Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 124 Mingfei is unhappy and wants to overturn the chessboard!

"Naughtiness is only temporary. Hinayi and Rika will grow up one day." Ubuyashiki Yoshiya chuckled and shook his head.

"Perhaps, when you see their gentle and dignified ladylike appearance, you won't be able to stand it."

"lets change a topic."

Yuya Shiki Yaoya took his second daughter into his arms with one arm and nodded.


"I saw you were distracted just now. Did you suddenly think of something?"

"That's not true. I just suddenly felt a little panicked, as if I had had a long, long dream."

Tokikoro put Hina's clothes aside, but he didn't know that the eldest daughter of the Ubuyashiki family was stubborn and kept crawling towards him.

Out of helplessness, Shi Guangfei took out his left hand and pressed it slightly against Chu Yi's forehead. The child fell to the ground on all fours and fluttered back and forth, as if playing a wrestling game.

Draw, click!

Sometimes I think about it without thinking about myself,

"That's what I just said."

Ubuya Shiki Yaoya touched Rixiang's little head, his eyes filled with hope, his heart rang in his ears,

"Quiet, arousing ambition, madness, courage, and a calm heart."

"It seems that in addition to the breathing method, you have gained something more important this year."

"Well, indeed, in a sense, those things are the more lasting power." Shi Chuangfei played with the chess pieces, but his expression was a little strange when he replied.

"What's wrong? Akihiro?" Ubuyashiki Yaoya noticed the abnormality of Tokihiro Fei and threw the chess piece into the chess box.

"Actually, it's not just those gains, I won't say much else."

"You might as well talk about it, after all, it's like swallowing it suddenly," Uyashiki Yoshiya shook his head.

"It's quite appetizing."

"Actually, just talking about those favorable sentiments is enough to make people blush, and then there are also some more negative ones,"

Shi Zhifei scratched his cheek, and finally decided to say something happy.

"There's nothing else that's a big deal."

"I just discovered some of my own shortcomings."

Shi Zhifei's left hand still pressed against the little girl's head, but his right hand touched his lips involuntarily. In the trial of the wind, the girl used to press his forehead against him to prevent him from speaking. Now that he thinks about it, it can drive away the cold warmth. hot,

"Even though I don't have any abilities, I haven't done anything earth-shattering."

Ignoring the increasingly weird look in Yanzhu Mingyu's eyes next to him, Shi Tingfei continued,

"But according to Sister Kanae, I seem to be quite arrogant."

He actually wants to take everything on his own without allowing others to make their own choices.

It's like preventing Sister Kanae from taking the exam, like hiding the path that is suitable for Butterfly Ninja that she has long discovered.

Now that I think about it, it's quite arrogant.

"And he always likes to meddle in other people's business. For example, Teacher Kuwashima has a new disciple named Zuma Zenitsu, and I can't help but want to meddle in his affairs."

There is nothing he can do, who asked him to call him senior brother.

"Oh, by the way, since I stopped being nervous about joining the team for the assessment, I found that my body and mind have relaxed, and I have an extra characteristic of being out of control and always wanting to say a few more incomprehensible things."

"Of course, there are also minor shortcomings, such as easily dozing off while reading, etc. I won't go into details one by one."

"In general, it's nothing." Shi Shengfei shrugged, and with a slight exertion, he pushed Chuyi's little white hair onto his back, showing an angry expression.

"is that so?"

Ubuyashiki Yōya murmured softly, with some emotion in his heart.

Yes, sentimental.

He was already surprised that he could learn the five sword moves of breathing techniques.

And those personal insights shocked him.

By now, Shi Zhizhi's understanding of the flaws has even reached the point of detailing his personality, habits, etc., and he has begun to explore the flaws in himself like peeling off cocoons.

This is where Uyashiki Yōya laments.

Because it is different from others who find flaws and screen out the dregs without repenting. Sometimes it is clear that the pores in one's body are really removed one by one, so that one can become the most beautiful.


Ubuyashiki smiled bitterly and shook his head.

I just don’t know when the great genius in front of me will realize that he is not ordinary, so that he can fill the biggest hole.

Although you are clearly capable of shining brightly on the stage, why do you have such low self-esteem that you call yourself a mere mortal?

Is it necessary to be so lacking in self-confidence?

Without realizing what the other party was thinking, Shi Zhifei took off the stone ball and porcelain plate and placed them next to the girl who was hugging her chest and turning her head to ignore him.

In just an instant, the girl's attention was attracted by the stone ball. She no longer felt angry, nor was she interested in being transparent, but she started playing with the stone ball seriously.

Ubuya Shiki Amane, Mingyu Island, and Butterfly Ninja noticed the abnormality of Tokoyoshi Shiki's sudden and voluntary termination of the trial, and couldn't help but cast their gazes.

"There's no need to go through this boring trial anymore. Now, as long as I think about it, no matter how much the stone ball spins, it won't fall down."


Tokikoro suddenly raised his head, looked at Uyashiki Yoshiya's face, and took a deep breath.

"Brother Yaozai, you have asked me so many questions and listened to so many things. Now, I want to ask you one more question."

"Did you arrange all my training this year?"

Ubuyashiki Yōya was slightly stunned, not knowing what this meant, so he threw the question away, "What kind of answer do you want, Mingfei?"

"If it was really Brother Yaozai who arranged this deliberately," Shi Guangfei pursed his lips, held the back of his head, and muttered,

"That's what makes you unhappy! Very, very unhappy!"

"Although I learned a lot of sword moves, I also gained a lot of insights."

"But if it's Brother Yaoya who arranges it, I'll always feel like someone is taking the taste of the food out of my mouth."

"This feeling of being able to arrange and manipulate my life, I find it inexplicably disgusting!"

"There is a feeling that if you don't lift the chessboard, you won't be happy."

Shi Zhifei knocked on the chess table, lifted the stone platform, and said so.

Ubuyashiki was stunned for a long time, but suddenly smiled,

"Ha ha ha ha,"

"I didn't expect you, Mingfei, to have a childish side."


He coughed a few times and his face turned red from holding it in.

"But this is the right thing. After all, you are not 12 years old yet. It is normal to have some tempers."

"Brother Yaoya! Why are you like this all of a sudden!" Tokikoro Fei's reaction to Uyashiki Yaoya was unexpected.

What a serious question he asked!

Shouldn't we explain it quickly?

What does it mean to laugh?

"I have no intention of controlling your life,"

Ubuyashiki Yaoya calmed down and gently stretched out a finger,

"If you have to define it, this year's trial should be regarded as a gift I give you on behalf of the Demon Slayer Corps. It just requires you to spend some time and energy to open it yourself."

"The five major breathing techniques of the Demon Slayer Corps and the wisdom condensed over thousands of years behind the trials can be said to be the foundation of the Demon Slayer Corps."

"In the final analysis, how much you can learn and realize, doesn't it all depend on you?"

One update,

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