Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 218 Long-distance revenge!

Lu Mingfei felt speechless from the bottom of his heart when faced with the changing favorability of the innocent high school boys because of such a trivial matter.

After leaving the transparent world to rest for a moment, he lowered his eyes and looked at Su Xiaoqiang, and couldn't help but be startled.

The slightly knotted hair reveals its hidden fragrance, which is refreshing. The delicate cheeks, moistened by the rain, looked even more breakable and inviting. The crystal moist lips shimmered and fragile under the light, igniting the world's desire to cover them.

Not to mention that the upper and lower clothes soaked in coldness outline the curves of the body that have been dancing all year round into an astonishing beauty painting.

Just the pair of watery eyes that looked like a rabbit, hiding two contradictory wills of panic and stubbornness, were enough to focus everyone's attention on one spot.

Apart from surveillance, Lu Mingfei always felt that there were still many malicious eyes staring at him.

The commotion has been going on for a long time, and the culprit is hiding here!

"Su Xiaoqiang, why do you think you are so good-looking?" Lu Mingfei couldn't help but sigh.

Hearing this teasing remark, the girl couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

Su Xiaoqiang doesn't have the pretentiousness of ordinary girls to face the direct attack.

But not long ago, the guy who was admiring artistic girls for no reason suddenly directly admitted his charm, which also made her feel a little elated.

Just when he was about to reply, "That's right, the prodigal son never comes back with gold, and it's not too late for you to find out.", "I like to hear this, if it sounds good, please say more," but Lu Mingfei's next sentence blocked him directly. On her mouth, her heart.

"If she was kidnapped," Lu Mingfei couldn't help but shudder when he thought of the scene in the TV series where the kidnapper treated the beautiful girl. "The end will probably not be good."

"What if I'm unlucky enough to meet a pervert or something."

Upon hearing this, Su Xiaoqiang's face froze, and the joy that had not yet been ignited instantly turned into ashes, and her whole heart was sinking into a quagmire of darkness little by little.

She subconsciously hugged her petite body, and when she looked around vigilantly, she also noticed the seemingly hidden glances of many men, and a formula flashed in her mind.

Good-looking girl + kidnapped + perverted = a situation that is too dark to be dark, and an ending that is too desperate to face head-on.

Only a devil wants it!

With such a roar in her heart, Su Xiaoqiang suddenly felt that the sights coming from everywhere no longer brought the usual satisfaction of convincing others, but disgusting nausea!

She turned to look at Lu Mingfei, but was disappointed to find that he was not wearing a coat at all, so she had to quickly take off the shawl and wrap it around her front.

After thinking for a while, Su Xiaoqiang put on her shawl again to cover her back, and hid herself behind Lu Mingfei.

"Lu Lu Mingfei." Su Xiaoqiang grinned a very ugly smile, "Don't worry about it and tell me what to do next."

"Go upstairs," Lu Mingfei gently pulled the clothes stuck to the surface of his body and suggested softly, "In our current situation, it's best to change clothes first, otherwise we will catch a cold sooner or later."

"No, no!" Su Xiaoqiang dragged Lu Mingfei in circles, staring at everyone passing by with vigilance.

Are there any pitfalls you need to pay attention to?

Lu Mingfei looked at Su Xiaoqiang's bunny look and suddenly had an irritating idea.

"Look at how nervous you are," he looked around and noticed a monitoring device. He couldn't help but raise his volume and said narrowly,

"How is it possible that there are so many traps? If I am teasing you, do you really take it seriously?"

"If there really was such a thing, how could we still be fine now? Don't let me be fooled!"

"If you think about it carefully," Lu Mingfei sighed and clicked his tongue, shaking his head in disdain. "If a person stays up in the middle of the night just to sneak into the mall and set some stupid traps, how stupid can he be?"

But in fact, Lu Mingfei didn't think so in his heart.

He even marveled at the symbolic knowledge behind the other party's mechanism.

Needless to say, the power of chemistry, mechanics, machinery, and knowledge that has been honed for many years is used in evil ways, not to mention that the other party has experience that can only be accumulated through practice.

The bottles hidden on the ceiling of the main road, the heavy oil drums set up on the side roads, and just two traps turned the first floor of the commercial building into a near-certain death situation. It was considered a feat.

Lu Mingfei dared to vouch for it. No matter how experienced the detective was, he would definitely not be able to notice anything strange from the surface. Whether you can do better than him depends on whether the old detective's sixth sense is reliable.

