Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 123 Ming Fei awakens strange attributes?

Why can't he see that warm powder there?

Their talents are not inferior to those of the righteous and brave. If both the righteous and the brave become pillars, if nothing unexpected happens.


Suddenly, Lu Mingfei suddenly recalled the purpose of the life simulator.

"This simulation system is a second-person simulation, assisted by holographic simulation CG. It is committed to tapping the host's own potential and strength while building the host into a new era youth with independent spirit and sound intelligence, so as to save the original tragedy."

In the past, Lu Mingfei regarded everything in the simulator as a game, focusing almost entirely on the joy of harvest and his own growth.

But now, he realized a problem!

Lu Mingfei's eyes fell heavily on the last line of words,

"Save the tragedy that was already destined."

That line of small, inconspicuous words, at this moment, seemed to be stained with blood like broken ink, revealing a little bit of coldness, causing the fear rising in Lu Mingfei's heart.

As if there was no time left, Lu Mingfei seemed to remember that the ruthless and unjust system had comforted himself after failing the first simulation with the predetermined fate.

Lu Mingfei, who was feeling guilty and sad at the time, didn't pay too much attention.

But now that I think about it,

Destined fate, destined tragedy, the implications behind it are already obvious!

Without his intervention, perhaps there would only be more tears rippling in this world.

Suddenly enlightened, Lu Mingfei lowered his eyes and thought deeply.

It now seems that his past understanding of the purpose of the simulator was still too shallow.

Why isn't Qiantu there? Why isn't Zhen Xiang there?

Lu Mingfei's gaze penetrated the space and landed on the heavily circled "Teng Xishan Assessment" on the wall.

Apart from the curse lingering over Mount Sawu, he really couldn't think of any other reason.

This is a tragedy!

Where is Kanae?

The butterfly ninja who found his way very late became pillars, and Kanae who found her way earlier should not stand on the top of that mountain.

Unless there was an accident, an accident caused by a ghost!

For Lu Mingfei, this is no longer a tragedy! But a disaster!

It turns out that the simulator not only gave him the opportunity to grow, but also gave him the responsibility to save the tragedy!

What Lu Mingfei really wants to do is not just grow.

Growth is just a process!

A process without results is like a train on a railway track with no end point; its existence has no practical significance at all!

To save the tragedy, this is the result!

Lu Ming must grow up enough to save all tragedies!

I'm afraid this is the essential meaning of the purpose of the simulator!

"No!" Lu Mingfei whispered softly and pressed the red "Load" button in front of him.

"As long as I'm here, that kind of thing will never happen!"

As long as he is here, Qiu Usagi, Masaki, Kanae and everyone else will definitely be fine!

The Transparent Sword Heart, Enlightenment Pattern, and Wishes Come Lucky A in the talent bar suddenly lit up, and as another brilliant golden color swirled around, they turned into lines and merged into the eyes.

The familiar dazzling light of the knife aroused a burst of red, splitting the entire scene and cutting open the gap between the worlds.

The dazzling neon of "I Love World" slowly extinguished, and the distinct lights and shadows on the wall slowly disappeared and merged into one.

From autumn to winter, the weather changes drastically!

The unfinished agreement reopens the curtain of action, and the unfinished journey reopens the picture of progress.

With Mingfei's determination to gain stronger strength, and the determination to protect everything!

[Load the archive, CG: ‘I want you to be the one to end everything’, open. 】


A crow pierced the sky, leading to pieces of black shadow.

The cold wind was still howling, lingering at the foot of the mountain, stirring up a vast white mist of snow.

The cold embraces the flowing water, so deep or shallow stream stones are embedded in the water one after another.

The white snow is falling, and the red pavilion made of unknown wood actually exudes a woody fragrance in winter.

The fragrance of ink and tea permeates the air, filled with truth.

The crowd of three or two hugged and warmed the place.


Hinai and Rika, two white-haired little girls, were walking unsteadily, and suddenly they lay down as if they were afraid of falling, and returned to crawling on all fours.

They rubbed against each other bit by bit, scattering the white snow at the foot of the pavilion and flying away the gray and yellow books.

"Zhuang Zhou dreamed of butterflies, and butterflies dreamed of Zhuang Zhou."

"Hinai! Rika!"

Seeing the two little ones crawling towards the two playing chess, Uyashiki Amane couldn't help but stretch out her hand and make a sound.

"It's okay, Amane." Uyashiki Yoya shook his head and let Rika crawl around in his arms.



The stone ball crushed the porcelain plate and spun wildly on Shi Zhifei's head.

With a look of helplessness on his face, he allowed the little dumpling Chuyi to crawl around on him like a kitten.

So, are children so clingy?

"Hinai seems to like you very much, Akihiro." Yoya Shiki picked up Rika and gently scratched her little nose. The itching caused her to giggle.

"Although I think this kind of liking is troublesome sometimes." Shi Zhifei picked up the back collar of Chuyi and looked at the girl helplessly.

During the stone ball trial in the past, these two little dumplings always crawled on him, but they caused him a lot of trouble.

Uh-huh--! ! !

Hinai hung in the air glumly, waving her short limbs constantly, twisting and swaying in front of Shi Zhifei.

"Looking at it this way," Shi Zhifei even had time to take out a hand to rub his chin, showing a smirk, "it always feels like carrying a little mouse."


Shi Zhifei suddenly approached Chu Yi with a mouth full of blood. When the little girl saw this scene, she was suddenly stunned.

Just when Tongli Fei was feeling proud that he finally had a way to cure this little girl, Chuyi's operation brought him physical soreness.

The little girl pouted angrily, suddenly stretched out her hands, and thrust them into Shi Zhifei's eyes.

"Uh--!" Shi Tingshi was so careless that he never thought that the person in front of him would attack him secretly. He closed his sore eyes and retreated quickly.

But the stone ball above his head is still very stable.

"Your cleverness and mischievousness are even better than those of the tolerant sister."

Shi Tingfei rubbed his eyes and complained involuntarily,

"It's all of no use to the right path."

The butterfly ninja stood behind Ubuya Shiki Amane, smiling and saying nothing, but his clenched fists and the popping veins on his forehead exposed everything.

This bastard!

I don’t know what’s going on, but since I’m not in a hurry to take the assessment to join the team, it’s like letting go of myself.

I don’t know what awakened me, but that mouth is really getting easier and easier to say words that make people want to tear it apart.

"Well," Butterfly Nin looked at the relaxed-looking Shi Zhifei not far away and murmured,

"Even if you do this, it's not that annoying."

The fool before had stretched himself too tight after all.

Fifth update.

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