eagle Pirates were dumbfounded.

Didn’t you agree to watch it carefully?

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