If Lu Mingfei hadn't had the inhuman ability to see through the world and upgraded to the full version in the early hours of the morning, he would have suffered a lot.

The only shortcoming of the opponent is that he is a little arrogant and somewhat ill-considered.

If it were him, he would definitely set up another trap at the entrance of the department store, so that even if the King of Heaven comes, he can only hide in the corner!

Although he did admire his opponent a little bit in his heart, in reality Lu Mingfei still pouted with disdain, "If he really did that, I would doubt his poor IQ. We are at the bottom of the class."

"Is that so?" Su Xiaoqiang muttered in confusion. From now on, she can't tell which of Lu Mingfei's words is true and which is false.

Su Xiaoqiang looked at Lu Mingfei strangely, and her words were full of questions, "So, Lu Mingfei, you just said so much and went so far, just to tease me?"

"How can it be that simple!"

Lu Mingfei waved his hand decisively, and with Su Xiaoqiang's hopeful expression, he pointed solemnly at the glossy corner of his mouth, "The most important purpose is actually to give you another meal."

Su Xiaoqiang's face was stiff:..., what kind of virtue!

The peaked cap clenched his fists: What the hell! ?

His principle of survival is to see the way forward and achieve it by any means necessary and without any trouble!

His principle of killing is to use the most exquisite work of art to end the lives of others. Even the dead must admire his meticulousness!

But those precious traps that he spent a whole night carefully setting up were actually called idiot traps by a young kid!

Moreover, that foodie who didn't graduate from high school actually had the nerve to call him, a graduate student in the Department of Chemical Engineering, stupid? ? ?

From a young age, I have been applying for college, and the universities where I study at the postgraduate level are among the best in the world! Even his mentor may be nominated for a Nobel Prize in his lifetime!

The high intelligence that plays a role behind this is one of the few things he can be proud of!

Just a few of Lu Mingfei's mean words, but they accurately guessed most of his key points!

"Okay! That's great! Your name is Lu Mingfei, right? Boy, I remember you!" He gritted his teeth and stared at the disdainful Lu Mingfei in the surveillance camera. He felt like this person was standing in front of his nose. Feeling sarcastic.

"You'd better be lucky that you die in the elevator soon, so you don't have the chance to compete with me face to face!"

"Otherwise I will let you know that all those years of black boxing that I did for excitement were not in vain!"

The peaked hat watched the two of them getting closer and closer to the elevator, and he clenched the remote control of the cable in a vented manner, "If it's just a concussion and internal bleeding, it will be considered an advantage for you!"

Su Xiaoqiang was behind and Lu Mingfei was in front, pressing the elevator button.

The peaked cap grinned, gritted his teeth, rubbed the button excitedly, and squinted his eyes to confirm.

The emergency braking device was destroyed yesterday, and the steel cable was cut in half. The power of the mini bomb set was just right, and the mechanism was perfect!

The elevator swayed downwards, with various characters entering and exiting one floor after another, laughing and laughing, unaware of the impending crisis.

So, which layer is better to explode from?

The peaked cap licked his lips,

Looking at the situation, there will be many people entering the elevator. Even the only way to spread the impact force is to lie down and there is no space left!

Needless to say about the sixth and seventh floors, according to his past experience, an acceleration of 20m/second is enough to make everyone think of death!

If it was on the fourth or fifth floor, he remembered an operation. There seemed to be 20 people in the elevator. What was the result?

The peaked cap picked his ears, frowned and muttered to himself,

"It seems that three people died, four were seriously injured, and thirteen were slightly injured?"

"In order to ensure the highest level of security, should the girl be bombed on the second or third floor?"

He squinted his eyes slightly and watched the gate of hell falling on the surveillance screen.

Staring at Lu Mingfei's leisurely face, thinking about another task he took over from another big business today, the peaked hat suddenly snorted coldly,

"What is a mere 18 million task? What's the difference between insulting the institution I worked so hard to build and plagiarizing my graduate thesis that I prepared for three or four years?"

"It's not a pity to all die!"

Looking down at Lu Mingfei's steps, a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Lu Mingfei, goodbye!"


At the moment when Lu Mingfei landed on the intersection of life and death, he suddenly stopped.

His ears twitched slightly, Lu Mingfei turned around and took Su Xiaoqiang to squeeze out of the crowd.

"Lu Mingfei?" Su Xiaoqiang was a little confused, then suddenly looked at the elevator with a look of fear on her face, "Is the elevator dangerous?"

"No, if it's really dangerous, how did you tell?"

She suddenly broke away from Lu Mingfei's hand and kept shaking her head, "No! That's not important! Lu Mingfei, if there is really a problem with the elevator, we have to remind those people just now."

"If nothing else, I just saw a child and a pregnant woman going up! We can't leave them alone!"

"No? What are you talking about, Su Xiaoqiang?" Lu Mingfei's acting skills were extraordinary. He held two bottles of warm Nutritional Express and raised his head to signal to the clerk,

"I'm just thirsty suddenly. Stop hanging around and pay the bill quickly."

"What? Are you thirsty?" Su Xiaoqiang pointed at herself and the clerk blankly, "Shall I pay the bill?"

"Nonsense! Did you tell me that I didn't bring any money?" Lu Mingfei put the strawberry-flavored bottle against Su Xiaoqiang's cheek, "Do you want me to pay?"

"Ten dollars, hurry up. But don't worry, I got you a bottle too, strawberry flavor, you're welcome."

Lu Mingfei muttered shamelessly,

"But what you said makes some sense. For safety's sake, let's take the escalator later."

While arrogantly ordering Su Xiaoqiang to pay the bill, Lu Mingfei did not forget to knock on the monitoring device on the counter!

Damn it! The elevator was tampered with!

If he hadn't noticed something was wrong with the sound, he would have taken Su Xiaoqiang up.

I can't bear this hatred! You must report it on the spot!


The violent sound went from the ears to the brain, it was so painful!

"Hey! You!" The peaked cap pulled off the earphones with a twisted look on his face and cursed, "Good boy, you are really good!"

"You are the first to make me so embarrassed without even meeting me in all these years!"

Favorability: -15!



"This guy is really good," someone near Lu Mingfei said with envy, "With such a beautiful girlfriend, he doesn't know how to cherish it at all. Leave it to me, not to mention the drink money, the rent money is all on me. , I have no complaints at all.”

"Who can't come up with ten yuan? I think he's just picking. What the hell!?"

"Hey, look away, flowers have been stuck on cow dung since ancient times." A fat man with glasses grinned, "If you think about it differently, if we can't win over that girl, it proves that we are not cow dung, right?"

"Haha, buddy, you are so optimistic." The black guy with a flat head spoke in Northeastern dialect and retorted with his mouth flat and his words were frivolous, "But, is there such a possibility?"

"You are worse than cow dung???"

Fat-eyed man: "., are you so cruel that you even scold yourself?"

"Hey, hey, don't talk nonsense," the black guy with a crew cut said sincerely, "We have a girlfriend, she's not much worse than that girl."

It seems that the unlucky guy behind the scenes is really not around here.

Lu Mingfei nodded secretly,

He couldn't believe that he was provocative to this extent, and the favorability of the mastermind behind the scenes was not as good as that of a few jealous young men.

"Thank you for your business. Here's the change." The clerk kept smiling and handed the ninety to Su Xiaoqiang.

Unexpectedly, Su Xiaoqiang, with a dark face, grabbed the Nutritional Express and stuffed it into Lu Mingfei's pocket.

"If this happens again, do it yourself!"

"Really! I know very well that you are my bodyguard!" She angrily pinched Lu Mingfei's ribs, gritted her teeth and growled,

"You don't know, you thought I, Su Xiaoqiang, was your maid?"


2, -3, -4, -1,.

"Copy that, my boss Su, let's go upstairs quickly." Lu Mingfei said with a straight face, "If it's too late, it will be bad for you if you get cold."

"You're not serious!" Su Xiaoqiang, who was full of temptation, glanced at Lu Mingfei, unintentionally stirring the hearts of the audience.

"Good guy, this look is really exciting!" With his heart beating wildly, the boy with a crew cut and black hair muttered absentmindedly, "I don't know if my girlfriend can do it?"

Su Xiaoqiang was about to open the lid, but she paused, a little surprised.


"That's right," Lu Mingfei wiped the white stain from the corner of his mouth, his face full of pride, "I still have this bit of vision."


3, -4, -5, -2,.

Lu Mingfei didn't care about the situation of these people. Instead, he secretly glanced at the smiling and waving clerk, thinking that this person was more than just his appearance.

Among all the people nearby, this guy lost the most favorability points.

But on the surface, he is still the most harmless one.

Working as a worker is so hard! You have to hold back any bad mood.

Lu Mingfei stepped onto the elevator first and murmured with emotion,

If possible, he, Lu Mingfei, would never be a laborer in his life.

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